Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Rainy Tuesday Morning

I’ve woken feeling sort of out of sorts.  My catastrophising mind did it’s circle of the universe looking for cause for dysphoria.  There’s never a shortage. The first that comes up is the Trudeau government, I’m anxious about the future reading an article in the medical journal about elder homelessness.  Trudeau’s evil and mismanagement is so offensive. I was also upset to see an armed ethnic military unit marching in a parade remembering the Scottish sergeant major being arrested for wearing his ski in doo in his sock.  There’s so much pride in the leadership brandishing sword like knives at the Ferry a couple of years back.  Meanwhile I’ve not been bothered at all hunting this weekend despite having guns and ammunition and knives.  But my mind will tip towards any negative thoughts when I’m feeling in a bit of funk
I think it’s simply because I am physically exhausted. It takes me a day to recover from the unusual exertions I did all weekend, whether climbing in and out of the camper or riding rough roads on the quad.  It’s a workout for this fat couch potato who enjoys most wastching net flix and eating Hagen Diaz cherry ice cream. It was physically good. I am disappointed because I banged the back of the camper and will need to have it repaired at a cost or on insurance.
I was pleased though that my Star link worked when I transferred the dish meaning only the cable is damaged on the Camper. I’ve already ordered a new one.
This weekend I’m at Harrison’s Hot Springs with Laura.  I’ve an appointment with the chiropractor on Thursday. My back seems to be getting better with treatment and continued exercise. The weekend was good for it. Madigan is more snarly but obviously had a great dog time.  
I was pleased the Bustards shot a bear. I’d prayed they would.  With the communication problems I wasn’t really dedicated and enjoyed just travelling about on the quad. I could have done more target practice but I forgot to take the 223 ammo when I went out with the 3006 and targets.  I shot just fine with the Ruger 3006.  Good grouping.  But then I I returned and loaded all the new clips but didn’t bother stopping to shoot targets despite having the opportunity.
I wore t shirts and underwear around the camp enjoying the freedom and the deck chair in the sun.  Madigan ranged off leash.  I listened to the audio book, The Rise and Reign of the Mammals by Steve Brussate.
With the Starlink down I didn’t keep up with my prehistory course. I actually could have when I took the Duffy Lake road through Lilluettte to Hope. I stayed in the Telte Yet campground seeing the damage to the camper and being disappointed.
I’m selling my sailboat and so far getting half what I hoped and the survey wasn’t optimistic. I’ll be glad to reduce my load.  I’ve a suspicion I’ll go with the fifth wheel and truck and motorcycle or trade the car and camper and all in for a bus.  Meanwhile a part of me is weary with driving and considering a little house but not in this city. I’ve never been committed to Vancouver though am looking forward to this year’s symphony. It used to be the Ballet and now going deaf I’m delight with the VSO.  Mostly I think I’ll be doing the same routine for an other year with plans to go south Jan Feb.  I’ve a Baltimore conference July. There’s still a possibility I*’ll drive or fly down to Hay Bay before it’s sold.  I have a full schedule this year so personally would prefer going next year.  I’ll see. A trip with the camper would be an adventure.  I keep thinking I could close the boat deal and bring back my dinghy, not that I have anywhere to put it. 
I am grateful for my health especially to day though it’s raining and I had a n active weekend and my back isn’t sharp pain. Madigan’s wet but sleeping beside me. The cleaning ladies are coming today.
Thank you God for air. Thank you for water. Thank you for the life today. Thank you for work and purpose and the opportunity to be of service. Thank you Jesus.  

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