Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Lillouette Forest Service Road Campground ,Pemberton

I’m waiting for the water to boil for tea. The trip back on the quad became cold. I’d taken off my jacket on the way out.  I’m glad Madigan has his coat and hasn’t been groomed. I ve felt him shivering a couple of times when I’ve been driving the quad too fast. He warms up immediately when I let him off and he runs about furiously. I expect he thinks we’re looking for grouse. He’s never been with me when I’ve shot a bear.  This trip we’ve seen a couple of grouse, a coyote and a dear.  I’m looking for black bear and cotton tails.  
It was a Herculean task getting out to the camper and loading it and driving up here. I was really tired. Even the truck said I should pull over and have a coffee. I did and that was better.  I drank lots of coffee and energy drinks to get here. 
It was a bit of nostalgia lane coming here. I remember when I camped in the tent by the river, saw the bear climbed the mountain and watched the deer coming up.  Then there was Meager Creek Hotsprings to top off a morning grouse hunt. I didn’t shoot deer here but I shot a lot of grouse and loved the hot springs .Especailly loved the porn stars coming and everyone becoming a lobster because no one wanted to leave before them.  We all looked so scrawny.  The hippie hotspring sorts and me the hunter.  I don’t know if they were porn stars but the men were hung like donkeys and the women voluptuous.  I just like the story.  It was always a great time camping and I took selfies with my self timer.  The purple thong in all the cammo shots.  
When the Meager Creek Bridge went out I stopped coming up here.  I moved my hunting to the north and east.  Laura and I came up and we had a moose running along with us. Then we had the tent in the truck and she was anxious about grizzly. I’d told her there weren’t any only to have the big sign warning about grizzly.  I decided too I didn’t like the steepness of this place. I’d climbed these mountains before dawn and waited up high only to think there was just too much perpendicular.  
Now I’m back and it’s a bit chilly being so high in the mountains. I left Vancouver and it was hot.  This is exercise and good to be out of the city. Madigan is having the time of his life.  Off leash at the campsite and riding about on the quad.  He’s a character.  
I had Starlink last night but today it’s not connected. I’ve had the generator and charged my iPads and iPhone. I couldn’t find the satellite phone and brought the Garmin but other than having it for an SOS I’ve not figured out how to put in contacts.  
I didn’t sleep well last night with all the energy drinks and coffee but I did dream of bear.
Kevin and Anna and the God kids were behind me on the way up getting to Pemberton just after me. That’s when I lost them. I was really wanting to get set up before dark and while I could still concentrate. A long day.  They didn’t make it to this campsite. I looked for them on the quad last night. Then this morning I asked some native campers if they’d seen the family of 5 children.
« You must be Dr. Hay.  They told us to look out for you describing the quad and dog.  They said they were going to Gold bridge for the day but would be back at the campsite at night.
I’m glad . I bought way too much food along with watermelons and more meat and I really want to pass it on. I’d already bought 9 steaks which I’d left for Anna saying I’d like a steak dinner cooked for me. I’ve been cooking all my own meals and tiring of the barbecue routine coupled with either pizza, chinese or barbecue chicken.  I really wanted a home cooked meal done by someone else. I was spoiled by my neighbours chicken noodle soup.  I miss Laura’s elk hash which was to die for.  Now I’m enjoyin cold cuts.  Montreal smoked meat and angus beef with mustard and Cobbs bread has been the latest fad.

The tea is great.  

When I met up with the Bustards, they’d shot a black bear. They were heading home in the morning. I decided to come back on the Duffy Lake Road through Lilooette. I stayed a night in Telte Yet campground in Hope before dropping off my camper and trailer in Chilliwack. What a weekend for adventure and views. A lot of exercise and definitely a break from routine.

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