Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Gratitude Tuesday

Thank you God for IDAA and Knoxville. It was wonderful to see so many friends of so many years.  It’s the best reunion of ever.  Such brilliance and courage and inspiration!
Thank you for the safe return. Thank you for Gilbert and Laura and the Brunette River Walk.  Thank you for keeping everyone safe.  
Thank you for Facebook. I love to see the friends at Pride and the friends enjoying BC outdoors, in the woods and on the beach. I loved seeing the fish being caught. Help me to get out and do more things. I’m so at risk for lying on the couch at the end of the workday when I could be out doing more.  I loved swimming yesterday. There’s so much joy in activity and exercise.  I’m delighted with my bed, Lord. To come home to my mattress and sleep in heaven is heavenly. 
My Mini car was fun to return to.  Making plans for another trip was good too.  Now there’s studies to be done and exams to be taken but that’s fun too, pacing myself better, balancing works and relaxation. Thank you for meditation and prayer. 
Thank you for the colours. Thank you for the sights and sounds. Thank you for the hope of a space ship and new propulsion system and a vacation home on Mars with the creek and habitat.  Thank you for dreams.
Thank you for the 4th dimension and flow and the joy of synchronicity.  Thank you for love.
Thank you for Ethiopian coffee. Thank you for Canadian honey.  Thank you for BC cream.
Thank you for khaki shorts, tshirts and sandals. 
Thank you for my Harley. I think I’ll ride to work with Gilbert on the back today. Please keep us safe. 
Thank you for the healing of my knee and jaw. Thank you for campers and camping and the Canadian woods and wilderness campsites.
Thank you for round ups and gatherings and rallies and poker runs. 
Thank you for the old movies, last night’s Speed, with Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock. I didn’t remember the end and realized that those movies I loved 25 years ago will now likely be as interesting again as I really have forgotten some useful things to forget, the spoiler bits on books and movies.
Thank you for the happy face symbol.
Thank you for all the blessings .Thank you for this body and this life. Thank you for love and family and friends. Thank you for the babies and children and parents. Thank you for family. Thank you for community. Thank you for the light.
Thank you for music and song.
Thank you for church and meetings. Thank you for hotels and travel. Thank you for planes and clouds.
Thank you for all the wonderful miraculous experiences.  God is all and God is a loving personal God big enough for all.  Thank you for the reminder that too often my god is too small. Thank you for Phillips and thank you for the Hound of Heaven.  I’m am seeking you God in the greatest game of hide and seek.  I am the dog and I am the tennis ball. 

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