Saturday, May 11, 2024

Commercial Street Saturday

I love Commercial street for the sights. Madigan loves it for the smells.  Lots of people and dogs from all walks and all breeds.  `I’m having a cafe late and grilled cheese sandwich. It’s an open weekend.  I walked Madigan ,meditated this morning then attended a on line professional recovery meeting. We talked of tribe and family and belonging.  Now I’ve just come from seeing Dr. Ready, my chiropractor and my back and neck feel better. 
This grilled cheese sandwich is delicious. A young woman with spectacular breasts just walked by.  They were prominent but the attraction was the firm ‘jiggle’.  If I guessed it was the breasts and not the bra. An early dissappointment as a pre teen boy was the promise of x ray glasses that would see through clothing.  It seemed they were advertised in every action comic book and one of my friends insisted they were a scam.  Besides we weren’t interested in skeletons. More soft tissues affiondos from afar.  We’d first been excited by Sears Catalogues, then black and white true detectives and finally the Playboys of an older brother brought out from his under mattress stash to be shared about for a glimpse.  These pictures were so very different from the girls in our class who were only just blossoming.  We were riding bikes and talking more about fishing
Now I’m on Davie Street still looking at women as exotic birds.  I’m interested in fashion too, the plumage, and the projection. What is she trying to say with her choice of colour, jewelry, bag.  Commercial street is popular with lesbians. Is she a lesbian? Is she a spy?  Is she an actress, drug addict, doctor or lawyer?  I like the variations.  Used to enjoy people watching with lovers and the Paul Simon song, off to search for America.  
The story teller in me makes up scenarios.  I’m geriatric so I’m not the object of romance in the comedy. I laugh at my writer friends who are in their 70’s and 80’s yet write love stories of robust 20 year old. Our memories or dreams or wishes.  I chuckle at the stereotypes that run through my mind, flotsam from a varied past.
My fiend walking dogs with me tells me he met a neighbour who asked where his wife was and he told him ‘his husband was at home.”  “He’s not talked to me since”. I laughed annoyed at the predjudice but then thinking how I objected to hearing from my Parisian friend that Hijab wearing women had assaulted the French girls in bikinis on the beach, I am so disappointed by the pro Palestinian college LGBT and feminists.  Israel is the bright light of liberty in the Middle East but the university political departments are hundreds of years out of date mired in the Marxists fantasy world. Canadian media is offensive. I’ve just read a few books of history, the latest and up today and even on on climate change by a leading geologist.  Books are so much more informative than censored social media .  
It’s a sunny day. I’m loving the views. A woman with a name tag on her purse asked if she could take Madigan’s picture. I said yes but he didn’t wish to sit still. Now I’ve finished the grilled cheese he wants to walk and piddle and sniff.
I dropped off my laundry in New West before coming here.  They say it will be ready Tuesday.  I do my own laundry but after the cleaning ladies changed the sheets a couple of weeks and some towels gathered up I didn’t feel like doing a laundry since I’ve not a lot of room for drying.  
I actually had this weekend figured for doing a medical legal report I spent all day doing yesterday and completed.  It just needs an edit for typos and page numbers which I ‘ve asked the staff to do.  That’s given me two ‘free’ days. I’m committed to reading and doing the homework for my Oxford Ritual and Religion course. I believe the secular religion of addiction is tied to ritual and enjoying this course as thought provoking.  It appears religion increased the cohesiveness and survival of groups.  That’s cerntaly consistent with the failure of communism, the main religion of aetheism, very good at destruction but poor at creation.
It’s Mother’s Day. I should get gifts for the main girls I know who also happen to be mothers and grandmothers.  Amazon is good for that.  I do miss my mom.  She was amazing and the older I get the more I wish that I just made the space to spend time with her. I could have taken her for lunch more. I remember she loved when I did that.  She loved going out for dinner with Dad and anyone else in the family. I appreciate that now, her joy in the family and being part of creation.  I am a loner I admit but do appreciate those experiences of togetherness. We’re born along and die alone though we are not alone given the spiritual yet it’s the connections that count. I miss those who I became close to who have died. I miss George a lot, and there are others. They come into my mind and I remember that grief is like a passing cloud. It helps me appreciate the sunny days more,
Today is a sunny day.  I like when I can sit on a street like Commerival and watch interesting people passing. I loved Ireland for this.  My joy in travelling is really about experience the place and writing about it.  I remember in Gr 3 studying geography and having the task of writing letters home to our parents.  
Adell, my sister in law, is sorting and cleaning up in anticipation for a move to a smaller space. She’s been going through my aunts slides which apparently havent’ weather time too. well. I loved that my aunt travelled and sent gifts from far reaching places , like the camel from Cairo.  She used to take slides and show them to her church friends on her return .  A night of Aunt Sally’s slides.  I remember Dad’s super 8 movie nights of family vacations.  I am truly blessed to have had my family and the child hood I did with such loveing incredible people.  
Laura texts me her walks with her sisters Australian sheep dog Molly.  Molly bolts after squirrels and pulls Laura after her sometimes airborn sometimes dragged along behind her.  She told me she preferred Madigan because he’s smaller.  He can be stubborn too but there’s only 20 lb of him and Laura can match him in the weight and muscle class. He mostly dominated us with attitude.
New week I’m hear and rabbit hunting. I dropped off Steaks for the camp fire with Anna so she could figure what she’d want for the kids.  
Some young guy is styling with a hat I’ve only seen on Afghan elders.  It’s a young street, this Davie.  That’s a lot of the attraction.  All age but more young adults than old adults. I’m at an age where my cohort is dying off.  I ‘m looking forward to returning to Europe and seeing the older folk those who fought off the fascists.  There’s a pragmatism in those I meet there that’s no as present in the easily swayed urban intellectuals here.  Maybe it’s just young all over. Churchill saying, if you’re not a socialist at 20 you have not heart but if you are not a capitalist at 40 you have no brains.  I’m thinking there’s a need for the soulless like Trudeau who is pushing euthanasia under the euphemis MAID for the elderly.  When the old have only cockroaches infested basement suites food banks and waitlists for health care Trudeau’s ignorance and arroaganc wand mismanagement of the economy makes MAID seem okay for the old.  I’m at times troubled by the future he promotes but am hopeful as Canada before this attempt to turn it into the third world has a history of care for the old unlike the utilitarian communist who use prisons to collect body parts for their elites. We’re still pretty good in Canada and elections may still work.  
An obese woman has fallen and several folk have come to assiste her.  She’s not old but does represent the issues of our society where the problems are those of excess.  Drugs is the issue here.  Wealth for excess.  Yet homelessness and problems of isolation and joblessesnes with loss of purpose.

I’m blessed it’s family friends, a dog, and today time to observe.  
In a couple of week I’m taking Laura to Harrison Hot Springs. I’ve done this dozens of times over many years and we’ve always enjoyed the mini vacations in the hot springs, great dinners and rustic walks along the lake with the dogs.  

Life is good.  I’m thankful.  God children. Nephews. Colleagues.  I was at church last week and most likely will be at St. Barnabus tomorrow. I’ll be going to the symphony again in time.  

Thank you.

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