Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sunday in August

I woke at 5 am to the rain. The weather report had storms forewarned but instead it was just showers.  I went back to bed and woke again in time for coffee and preparing for church
Madigan loved seeing Fritz, the priest’s dog. It was nice to see everyone. I’d been away awhile telling everyone I’m a winter Christian and summer pagan.  Camping takes precedent in summer. It was good to connect.  Madigan was relatively okay only needing to be taken out once when he began to growl , tail wagging, in prayers. He just wants attention.  I enjoyed the sermon,  Rev Emily discussed the ‘cannibalism’ aspects of St. John and showed the metaphoric neature of his speech by quoting the beginning of this mystical treatise, The Word became Flesh.  The word is variously understood as spirit, god, and ingesting the ‘information’ might be the explanation in the DNA of today’s understanding .  I liked the way she put it, not turning to the modern but just saying that it would have been understood in the day as such.  I found myself thinking a materialist aetheist would think Jesus meant eat him literally.  The killing of babies and eating of warriors hearts certainly was popular with the pagans.  It’s called the Godpel and it’s the Good news.  Jesus went vonluntartily to fulfill the Lord’s will.  
After I came home. Dave dropped by. I told him I’d had trouble with the tripod and he kindly put it together for me.  
I’ve booked Laura and I in for Bow Hunting in Princeton next long weekend.  
Yesterday was a great day with a walk to Burnaby Lake. On the way I took an excellent video of a Blue Heron lifting off and flying away.  It was an hour and a half walk. I’ve down loaded a walking app with the plan to lose weight in the next few months while getting in shape for hunting 
After that I rode the Harley with Madigan on the back to Davie Street. Laura joined us at the Italian restaurant. It was a great visit. Madigan was ecstatic seeing his mommy and sad when we had to part
Last night I watched Union with Mark Walberg and Halle Berry.  Loved the action.  I’ve been watching old NCIS and finding them comforting too. There’s law and order. The world gone ‘woke’ with PLO Hamas terrorist support disrupting the pride parade even, a million immigrants and massive mismanagement of the economy and rising costs. I’m managing and am hopeful but it’s work to stay positive.  
There’s drama in the clinic and drama in the university and I wonder what God wants of me. I just get up each day and pray and am grateful. I’m realizing I’m old and still wondering what to do when I grow up.
Thankful Laura is supportive and kind.
Madigan is such a source of entertainment, nuisance and distraction.  I really am blessed though today feel low with the rain again and the challenge of continuing to work.  

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