Sunday, August 18, 2019

Salt Spring Island Rally 2019

I parked the truck and camper in the exact spot Laura and I had tented for last years’ Salt Spring Island Rally.  Registering we met Brian who has come most every year. He has a magnificent Bigfoot Camper that he’s taken across Canada and back. This year he’s explored BC and Alberta. 

“I’m thinking of moving out of the city,” he said, “So I wanted to see what choices there were. I really liked Qualicum.”

I’d lived and worked on the island for several years so I reminisced about the pros and cons of island living. 

“Most everything is attractive except dependence on ferries.” I said.

Laura’s sister had loved living a decade on Mayne. Laura shared her thoughts on that.  A couple of others joined us standing outside the hall, singing the praises of the towns and islands of BC.  Here we were loving Salt Spring. 

We registered ,then ran into Murray who’d ridden his Harley over, this year with Chris on the back.  They were tete a tete.  We felt guilty interrupting their mutual appreciation society. 

That afternoon we walked Gilbert,lay in the sun, read iPads and delighted in the much loved baby playing on the blanket next to our camper.  Lots of young girls about and young guys all happy to entertain their little gleeful tot delighted in taking her first steps.

The first speaker was in his late 30’s describing the loss of 25 years and the joy of this last 7 months.  He was present and alive, bright eyed.  The future looked good. An inspiration.

Laura and I had sandwiches for dinner. Later Murray and Chris came by and we invited them in. We talked and talked. Swapping stories and telling tales. Laughter and comraderie. Then departures and early to bed. I slept so soundly.  Fresh air.   Calm and peace.

In the morning I lifted Gilbert onto the bed. I like my own toilet.  It makes returning to bed for the group hug and snooze more easy.  Laura contentedly rubbed the little cockapoo’s back.  I had more pleasant dreams.

Then up again walking Gilbert in the sunshine.  Campers getting up.  I made expresso on the gas stove top.  Laura bathed.

The morning speakers were a panel, one with months of the new life, another with years and the last with decades.  Each speaker left a remarkable pearl of hope.  

The afternoon was free.  A lot went into the Ganges market as we’d done so many years before.  It’s an easy walk or quick drive.  Murray took his Harley.  Brian said he was going to have a nap.  I lay on the lawn chair in the sun.  More reading and a great afternoon nap. Someone had talked of self care and I was thinking an afternoon nap was just the ticket.

The call to dinner came over the loud speakers. Guys and girls had been barbecuing lamb and pork for hours. We took our tickets getting salad, potato salad, coleslaw and scrumptious lamb.  I had a large scoop of mint sauce.  The buns were fresh with butter as well.  Just like every year we sat down by the benches, the tables filled with the hungry.  Murray and Chris joined us.  Murray had a lamb bone for Gilbert again this year. Gilbert was in heaven when we returned and immersed in lamb bone for hours thereafter. 

Chris told us the tale of their meeting. She had two tickets to Judas Priest and Murray said he’d love to go. They knew each other before.

‘Should we take one vehicle?” Chris had asked.
“I could pick you up on my bike,” Murray said.
“Great.” Chris said, “So there I was going to Judas Priest on the back of Murray’s Harley. What could be better.”

They’d been having fun ever since.  Laura shared of our meeting and then my inviting her to Saipan later, getting back together when I returned to BC.  
More shared tales of motorcycling,camping, yachting.  

We talked of aging with others. Murray and I talked of the perfect retirement community, proximity to hospital, access to groceries and services.  It’s a common theme. It’s a new conversation trend I don’t recall even a couple of years ago.  

The countdown is always special to me, a ritual that reminds me of where I’ve been.  I’ve been to this Salt Spring Island Rally more than a dozen times over the years recognising the same faces, missing others.

The Quesnel speaker was hilarious, so deep, so true.  Keep coming back.  She brought tears to my eyes.  Later Murray and Laura said she did that to them too.. Brian knew her and liked her.  

There was a dance after but when I walked back to let Gilbert out to pee it just seemed ‘late’.  

“I think Jo Ann Scott’s got the right idea about dances in the day.”  Laura said.  “She’s always going to the jazz dance brunch”>

Despite best intentions I was already out of my pants and lying on the bed reading when the music began a half hour later. I love bed.  We let Gilbert stay up on the bed for a group hug and cuddles but then put him down in his safe little doggy bed.  We’re afraid he might fall off the tall camper bed.  

I heard the music through the open skylight. It sounded good.  I drifted off to sleep thankful for a great day and great friends.

This morning I walked Gilbert and brought back blue berry muffins, juice and coffee.  Laura was up and delighted with the blue berry muffin coffee service.  The Camper is the best. She’s in the shower.  We’ve the morning speaker to attend in an hour.  Often we sing Amazing Grace as well. There’s a great voiced country singer who leads. Then it’s a brief stow and get ready for the road before heading to Long Harbour for the ferry back to Vancouver.

Another fabulous Salt Spring Island Rally.  Sunshine and serenity.


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