Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Gratitude Tuesday

It’s raining. Chilly too.  The dog didn’t want to go out when I offered.  I’ve a plug in my sink drain so went out to check the outflow Now waiting for enzyme digester to clear the plug.  Don’t know what it is.  I have a snake. 
I’m due to begin work in a half hour. I’ve been texting with Laura. It’s a day I’d like to wear panties and bra with a slinky black dress and have some one serve me. I envy women the service of men.  Aging I choose passivity. My back hurts and I d’ like to lie on the couch drinking coffee with a portable orgone box.  Reich was a genius . So sad the Asian men are killing the rinoerous. 
I’ve got this Prehistory course and I’m thorough enjoying studying as a student just worrying over the upcoming assignments.  I’ve two court cases and things I didn’t anticipate.  I’m already thinking of the next course and how I’ll do that better though this has really excited my study and guided my audiobook selection.  I’ve not p;articulately liked the email discussion, I’d prefer the Jerusalem course i took with better wifi. Maybe go back and learn Biblical Hebrew.  
Kevin shot a bear and Laura says he’ll live off that story. I’ve not lived off my stories but really do want to publish books but only for profit.  I don’t think Laura sees writing as profitable because she knows poor women so doesn’t really support my writing as work,  The idea of passive income is attractive.  I personally don’t need credits or scores.
I’m at a stage where I could rest on my laurels but I want to continue learning. I just like the study in a dress or  Kafka. I like soft feeling clothing. Women have been into that for so longer. I’ve worn jeans and jeans shirts but do like my tweed jackets.  
Cross dressing psychiatrist is such a cliche but the world is past binary.  The traditionalists are safe. Thats’ the beauty of conservatism but fashion will be a non issue in the future unless we continue in war mode.  I’m useful in war as doctor and sniper so I’m welcome as Klinger but I’d just like silk lined cammo.  I love my fleece lined western shirt.  It’s like I’m serving two.  The dark passenger or anima that is not integrated.  Supposedly anima and animus and shadow all become integrated.
Pluck the timber out of your own eye before taking the sliver our of your neighbours.  I’ve such self work and study but mostly I’m in survival mode hope to live beyond the corruption and evil of Trudeau.  
I did enjoy Lopez in Atlas last night, an AI enhanced robot warrior with neurolink.  
Dark passenger  is a good term.  I learned it on Dexter, the psychopath vigilante serial murder struggling like DATA of Star Trek to be human.  
I don’t have any desire to kill . I could be a vegetarian again and become monastic but I see that all as superficial.  A remake isn’t going to address the fear of death and fear of shame.  The naked genitals of Jesus on the cross.  The millions of Armenians genocided and the hundreds of men and women left to die on the cross.  
There’s cruelty here and despite being older with intellectually less potential years of life I still wince at the thought of discomfort.  Even now I wonder about changing to a warmer sweater as there’s a child in the air. The rain continues heavy outside.  
I really was spoiled being at Harrison’s with Laura.
Best get ready for work.  I do enjoy being of service and like seeing the vehicle debt paid off. 

Thank you Lord for air. Thank you for warmth. Thank you for water and food . Thank you for relationships and connectedness .Thank you for AA. Thank you for sobriety and spirituality. Thank you for church. Thank you for the university. Thank you for books and study. Thank you for work and purpose. Thank you for friends. Thank you for Madigan and Laura. Thank you for family.  

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