Sunday, December 6, 2020

Sunday, Dec. 6, 2020, Covid, Lockdowns, Lies and Fear

Lockdowns’ don’t work. They kill more people than Covid.  The present Covid test has too many false positives. Mass testing when we know that for every case there are a thousand others not tested is fear mongering.  The lies and disinformation and misinformation from WHO and public health persist. Antibody testing should be widespread but is only happening now. Stories that an immune response isn’t as good as a vaccine are marketing.  T Cells and statistics seem beyond the grasp of journalists. Statistics continue for ulterior motives to be presented without appropriate comparison. Government mismanagement is widespread.  One trick ponies abound. The computer projections from the UN WHO are as false for Covid as from the UN IPCC for weather change.  Everyone is fear mongering. Mass hysteria the likes not seen since Goebels
Meanwhile my puppy slept through the night, until 4 am under the corner of my bed. I was able to sleep in my bed for the first time in days. We’ve slep on the couch and he’s slept at the bottom of the couch. When he cries I let him up and he goes to the pee pad. 
The liberal government has stated that it is now going after our savings.  All those who worked and were good citizens are to be punished soundly by the Trudeau crime family.  The most unethical leader in history. I’m tired of working some days but more doctors are returning to work unable to afford retirement. The cost of living with theiving government taxes and mismanagement is disabling. I don’t know how I’d fare without an income. 10 per cent of Canadians are unemployed.  I’d manage but I was thinking of a holiday though not in Covid. I’ve been planning for years to do a 3 months trip with camper and motorcycle across Canada or down through the southern states. The price of gas due to taxation and government mismanagement of resources keeps rising. I wanted to sit in a cafe in Southern Ireland and write the great Canadian novel or visit family in Aberdeen. But the cost of meat has tripled with the Liberal governments creating self serving slush funds around the world for their own futures. Buying liberties.  Looking for places where Canada doesn’t have extradition treaties. Stealing, stealing, stealing.
Meanwhile I’m really happy the puppy didn’t pee or poop in the bed room last night .He pooped under my desk again,. I’ve taken the carpet out and washed it and put a prepad there. I thought to try kenneling but last night when I tried to let him out at 4 am he peed while waiting for me to get bundled for the rain. There I was in house gown and slippers watching him enjoying a little night life. He has not yet got the idea that when I take him out he’s to reward me with outdoor poop and pee. In fact he prefers to poop and pee in the comfort of home on the pee pads I provide. Smart dog. I can’t blame him. I love my indoor plumbing.  I love pooping on a throne.  Peeing. I like to mark my territory out camping. I could just as easily pee at the 4 corners in the city but I expect there might be some concern.  I don’t need the toilet for that  number. Girls like sitting and contemplating piddling but its pooping that I love my toilet for.  Now the dog wants to be with me when I’m having that special enjoyable private time. I look down and there’s his tail under the door. He sleeps outside my bathroom door when I shower.
I don’t like the government callously creating a psychiatric epidemic with irresponsible lock downs. I appreciate the limitations on raves but there was Trudeau forever memorable in the midst of riots thumbing his nose at law and order, the greatest hypocrite. Meanwhile the democrat leaders at the forefront of lockdowns are constantly not following their own orders. Democrats going on fishing trips in Mexico, California democrats having large Thanksgiving dinners in restaurants.  Constantly lying. Shameless and totally destructive like the Soros BLM and Antifida brown shirts.
Meanwhile I’ve done the laundry, cleaned up a lot put a whole whack of summer clothes in clear plastic bags and hung a whole bunch of clothing that was spilling onto the bedroom floor. I don’t want the puppy to pee on it. So I found my floor in one corner where a pile of socks had formed the base of the clothing mound. I had planned to sort the socks a month or so ago. Now they are in a clear bag mismatched.  If I need socks I can find them in the bag.  I roasted Ethiopian coffee.  They’ve fought off another communist take over.  Tibet has yet to overthrow the enslavement and genocide that continues there at the hands of the Communist Chinese thugs.  Islam and Communist both claim to favour peace but only when everyone is under their control. Canada continues to have the world’s buffoon bolstered by the votes of girls and people who hate Canada.
