Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Tuesday Gratitude

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”  John 1.5

Thank you God for this morning and this day. It is still dark now but I have faith that the sun shall rise. Thank you for faith and routine and the known.  

Thank you for Gilbert’s health. His cone is off and though blind he is once more exploring, eating and sniffing as usual.  Thank you for George too who gives Gilbert such comfort.  George joins us now in the morning after weeks of isolating himself in his room.  I dragged him out into our company a couple of times to show him that his fears were unwarranted. Then I ignored him and in his own time he joined us. Mostly it was Gilbert who bridged the divide.  He’d seek out George when he was sighted and stand looking at him till George eventually began again to play with Gilbert. George obviously doesn’t like change and has a lot of issues with safety.

Thank you for the warmth. I’m loving the electric fireplace heater and the propane furnace.  It’s chilly outside.  Not raining so when I walked Gilbert first thing I was able to wear just a sweater my family gave me.  I cherish it not just for the physical warmth but also for my sister in law’s thoughtfulness.  With winter coming on I look forward to wearing the scarf that Ann Marie knitted for me.  I am thankful for family and friends. Keep them safe and well Lord.

Guide me today.

I was feeling nostalgic. I thought that every day above ground is better than below for the living. So I’ve added quite a few behind me, the simple positives of living and surviving. Now there are fewer ahead of me I have this hope that I will survive today as I did those many yesterdays.

Thank you your protection Lord. There are liars and false accusers and corrupt beurocrats and violent institutions and dishonest courts but in the end Lord you have promised to reward my virtue and truthfulness.  You reward service and duty.  You reward work and hard work and sobriety. Thank you for my sobriety today and the majority of people who wake aware and contribute to the light rather than the darkness.  Help me serve you with those who remain asleep awake and wrap themselves ever tighter in darkness incapable of feeling.  Help me to touch them and bring them back from the dark to the light of love.

Jesus is love, Lord.  He commanded “Do Not Be Afraid”.  He said all scripture and law could be summed up as “ Love God and Love your Neighbour (the other) as Yourself.  Thank you for the writings of Martin Buber and Merton.  

I pray for Trinity University with its experiment in Monastic heterosexuality and celibacy.  

Help me to understand the purpose and meaning of this life I have lived and what life I have to live.  Help me to be of service to you, my fellows and myself.

Guide me Lord.

Thank you for science and theology. Thank you for poetry and literature and history. Thank you for quantum leaps of understanding and insight.

Please Lord help the judges and politicians to grow and evolve.  Help the police protect those who would live and raise families and not have their work ruined and destroyed or their profits stolen by individuals or corrupt governments.  

Thank you for Isaiah who best described the arrogant of his day and this day.  Thank you for his prophecies and the prophecies of Jeremiah.  

Thank you Lord for this day.  

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