Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Maverick Camper Chronicles- rainy holiday monday

Dear God,
I want to thank you for this life. I know I complain and whine too much but really I do appreciate this world and this time here.
I loved my parents and the dogs and good food and houses. Mom was so loving. Dad was such a good man. My brother was an inspiration.  I had good schools and good friends. It was great to camp on holidays .I loved baseball, hockey, shooting.  It was a good childhood in a good neighbourhood with law and order and safety in the suburbs. 
The dance world was a roar. I loved the television and shows and just the day to day work with fine friends.  I loved my marriage, the travel, the intimacy.  I loved overseas and cycling.  I loved returning to Canada too.  I loved white water canoeing. 
The university was thrilling. I loved the study of arts, then biology and the chapel.  University of Winnipeg and then University of Manitoba Medical School. It was all so exciting  and intriguing. I loved the study.  I loved the libraries. I loved my wife and the beauty and elegance of those years.  Young love.  But no children.  Then the bad times and good times.  I loved the country medicine and northern flyin work, igloos and polar bears.  . 
It was fun.  Negative and positive.  I loved the work. I loved the service. I loved the friendship.  I loved the hunting, fishing and homesteading.
Sailing and skiing were fun but sailing was special.  I loved the size of life. Everything was big.  The forces of nature. It was all so larger, large as life.  The great seas, the storms, the distances.  I love expeditions. I love the adventure.
I love the meditation and prayer. I loved learning to be closer to you, loved learning the intricacies of the unconscious, the relationships, the overt and covert, communication and neurology and psychiatry.  I loved the study of spirituality.
 I loved the Marianas.
I loved recovery.  I love the fasting and celebration , the rituals of worship, the study of the Christian Spirituality and 12 steps. I loved the men’s meetings and IDAA.  I loved love making and being naked and together. I loved my dogs. I loved the cats.  I loved reading and writing.
There is just so much to be thankful for.

Today I”m in this new to me truck camper.It’s raining and cold outside but the view of the river and the Douglas fir and pine and spruce and green shrubbery along the river shore is so appealing. I’m sitting in the little booth of this camper slide reminded of the booth in the SV GIRI, liking it so much. I slept an amazing sleep in the loft bed over the truck top on the new firm mattress with clean sheets and new duvet.  Beside me a beautiful warm bodied woman.  I loved that the heater came on to keep the chill off this morning. I loved that as it was raining I was able to use the indoor toilet and not walk to the outhouse. I loved the fresh running water and making coffee on the propane stove. I loved that the refrigerator running off the battery kept the cream and other food cold through the night. I’m still wondering how to get the propane working for the fridge but having a fridge is such a luxury.  I love the lights. I’m just in joy here in the country and blessed to have this little cabin on the back of my truck.  

I’ve been reading a western novel about a guy building a cabin in the woods and enjoying that as I’ve just outfitted and fixed up this little cabin on the back of my truck. Life is good. I’m thankful for all your blessings Lord. I really thank you too for work and the home I return to tomorrow.  I don’t feel my age unless I look in the mirror and feel like it’s been a good run.  It’s been exciting and interesting and loving. 

Help me do thy will and guide me to where I can be of most service to you Lord. Thank you for this part in the whole. I know that when I work doing what is necessary I’m paid and with the pay have bought this camper which employed a whole bunch of people. Every aspect of this machine is almost space age in design and consideration. I love the science and the esthetics that have gone into play. Next to me on one side are tenterd and I’ve loved motorcycle camping with a tent or canoe camping with a tent and lying listening to the rain on canvas. So simple. Now on the other side is a major RV with the luxuries I associate with home.  I have everything here on a small scale and it suits me so well.  I love this camper and am so thankful for this weekend.  

Thank you Lord.  

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