Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Dec. 9, 2020 Wednesday Journal, Hallelujah

I don’t know what to believe . The information and disinformation has reached an all time high. The government, especially the burearcratic elements have become highly suspect. The UN Agenda 21 appealed directly to the senior un elected individuals , promising a socialist communist utopian world. The European Economic Union with it’s outrageous expense and layers upon layers of administration and corruption only possible with big government and little oversight is the flag ship.  USSR has fallen and Communist China has only maintained it’s place with an internal police force and surveillance the likes of what the Stazi only dreamed of.  Now Davos 2030 has become the wet dream of power hungry billionaires and pompous little dictator wannabe’s.  
Trudeau our terribly deficient, immoral and unethical PM, a pawn to who knows what foreign forces and what corporate interests , begs Canadians to join the GREAT RESET.  His father served only himself and the city states of Montreal Toronto, an urban machismo whose wife was barely more functional than Stalin’s wife.  Now the son, this incestuous dynastic anemic entity of modern marketing and Hollywood afternoon soap opera, promises us a Utopian release as the screws of big government turn harder with more and more lockdowns and loss of freedoms. 
Freedom of Speech was lost with the fining of the comedians. Islamaphobia and hate speech meant only the courts could say what was ‘free speech’. The claims to protect citizens from violence meant that Canada produced more and more weapons of war as a country while disarming citizens collectively in the ancient ritual of dictatorship.  No Freedom  of Assemby now.  Lockdowns kill more than Covid and destroy the soul of people once free. Immigrants who never knew freedom rush to the west for ‘free stuff’in preparation for another Sharia sate. Allah be praised. My God. Not your God. Kill anyone who disagrees. Kill the cartoonist first.
It’s only okay to March for the State Branded Fashion of the Month, anti God rallies. Sex stores remain open. Bars remain open. Criminal club houses remain open. Pot shops remain open. But families can’t gather and places of religion are closed, Christians and Catholics collectively persecuted. What is ‘essential’ or valued by the STATE, Trudeau’s cronies, like big corporate business and big malls but not small businesses, they are okay.  How many hands have been greased? The level of corruption never before known in Canada. A banana republic kind of corruption, billions missing.  Third world corruption, Millions claimed for tree planting when not a tree was planted. Charities that are anything but. Slush funds and money laundering. The Hell’s Angels and Mob and Tong appear a no worse alternative to this collection of rogues who want us to spend our savings so they can tax them more.  Extortion on a grand scale. The Irish finally hid potatoes to survive the winter when the English wanted it all. So Trudeau and the George Soros secretary Freeland want it all. Clown egos reminiscent of history’s ‘Il Puce!” The government is exposing the bank accounts. Surveillance is every where.
All this in the middle of a pandemic.  The government we are supposed to trust tells its citizens to stay inside while criminals roam through cities killing them with illegal guns only to have the arrogant unethical sex crazed beastie  jump on the opportunity to blame the rural folk and hunters who have already been taxed to the ultimate to the ultimate but no one cares. Deny, deny, deny. Lie, lie, lie. 
The urban youth don’t even know how to cook. The incompetence and dependency of the youth on government in the great parking lot they call home is such they are thankful when the great pretty boy sock man opens their fast food outlet. They keen orgasmically rolling on the ground with praise of the government as it directs them as a mob against the latest selected victims. Racism the government cries! The mob attacks while the black face laughs like Nero.  The masses  destroy small businesses , the workers and the creators.  Sexism the government cries!  Men are castratted on mass their children taken from them by the state controlled courts. The judges are given more status than ever before but only if theyto rule according to the whims of the elite. The law in the land has gone to the song of identity politics. No justice for all. Favoritism and privilege in divide and conquer are sold by the state. Corruption at every turn. 
Even the attorney general is raped of power, cast aside,  when she questions the great penis that struts across the stage.  All the promises of fertility are gone. There is no wealth. 10% poverty and a despicable embarrassment to a great Sikh religion hovels to Mamon. Fathers are vilified. Grandfathers are killed. Bastard  are left and  at the feet of the rougher less present ever meaner looking spirit,  almost Satanic, that’s appears now and then from the basement of his parents to babble incoherently. 
The adolescent always knows how to save the world but can’t manage his own allowance.  Now I’m lost.
Vaccines are coming along. Moderna, Zeneca, NBios.   I’m so pleased with the science. But the media lies and the government use the dire crisis for it’s own nefarious purposes. I’m made to doubt . I’m lost.  Here each day the cries of millions about the lies of corporate interests, the lies of government reverberate through society as more and more of by colleagues don’t take a knee but rather kneel and pray.  The flip flops of the public health doctors in the city are undoing. One moment they are flippant and next moment they call upon police to count the layers of the mask you are wearing alone in a fetal ball. 
