Friday, November 18, 2016

St. James Church, God Kids and White Spot

Laura and I were glad to get to St. James Anglican Church on Sunday.  Father Kevin was presiding. We joined the God Kids and Kevin and Anna in the ‘children’s section’ of the church.  Gilbert believes he’s one of the kids totally.  It’s a rather active part of the church and more noisy.  Franciscan meditative sorts would be wise to sit more at the front.  It’s hard to believe that for Kevin and Anna this is a peaceful time. Gilbert joined right in with the kids play, though didn't understand the colouring book deal.
A lovely church service as always.  Gilbert took great interest in the preparation for communion. He’s usually only so attentive when there are other dogs in church. Something about this particular preparation had his attention. He’d also been a bit miffed because the children didn’t share their biscuit with him and he was a bit pouty being excluded from the feast.  Not one to hold a grudge for more than a second he was delighted to join us as we all headed up for communion.  Gilbert’s been blessed by the Bishop.  Often there are 2 or 3 other dogs attending, all very well behaved.
After church there’s usually a coffee. I used to attend these more when Bear, a black lab friend of Gilbert’s presided at the coffee and cookie affair.
Today though, we all went off to White Spot. It’s always such a great time to get together with these amazing two people, Kevin and Anna, their fabulous children.  Anna and Laura talked mother talk, Anna a mother of three pre schoolers while Laura has 3 adult children as well as grandchildren.  Kevin and I talked politics, theology and philosophy.  The kids crayoned. Then we all feasted, burgers, fish and chips and other choices. White Spot is a great Vancouver after church tradition.  Family oriented but not the "free for all" some ‘kid oriented’ places are. We had a wonderful time. I sure did. Even when Anna beat me to the cheque paying. That was very nice though we insist on paying normally. The Christian tradition has always been to support the young family. When we as elders are unable to walk or work then the young people can pick up the slack.
I loved seeing my own young nephews caring for my brother and sister in law last month when my brother was in palliative care.   Those young people were truly incredible being there for my brother always.  He told me before he died that all he wanted was time with his family.
Laura and I talk of the love that Kevin and Anna share.  We all met through Elizabeth and Phil, another couple of the great loves of our time, a marriage made in heaven.  So here, we were after church enjoying, Sunday and family and friends.
I’d dropped Gilbert off on the way there.  Restaurants haven’t quite caught up with Christian wisdom,  which acknowledges a dog's place being under the  dining table.  (Mark 7:28)
 Jesus Christ was present though.   That made all the difference.
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