Thursday, August 22, 2019

Gratitude Thursday

Thank you God for the universe, the galaxy, the stars, the sun and this planet Earth.
Thank you for the atmosphere and gravity. 
Thank you for the light today
Thank you for the rain yesterday. 
Thank you God for my home and my sleep and breakfast this morning.
Thank you for Ethiopian coffee.
Thank you especially for Gilbert who licked my face awake today.
Thank you for running water and indoor plumbing.
Thank you for waste disposal.
Thank you for City Workers, for hydro and sewage disposal and garbage men.
Thank you for truckers who bring produce and ‘stuff’ to the city.
Thank you for primary producers who do all the work that politicians claim credit for.
Thank you for health care.
Thank you for doctors and nurses and assistants.
Thank you for teachers and education that is not propaganda.
Thank you for journalists with ethics and conscience and people who tell the truth.
Thank you for those folk who have the capacity for shame and don’t like sociopaths.
Thank you for flavours and scents.
Thank you for feelings.
Thank you for family.,
Thank you for Netflix and refridgerator and snacks and couches.
Thank you for vehicles.
Thank you for bodies and movement.
Thank you for breath Lord and meditation and prayer.
Thank you for music.
Thank you for dance.
Thank you for all those things I take for granted.
Enlighten me Lord.
Let me know your will and give me the power to carry that out Today. 

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