Saturday, August 24, 2019

Hello God this Saturday

It’s a new day. Thank you for the wonderful sleep. I did appreciate the interesting dreams. Thank you Dad for visitting. I love seeing those who have passed come near. Our worlds crossing over. There here and the now and the there and the then.  I’m in this nebulous mysterious place of grandeur and simplicity. I love the blue sky and fluffy clouds. This late summer days have had that smattering of refreshing rain. It’s good to know that forests are cared for. The raid stops fires. The fires come and go. Renewal and return. It’s a time old cycle.  We are in the midst of much.  I’m thankful to be alive now.  I’m glad to have awoken in your brace. May I always think of you first and always.
Thank you for the lovely woman in the bed beside me .She is such a comfort and delight. I glanced to where there is usually another pillow but there was her tossled hair and seductive curves.  The dog was with her. He’s totally smitten by her and I understand. She is so sweet.  Like sunrise. I slip from bed to meditate.  
I’m thankful for that time on awakening. Breath in. Breath out. The cycle. The mystery of life. The gift of this engine of daily life. I’m so often taking for granted my heart and lungs and the circulation system of my body.  My mind like a hamster in a cage has his whole list of priorities. But for this time I pay close attention to the essential.  My mind then drifts back to work to a myriad of concerns then I lead it back to the simplicity.
I remember reading Walden Pond. I love Aurelius.  I was blessed as a young person to read the classics. A Kempis.  Brother Lawrence.  For years I studied Paramahansa Yogananda then later Augustine.  These journals of the greatest lives left as memoirs.  I’m thankful for those lives distilled for the young. Almost gnostic insights. The gospels are gnostic to the unenlightened. I am always amazed by the discoveries in the holy of Holies.  New meanings. Insights. Special references.   It’s a key to a locked space within that flies open with attention.
I’m here now with you in this place and time. I’m aware that the distance between electrons, neutrons and positrons , all the apparents matter, is indeed huge. We have football fields of emptiness within. The being of my self is mostly empty. Who armies of neutrinos can pass through the spaces between what we think of as matter. The quanta of light are overlooked. I’m energy and light.  Yet gravity and depression and anxiety pull me down.  The incredible lightness of being. The spirit world. The levitating laughing joyful self is always present but caged, weighted down.  Giving myself to Jesus, laying my burdens at his feet. Learning his command, Do not be afraid! I believe he walked on water and so could I. We all can. Children of God.  But to be childlike is not so simple as it sounds.  Dancing is difficult for the serious.  
Now this day I ask for dance and song. I give myself to you. I would do your will. Thy will be done.  There is I and Thou but I would be less so you could be more.  I am the bubble make me the sea.  Let me rest in Thee.  God come closer.  Let me know you more fully.  Let me serve you better. Today I would be a better disciple. Today I would laugh with the grand belly laugh of creation. I would sing the body electric. I would rest on Eagles Wings. I’d soar to the depths of love. I love Thee. I am here for Thee.  
Thank you for the coffee. Thank you for the heat. Thank you for the light. Thank you for the mundane. I really like the alimentary system. I’m amused again by this holes, the mouth and anus and urethra.  What amazing design and consideration. A marvellous vehicle to take me about this mystical sacred realm.  Thank you for the indoor plumbing.  So much is here that I did not conceive and know not how they came to be except by consideration of history and texts. The electricity is incredible. The moving pictures. All the computers and images and mirroring devices .  I’m so thankful for the fun of the keyboard and computers and cameras.  I love the iPhone and iPad.  The light inside is good too and the heater.  
The air, O2 and CO2, and the Krebb’s cycle. I love internal combustion.  I imagine a design class of children. I know it was made in 7 days , Genesis gives the broad strokes but couldn’t this whole world have been made by babies. In the details.  It’s got a quality of unicorns and puppies and kids working together with crayons and paints.  I know that’s not mentioned in the first days.  This was created and that was created and later came Adam and Eve.  But maybe that was just the stage final production and there was this kids with duck tape and WD40 phase of creation.  Lots of mistakes and messes and God laughing and the unicorns running about. It’s even possible there was. Great stew and a giant stirring the pot.  Just trying to get the sky light right.  Showing God different colours like in a carpet store. Or trying out paints on mountains.  I love the leaves of plants. The flowers are awesome.