The corrupt WHO is still quoted as an authority like some sort of raving lunatics quote Mein Kamf . How quickly do people forget the tyrant and war monger Xi Jinping , the greatest murderer of this century. His prisons are full and his armies millions. He continues to loot and genocide Tibet. He used the Release of Covid from the Wuhan Military Controled lab to  invade of Hong Kong, breaking countless laws and international treaties. He raises a flotilla to invade Taiwan but only when Australia, Japan and America come to its relief, he laughs, gaslighting the world. He says it was only an exercise’. He and Trudeau may as well wear wife beater t shirts and pretty socks. .  India is invaded and the hated brown people are killed by the dozens. Blacks are persecuted Canadians are taken hostage.
Communist China made  alliance with Islam and North Korea,.  All it’s  neighbours are  terrified of Xi Jinping emotional instability and psychopathic zeal: An adult version of little Kim. Xi Jinping then bought the WHO for a few billion dollars after unleashing the Zombie Wuhan Military Lab Virus on the world killing the elderly. All the old elephants are dying and the young are so propagandized by the bought media they don’t know the Wisdom of the Tusk. All they see is the long toothed.
Trudea extends the euthanasia of Canada to children and the mentally ill. In the classic doublespeak of 1984 this tyrant of the lowest order claims to be killing the lonely and the poor for their own good.  The elite don’t seek death with their countless houses and child sex slaves. They all loved Epstein’s island. 
Poverty is the reason for most abortion. Canadian’s under his father’s destruction of the economy couldn’t afford to have babies. Women en mass forced to work and told it was what they wanted and they were free. Yet overnight two adults couldn’t afford a home or a car as the elite laughed at the marketing moguls infiltration of the education system. We’re serving you, the government said , while offering to kill their citizens.  
Trudeau sold 80 billion dollars of death and war  material this summer. War is what requires fuel and mines.  90% of Canadian raw material has gone to the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction. His friends are criminals and terrorists. SNC Lavalin has just one division for building war machines and another for rebuilding towns destroyed by war. 
The Chinese make poison and antidotes and sell them hand in hand. 
I’m ready to walk off into the wilderness again. I don’t know.  It doesn’t matter if a vaccine kills me. I’m dead. This world has nothing left for me. I’m a Christian and know that God is Good all of the time.  I have only my faith.  This government has shown time and again it doesn’t care. 10% unemployed. Already it’s demanding back the money it said was free and everyone is overnight a prisoner. The student loans were the first chains and now it’s CERBS.  Meanwhile Sophie has 2 nannies and his mother gets millions to talk for the WE charity which is no Charity but just a tax evasion like the trust funds and other lies of the elite. 
I am working today to stop people from suiciding. Im helping people not relapse. I’m treating depression, anxiety and psychosis with medication. I’m cautioning people not to kill their family because they will go to jail. But the criminals are turned lose. Thousands of illegal alien felons who were rejected for citizens because of vast histories of murder and rape are lost to the the police who have no resources because the government has scapegoated the individuals while the systemic corruption of the parachuted leaders focus only on the latest political demands of the frightening tyrant with the pretty hair.  His father had the girls screaming with the red carnation in the lapel and movie starlet beards surrounding him while his media cronies claimed he was so intelligent. Like the Cretan Marx and the murderous thug Lenin. He turned the tanks on the citizens and used the troops on Canadian soil to cement the position of tyrant handed down to his son. Now the dynastic ruler. 
I feel I am fortunate because locally there is sanity. The world has gone mad and Bob Dylan’s song blood on the saddle comes to mind but locally there’s moderation and some semblance of local concern. The government and people are still communicating.  Ottawa have moved to the Bei Jing and the Middle East but Vancouver and Victoria are still here.  
Government has used this crisis for money and control. I compare this to Singapore where the brilliant enlightened leadership have cut their salaries and do as they ask their people to do. Not like the Democrat Californian leaders who restrict Thanksgiving for everyone but gather en mass in restaurants without masks rubbing their hands with glee over the money they’ve acquired through graft and corruption. 
Here it’s not like that. The leaders follow the rules. Doc is a paragon of good behaviour. Horgan stand with the people even as Henry moves further from the science. There are outside forces and a dangerous momentum but at the centre there are still caring people who live here. Here there’s a kind of laid back moderation. The Asian and South Asian doctors at UBC alongside the best of the Russians and East European and the old British work together for the benefit of all. Really there is a kind of ‘noblesse oblige’ that persists locally. Even the media, our Global News, tells the truth when the CBC is spouting propaganda bought by it’s master. 
I’m trusting in God and the wisdom of my teachers. Every day I see the evidence of Moore’s Law. The cacophony of phony causes and rebels in search of a clause, activists who can’t clean their rooms ,are stilled by the wee small voices of truth.  Scientists and artists stand up for truth and beauty.  There’s an offering of Messiah and Christmas Presence.  Despite the attempted destruction of the church by the aetheist communists the meaning of Christmas endures.  
God came to earth and the national and world government killed him.
He was crucified.
He died. He rose again.
The Holy Spirit is here.
Christmas is the time of the year where we celebrate the return of the son. Messiah. Now is the darkest hour. The rains and snow and cold are on us. But in weeks to come, the turning of the tide will begin.  It starts with the birth of a baby.  Jesus is born. Hallelujah. 

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