Friday, May 24, 2024

Harrison Hot Springs Resort

It’s wonderful to be here again.  So many weekends and more in Harrison’s and the best of times at Harrison Resort. Laura and I share so many memories here, motorcycling here or staying in the Camper. We stayed often in the old Bungalows, loving their privacy and quaintness.  We loved the Harrison Beach when we came on motorcycle because of the locked underground.  The Resort has the best of hotsprings.
I’d hardly checked in leaving Madigan and Laura in the room as I headed down to sit in the picturesque outdoor hotsprings, the earlier drizzle having stopped.  After an extended time there enjoying the great outdoors I moved inside to the really hot pool  I literally revelled at the beauty of a Latina with her young sister or daughter.  Then the older man and woman got up to leave, the woman helped her white haired husband .   I realized that’s what I looked like.  The DOM (dirty old man) eying the beautiful young goddesses. Time to get out of the pool and head back to Laura. 
She really is beautiful except Madigan is trying to hump her leg and has romance novel heavy breathing. It takes a day for him to settle down, I think the Chinese should sell a line of robot sex dolls for our pampered pooches on leash or under observation in dog parks.  Poor Madigan.  It’s spring and I tell him no yet again when his unrequited love latches onto Laura’s calf. 
We walked around the small pool. The big lake was calm.  The geese and goslings were patrolling the lawns.  What a lovely day.

The heavy agenda has more reading and room service with a movie planned for tonight. I tried to organized a massage for Laura but they were all booked for the weekend.  I’d seen Dr Ready, the chiropractor yesterday and am feeling really good.  

Thank you God. I’m reading my course on Prehistory and just studied Animism and tokenism.  I balk at the objectivization as it’s all God to me so the energy of trees and rocks is all. We live in the imagination of God.  I believe our forbears, the first Homo sapiens being 30,000 years ago , Homo Neanderthal and Denosovan a 100,000 years ago. And Lucy, Austrolopithecus( I saw Lucy in the sky with diamonds)in Ethiopia from 3.2 million years ago.  

We project our fears onto them but they may have had far less uncertainty in their lives for lengths of time. I liked learning that some hunter gatherer’s who lived next to agriculturalist chose to remain hunter gatherers because it was a less demanding lifestyle.  I liked learning too the the Neanderthal’s and Dvaidian’s mixed with Homo Sapiens in Europe and Asia but that in Africa there are pure Homo sapiens that don’t have the DNA of Neanderthals. I may have 4% Neanderthal genes.  

I ‘mwatching Dexter ,on Netflix the psychopath with the vigilante code.  I am amused by the archeology writing that questions the demise of earlier humans , including homo erectus and others. Yes it may be many factors but my money is on Homo Sapiens being better killers and more deceitful.  Maybe our romance and highest spiritual values come from our Neanderthal genes.  The Black Jesus then would be a challenge.  I like that the oldest law in the world is the Chinese law of the fish: are big fish and little fish and the little fish must be fast and numerous.   Then there’s Voltair’s:Steal a little and they put you in Jail, steal a lot and they make you king.  

I’m enjoying it here.  It’s wonderful to be with Laura in this sacred place of sensuality and spirituality.  I really enjoyed the time the Christian Medical and Dental Society had their annual meeting here.  I also learned that the mafia would come here to meet and discuss their enterprises in Vancouver and Seattle.  I loved bringing Mom and Dad here and renting a cabin.  Such a wonderful place.  Thank you Jesus

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