So many people don’t know what it is to be free they have come to Canada and demand their shackles.  Of course Trudeau of the pretty socks and little brain, walking puppet with ear fob control, celebrates the dictorships.  Canada has become a ‘gentile dictatorship.
I’m afraid of government more than Covid.  I’m afraid of bullies and aging. I don’t feel safe anymore.  I see the abuse of the elderly in nursing homes. So many old people in the food lines and stories of the old homeless or sleeping in vehicles.  I meet the new hobo when I walk the dog. People who once worked paid taxes and served Canada are like the Vets cast aside by the Trudeau elite.  
My puppy had torn up toilet paper , keeps finding things of mischief, prefers to chew anything but the toys I get him.  I’ve read a lot. Watched Netflix.  Walked the dog.  Got my mail. Made meals.  I dropped off a gun I’d kept for a friend who waited a long time for their PAL. Now that family is hunting together. I love the stories and it reminds me of hunting and fishing in the north with my family. These immigrant urban dwellers who grew up in parking lots and continue to live in parking lots hate people like me . I’m Canadian. I’m the real thing. I’m generations of ranchers, loggers, aboriginals and scientists but I love freedom and people who have never known freedom don’t care to see it gone.  I’m weary watching the gold stolen by the new dictator and the debts to the future stealing our independences all because girls like pretty boys and someone didn’t teach kids history.  Why isn’t Gulag Archepelago essential reading.  Why instead are all these history fashions perpetrated. 
Where are the studies of statistics. I did a year of the most painful educations ever and see the evidence of deceit in the constant ignorance promoted in the Canadian media today.
Freedom of press. Freedom of speech. Freedom of association.  All gone.
My puppy is tearing up his bed.  It’s pretty well made.  I just stopped him dragging the vacuum cleaner hose.
Trudeau lowered the age of sex with animals and wants to lower the voting age to teenagers.  
I’m just surfing. It’s a good day.  God is good all the time.  I’m feeling in limbo. Like a day at sea without wind.  Marking time. On the bench. WAiting for god to use me.  Anxiety is a measure of one’s distance from God. I must let go and let God.  This too will pass.  I’m enjoying Phillips series Man in the High Castle.  A modern look at the totalitarian that exists in Communist China and is infiltrating Canada.  I”m thankful for the pictures of puppies and birds that friends post.  I’m amazed at the beautiful women taking the time to do selfies and brightening the world. I love this one mother who wears her daughters clothes .I laught because I have trouble fitting my own clothes.  I enjoyed White Spot fish and chips picking it up on way back from the post office. I love that Madigan likes fish.  He shared my tuna sandwich too.  
The puppy will be older in a year.  He’s taken to humping too.  Aim called Gilbert the humper. She has her own hairless boy baby and I expect she’ll realize it’s what we like to do. Girls rub themselves too but don’t hump. I love the FB meme with the little boy saying his family was so poor that if he wasn’t a boy he’d have had nothing to play with.
I’m entertained watching Madigan. I do step carefully about the place. I have a urine deodorizer and cleaner at both ends of the place and another 100 pee pads arrived.  Gilbert learned quickly because he had his own yard and soon went outside.  This guy has finally learned to go down the stairs but not come back up. I have him leashed all the time.  There’s no yard.  
I’m going to have another coffee and go back to reading. I can’t stand the news in Canada. The lies are too much.  
Thank you Jesus for this life and day.  Thank you for friends and family.  My nephew arrived home so I look forward to hearing he and his partner had a good flight and are  safe.  Hallelujah. Thank you Jesus.  Thank you God. I’m hoping to make a meeting today.  I don’t know what else to do.Waiting for the rain to stop to take this busy little guy for a walk.  Help me Lord to resist the fear. 

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