Sunday, September 13, 2020

Gender Fluid

I just read that a recent poll showed 22 % evangelicals  did not accept the Biblical Old Testament Binary, Male and Female.  I’ve always recommended people read the letter on the internet “Why I can’t own a Canadian?”to appreciate the concept of ‘cherry picking’ the Bible.  It’s no longer kosher. Jesus said all of the scriptures could be summed up as ‘Love God and Love your neighbour as yourself. ‘That’s the key to understanding all the Scriptures,till Jesus, who was said to have brought a new ‘accord’.  He didn’t speak about sex.  Christians and humans in general are obsessed with sex as much as Chimpanzees.  I’m writing about it now.
Sex is male or female and is intrinsic to the genetic make up of the individual, XY or XX.  There are exceptions like XXY.  “Hermaphrodites and the Medical Invention of Sex’ by Drager is the classic text on sex and gender. French Philoospher, Ivan Illich’s book “Gender” is a deep read about the ‘gender role’ in society and how they were considered ‘equal’ . 
This was before the reductionism of Marx followed by the errors of the Frankfurt School. These patriarchal philosophers argued ‘men oppress women’.  Marxism basically said the ‘rich oppress the poor’ and then the Frankfurt school continued the binary insanity with ‘any ‘x’ can be chosen to argue ‘x’ oppresses’y’”.  
Illich showed this was historical revisionism.  Women and Men were complementary.  
The role of the mother in society, had until the devolution of Marxism and mass abortion, been highly valued.  Children were ‘tools” until recently when they became ‘luxury pets’. Children were necessary for the farm and the military, the greater the family, the greater the wealth and the greater the ability of the group to defend against invaders. They were the old age pensions.
When the Industrial Age began the ‘individual unit’ and the ‘State as God’ competed with the idea of the family relationships and relationships of family to the world and to God.  The image of the industrial age ‘clock’ was one of ‘connected ‘parts but each part as separate.
Men and women who did not have children were no longer necessarily part of a family. Marx and Engles set out to destroy the family in their socialistic and communistic utopian fantasies.
Gender became ‘fluid’.  The first to show this were women with Chanel in the 30’s challenging convention by introducing formal ‘pants’ for women, this trend culminating in Hillary Clinton’s ‘pant suit’ woman.  Men to today in America, in the greatest empire of the time, must still formally wear the equivalence of he British empire military jacket and trousers. Very functionary. Men are still ‘tools’.  Women have by contrast the freedom to be the ‘peacock’ and the ‘luxury pet’.  Lingerie and negligees and all the ‘fashion’ of the ‘feminist’ woman is ironically oriented to the age of chivalry, sex slavery, concubines and the  role of seduction and leisure. 
The Chinese Emperor took pleasure in having the longest finger nails as evidence that he did not need to work. The term ‘idle rich’ was not a British or American concept but came from the inherited wealth of a leisure class of elite common in the Middle East and Asia.  African, European and North American leaders were first warriors and later considered themselves such, associating ‘leisure’ with the feminine.  Hugh Heffner’s Playboy motif was a challenge in America to the Stoicism and Pragmatism of American philosopher Emerson.
In all other cultures there were less extreme divisions between male and female role with men have sarongs, kilts, robes. 

When I was in theatre I liked playing different roles. I liked costumes. I liked dress up. I liked cross dressing. I liked dancing and the dance and theatre world because it was ‘relaxed’. It was gender fluid. The gay and lesbian people were accepted and people were judged on their performance.  There was a lot of sexuality and even  sexually inappropriate behaviour. I didn’t like that I saw people get positions simply because of the ‘casting couch’.  There was a lot of favouritism but in the end talent counted , a lot.  
I once wrote an article in an international scientific journal speaking to the division of society into principally male and female realms.  This followed Ivan Illich.  Education and health care and the church were principally female domains with the military, law and business as masculine domains. Of course these were broad generalizations with exceptions and different cultural considerations.  Dr. Carl Jung described the Anima, or female self and the Animus or masculine self in terms of the individual.  He also described the Self and the Shadow, the individual being made of different parts or modes. In theatre, according to the Stanislav technique, we’d find the character within and build on these aspects of self. The distinction between the actor and the multiple personality disorder was that one changed roles and characters voluntarily.  

I liked fabrics too., I early had girlfriends who were models and clothing designers so became aware of the different textures and appreciated the vast variety of ‘feels’ that clothing had.  Women were permitted and encouraged to be sensual.  By contrast I remember a rugby player saying that if your rugby clothes didn’t stand alone unwashed because of sweat, or you washed your uniform during the season ,you were  gay.

I didn’t have any issues with doing conventional female activities if the price was right. In England I spent a year as a secretary in London because I was adept with typing and early computers.  By contrast my friend went to work on the oil rigs and made the same as I did but had to live and work in the harsh high risk North Sea environment only getting back to London for plays and the city life every month. I was mocked and called gay and made fun of by the ‘boys’ in the firms though the male and female  leaders accepted me quickly because of my work performance. Some of the women ‘stenos’ were threatened because I was rapidly elevated to the executive assistant of the CEO and heads of companies because I was a better typist than most, comfortable with learning the proto computer,but mostly because I was conscientious and reliable.  

