Friday, July 19, 2024

Starbucks - Burnaby Heights

I woke up at 6:30 as I commonly do. But today I only made it to the living room couch where I slept for another couple of hours before waking rested. It’s surprising at times how rest can be so reinvigorating.  It’s like that more.  I think it may be aging but after a week of threat and work and continued demands for perfection I really did need more sleep.  It may have been the stress of last weeks conference with plane flights.  I find change and disruption of my schedule trying. Mostly though I struggle with criticism and incompetence.  I’m in the 21st century but the leadership is stuck in the 19th century.
Trump being shot was extraordinary.  I wonder how I’d feel if there was a failed assasination attempt on Xi Jing Ping.  There were failed attempts on Lenin but the world didn’t know Trudeau has introduced Communist chinese style censorship so I feel more and more I live in a propaganda world.  News is manufactured.  Maybe the Trump shooting was AI. I’m I’d read a book about a president sniffing little girls and stumbling about mixing up the names of world leaders I’d find it hard to believe.  Yet there’s Biden and his cocaine and sex addicted son running the world.  I keep hoping that Trudeau has adult supervision.  I miss the Harper’s and Martin’s of days gone by or the Bush senior or even Clinton.  
I liked seeing DEI described as Didn’t Earn It after the failure of the Secret Service whose hiring is constrained by cultural Marxism.
I’m reading the brilliant Leon Uris Armageddon.  His Exodus read decades ago was unforgettable. Now I am learning the details of the Berlin airlift and wall. I just read the history of the Black Watch in WWii and the Canadian soldiers defence of Korea against the communist chinese invasion.  The communist chinese invaded India only a couple of years back but there’s little on the media even as more and more of the Liberal are exposed as traitors working for the communist chinese.  It’s tragically as if the next generation doesn’t know communist tactics or how many Canadians have died for a freedom that is now daily under attack.  
There’s a shortage of doctors and communists engineer shortages to centralize control.  The mismanagement of medical resources and scapegoating of individual doctors to cover up the systemic flaws of political appointments of incompetent management is at least in the news. I feel more jaded and fearful.  It’s like the average Canadian doesn’t know that Communism is the religion of aetheism and aetheism have killed hundreds of millions of innoscent civilians in the 20th century.  They don’t even hear about the millions of Cambiands murdered by communists of the genocide of armeninians by the millions by the Muslims. 
The saying goes that if you forget history you’re doomed to repeat it but I feel like I’m aware of history but am forced to watch the evil Trudeaus of the world all over again.  At least the VP Vance has come out and said communist china is the greatest threat to the world today. Meanwhile the latest world renown geographer has countered Trudeau’s lies by saying climate change will be a serious concern in a thousand years.  Trudeau is shitting himself and telling everyone that they must buy immodium because he has stock in the company
I loved learning the new prayer from Cheryl, the spiritual speaker at IDAA, “Thank you God for what I had. Thank you God for what I lost.  Thank you God for what I have left.”
I’m really blessed andd have lungs breathing this clean air a heart pumping blood through my body, a brain that’s managing the functions of my individuals life with out any serious need for micromanagement,  The system is working pretty well though I need to eat less and exercise more.  The tremor in my left hand comes and goes along with the [ain in my back but that’s all just because I spend evenings mostly on the couch watching Netflix.,  I’m watching the Boys now and Vera on Britbox. I’ve Prime, Britbox and Netflix.  I’m enjoying audiobooks and have completed a half dozen in the last couple of months.  The history of mammas.  Prehistory x 2.  History of geography.  History of Sex..History of Transexuallism x 2.  Right now I’m reading the history of prostitution.  I’ve a history of modern art I’ll begin next.  I have been watching more documentaries though enjoyed the Dexter series , a vigilante serial murdered.  
I took 27 year sobriety
I’m still working 4 days a week mostly virtual.
I’ve a wonderful little dog who gives me so much entertainment.  He’s been playing community sherif.  Here sitting beside me at Starbucks he barked when another dog walked by like the other dog needed his permission to pass. What a character. “No barking’. I said knowing he’s much brighter than we give him credit and that he wants me to walk more so he can get to the serious business of marking trees.
I’d just come from Hearing Life,  My right hearing aid had plugged up and she got it working and gave me more cleaning supplies and new domes.  I’m really dependent on hearing aids now. I couldn’t have got much out of the conference were it now for the hearing aids. Even then back ground noise in the rooms sometimes made it difficult to understand others in a circle.  Accents and soft speakers are a challenge.  I’m thankful for the Oticon and the ability to adjust volume on my iPhone.  
I’ve already picked up my mail , Clorox supplies, as well as lab results. I left Madigan in the car with sky roof open windows down and a bowl of water It’s as hot here these days as it was in Saipan.  Thank God for the Air conditioning I have in my home. I’m using an air cooling system in my office that heats up through the day but a window air conditioner makes too much noise.  This system is working but i have to have the door open to the living room and the living room air conditioner on,
Thank you God for my home and running water and outdoor plumbing and electricity and Apple computers and iPhones. Thank you God for the sunshine andd law and order.
It’s lovely here sitting outside Starbucks seeing the beautiful girls go by in summmer frocks and loose tshirt and short short.  
Laura is getting her nails done today.  We miss her. She smells nice :). 
Thank you God for AA and church. I must make an effort to get to church this Sunday. I’ve an online AA meeting in an hour and have to pick up my laundry before then. Tim to go.  

It’s a good day.  Life is good now. God is good all the time.  


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