Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Please God Let Me Know You More Deeply

I loved the George Harrison song, “My Sweet Lord”. I loved the gospel songs by Elvis Presley. I love the creation stories around the world and especially the creation stories of the Torah. I am so weary from the bullying and crticism of aetheists.  Aetheist communists, the Marx’s and Lenin’s, and all the pseudoscience that is propagated by these folk who claim they are ‘secular’ but demand everyone goose step to their dead march.  

I love Diwali and I love Christmas but I don’t see those celebrating Christmas demanding that the Diwali lights be put out. I don’t see the Diwali people demanding that Christmas trees come down.  I see Aetheists demanding everyone be like them, grey uniforms and painful pretentiousness, so superior, like that awful Kafetch Marx.  Marx , a Jew, supported by Jews said “Money is the God of Jews.”   Money is not the God of Jews but it was the God of Marx.  Materialists worship money as do aetheists who are by default materialists.  

I believe in a conscious and unconscious world.  I believe in the mystery beyond my senses.  Einstein believed in God. The greatest physicist of our times believes in God but a whole lot of political hacks and beurocrats use tax money to persecute those who believe.  

Meanwhile Christians are persecuted for wearing a cross while Muslims are the only group who wear burkas which shout religion and yet the aetheists leave them alone.  The aetheists are hypocrites and right now there’s been an unholy alliance between the communists and Muslims in this new “Globalism” with thugs like ‘Antifa” who are the new fascists, Hitler Youth, who claim simply with a name change to be something else.  A tourd by any name is still a tourd.

Now God is all. God is Good. God is omniscient, omnipotential, omnipotent.  God has the capacity to touch me and the God in me, as I am the creation of the creator can know God. Miracles can happen.  I believe in a God of mystery and miracles. I believe that I am limited by fear and my need for things to remain ‘safe’. I am afraid of the awesome reality of God. I am the one who limits God in my life. I am the one whose unhappiness and anger and fear shuts out the experience of God which is hope and light and joy.  I am on my own just too critical and fearful and negative but I can ask God’s help in addressing these character defects. 

Aetheists and fear mongers like Justin Trudeau and the Climate Change Cult with all their ‘the world’s going to end, give me money talk’, constant negative fear monger ing, are so loud but that’s only because I let them ‘steal my joy’. If I focus on God. If I ‘pray unceasingly. If i look to the right and look for the good always I’ll not crash into the left ditch but stay in the middle of the road.

There is always the option to see the sacred. There is always the possibility that Jesus is there in the stranger. There is always the moment of seeing the wonder of creation like admiring the craftsmanship of a great master. There is this possibility. I wake and want this but by the end of a day of seeing drug addicted patients one after another hopeless and worshipping the drugs, having no purpose but slavery to materialism and pleasure, the people thrown out by their masters when they’ve no more money and no more fun.  I am there daily worn down by their constant insistence that there are no miracles , that there is no hope , that there is no God. Then at night I hear CBC news and the same nihilism is sold and preached but with a glitter that has worn off my patients lives.  There’s this tedium. And then I get to the tv and reading facebook and all the promotions and easily offended aetheists and godless who insist that you believe as they do.  

I post a picture of Jesus. I post a picture of my dog. I post a picture of my meal. But my Lord will be attacked always . I have had a life of persecution for belief in God by aetheists who can believe in thier godlessness but must attack me. Now the combinations of Muslims and Aetheists take away my free speech and say that I am Islamaphobic but I’m Christian and in their countries from which they come they kill Christians. They kill Gays and they deny women equality. Christians are the basis of the movement for women’s rights and indeed civil rights. Christianity is where women have the greatest place in history.  The aetheist communists reduced everyone to poverty and slavery and killed anyone who disagreed with them by the hundreds of millions.  

But I am not allowed to respond to their attacks. I turn to God . I turn my cheek 70 times 70. My head is spinning like Carrie at Halloween and it’s not enough.

I’m seeking God. My sweet Lord. Lord of Light. God of God. I believe in all roads leading to Rome. All saints are headed in the same direction while aetheists are having a temper tantrum and blockading the road to God.  I believe the saints of Muslim religions, the Sufis and others are seeking God as I am but that their political leaders of this essentially political religion, much like the Catholic Church before Luther when it was still a physical ‘see’, like Mecca is today, the religion so influenced by the satanic demands of Saudi.  

Jesus said “My kingdom is not of this world.”  

Buddha and Krishna and Zoraster and the Creator of my Aboriginal brothers and sisters are not of this world.  God is all. God is good. The Yahweh of the Jewish Torah is not Israel.  Israel and New York demands are political but Yahweh is pure beingness. God is transcendent and immanent.

I would know you more God. Be my lodestar. Guide me. Light my way God.  Let me focus on the light and know that the light casts out the darkness. Help me to ignore the shouting and screaming and neon signs of the aetheists.  Help me to hear your ‘wee small voice.’  Help me to be still and know that I am God.

Please God I know you hear prayer and respond to prayer. Hear my prayer today. Help me to be a better doctor, a more loving man, a better human and kinder more caring. Help me to be like you Lord who cared for children and the sick. Help me today Lord.  Help me when I feel most alone.  Help me to know you are always with me and this too shall pass.

Thank you Lord.

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