I have so much reason always to be in awe. Lift me up Lord.  Let me see the world through child’s eyes. Carry my burden of cares for me. Holy Spirit Come.  Here and Now Lord.  I am yours.  
Thank you Lord.  Good morning.  
I need a cleaning lady or I could do that myself again.  I did the dishes already.  It seems like yesterday I shook the rugs but it was weeks ago.  I have that cluttered table screaming at me. There’s never enough space but then I’m hoarding. The Minimalists are perhaps wiser. My floor is littered with doggie toys.  I’m looking at wires about the tv and DVD. Books and books and more books and I’m always flogging myself for not reading enough especially when I love so much to read the ‘fun’ stuff.  I’m only on chapter two of the fascinating textbook I began months ago.  Meanwhile I ‘ve read a half dozens westerns and historical fictions.  Paul said I do what I don’t wish to do and I don’t do what I wish to do. I muddle through.  I don’t wish to read the biography of Clausewitz today.  I read Chitral 1895. I’ve been moving my reading more to India. There’s been Salt Spring and Tennessee.  I’ve been studying war medicine.  I saw another soldier. I was interested in the US law regarding ‘service related’. How to separate the two. I’ve been moseying along those lanes of enquire.
Today I will walk the dog. I may swim. We said we might go to Costco. I ‘ll roast more coffee.  I’ll make breakfast. I barbecued steaks and rabbit last night. We watched the Israeli movie of the 6day war.  I read hundreds of books each year.  I’ve read thousands of medical and psychiatric texts and hundreds of history.  Then there’s all the how to manuals about radar and Icom. I sometimes miss my Hamm.  I’m a survivalist. I have all the skills and next week I’ll get the bow out another year.  The rifles come out.  I’ve target practice and backwoods hiking and motorcycling off road to do.  I’ve been dreaming and thinking of my sailboat. I miss the tradewinds. The Harley has been fun this summer. I have most enjoyed the music too.  Three dog night . Deep Purple. Santana. The $5 bin at Walmart. My Harley radio doesn’t treat CD’s well but to repair the radio costs a thousand so buying some ‘throw away’ cd’s for the summer, that’s how long they last before scratched and warped by heat, is a better solution for now.  
I ordered opera glasses.  I had some. They’ve been swallowed by the storage locker. But these new ones aren’t hunting binoculars repurposed but the read thing and only $35.  I was surprised at the price considering I’ve paid a thousand for boating and hunting binoculars. But those have been lifesaving. The binoculars for opera are only 3 x 25.  I’ve been looking forward to going to the symphony and opera this fall or winter.  Certainly I want to see and hear Pink Floyd next year. Bucket list is such a mundane descriptions for the stars I want to visit and the trips I want to take riding the cow around the moon. I’m still waiting for my space ship, a flitter saucer. I almost feel the motion on the Harley but then I miss the horses and keep ‘planning’ to arrange a ride again.  There’s so much to do. So many things calling. I envied my brother going on safari. It would be wonderful to see a zebra or giraffe in the wild.
I see so much sadness in my work. So many people beaten down by circumstance and toxic bosses and environments.  Living circumscribed lives. We have the most amazing park here in Vancouver. Our beaches are incredible. There’s public transport. I’ve got various vehicles and rarely do I get there but then I prefer to go to the interior or to the north and have a truck just for that purpose. But I see daily people who are depressed but they refuse to leave their cages and take a bus to the beach or the park or ride the gondola to the top of the mountain. Self pity has them in it’s grip and a thousand excuses but it’s all there. A smorgasbord. 
Thank you Lord. Help me make the right choices. Guide me in my day to day endeavours.  Help me steward my time and resources. Help me focus. Help me continue each day in your grace. Thank you Lord. Thank you God. Thank you Jesus. Hallelujah!

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