I was often called ‘gay’ told ‘why don’t you wear a skirt’ and made fun of by men and women in the working class. I was happy to have the high pay.  I was at the time married to the sexiest most beautiful woman in the world and had no questions about my sexuality though I”d had homosexual experiences but simply thought myself purely heterosexual. I was always ‘different’.  “You are too smart for your own good’, was the way my mother put it.  I was exceptional in most that I did, academically achieving, athletically accomplished, always with the brightest and most beautiful women ,with a network of highly accomplished friends across a broad spectrum. I was in early years an ‘intellectual’ and very interested in spiritual pursuits though raised in traditional congregational Christianity.

I liked dressing up as a girl for Halloween and later for Rocky Horror picture, in lingerie.  I smoked marijuana on vacation and enjoyed the ‘subordinate roll’ associated with that. With a second marriage gone and a whole lot of bizarre psychological behaviour in my wife’s alcoholic family and her insistence that her viewpoint was the ‘norm’ for the world I felt trapped in weird secular suburban, the ‘life of quiet desperation.’

I enjoyed in psychiatry, having left more conventional surgery and general medicine, the broad and deep approach to human experience. I loved studying anthropology, psychoanalysis, the great thinkers and makers and shakers of the western world. I consumed knowledge and experience and came home to ‘my way or the high way’. I remember most being told that ‘all women don’t like oral sex’ at the height of ‘deep throat’ and thinking how terrible my future would be listening to this ‘my mother says’ world I was suddenly trapped in. Naturally my own family was even more ‘prosaic’ but it was a wholly different group of colleagues and experiences I encountered in my residency. Ultimately the drugs and sex went sideways and I left my marriage and my university.  I was chasing after the monk who sold his Ferrari and loved Karma Bums and Fear and Loathing in Los Vegas.

I met a fellow doctor with the same Avante garde interest in drugs and alcohol and sex and life continued on. I’d cross dress and role play and enjoy regular exotic sex for years but  eventually sailing we’d smoke dope and ultimately more problems arose with her and her cocaine addiction and indiscretions.  I sought help. We separated .I returned to the ‘straight and narrow’ and ‘clean and sober’ dated and lived the life of the successful sought after heterosexual man. 

All the while society was constantly denigrating men and women were lying, betraying and aborted my child. The song”I’d rather be a hammer than a nail’ kept recurring.  I grew weary of the constant relentless attack on men by Marxist feminists and the tokenism that saw the most incompetent and meanest evil women elevated to high position beyond their intllegience or competence. Rather than a ‘changing of the guard’ making things better, they just got worse and worse.  Heads were changed to tails but my work increased and increasingly I was confronted by lying female psychopaths with the backing of the corrupt fascist state. I was doing my job. I was doing my job well but constantly under attack over and over again by these deeply evil people and the forces around them.

I can’t say I felt I was ‘born into the wrong body’ as a child. I seemed to be ‘ambidextrous ‘ as a child. I learned about the studies of gender and sex which showed a range. Dr. Dorothea Bea out of Berkeley wrote a paper, Fluffy women and Macho men.  At the ends of the spectrum were 10% who literally would rather die than do or be perceived to do anything that was of the opposite gender. In the middle were those, like myself, which would do whatever so long as it profited them. My macho man friend worked on the oil rigs and I worked in the high rise banking office. 

I hunted. I fought. I played hockey. I did all those masculine things, a real cowboy, riding horses and later motorcycles. But I danced and I wrote poetry and I was interested in emotions and the unconscious and spirituality and prayer.  I came up on the tests as a rare extrovert and introvert. I was always in the middle. 
This meant politically I was attacked by the extremes and had scars all over. A military friend laughed and said that he’d always known me to charge first into battle whereas he as he’d got older had learned to stay back with his back to the wall.  I don’t know why. I attribute some of this to my Christian spirituality and relationship with Jesus Christ. I wasn’t fearless. I was constantly terrified but I truly believed in doing the right thing.

I found dressing in what were considered ‘female clothing’ comfortable. I was sexually abused by a superior who liked me wearing his wive’s black negligees.  Eventually anal arousal became parts of masturbation and sex.  I imagined myself becoming a lesbian. 

I had therapy and exorcism and met with the leaders in the field, gay , straight, psychiatrists and psychologists, ministers, male and female.  I would collect women’s clothes and on vacations wear them, mostly nightgowns and later I’d cross dress and go on outings at night. I’d cross dressed in the acceptable theatre world and it didn’t have a sexual component.  Later it would take the trials of a quarter century of marriage with years of abuse are not allowed to talk about how difficult living with modern feminists is, their promiscuity, lying,  violence, mood swings, their paranoia, and their insane families, with psychotic mothers and dangerous brothers, and drug addicted criminals friends....I confess I’ve really enjoyed being single. Obviously the best times, usually the first five to seven years, were great with the year or two before the divorce being hell on earth followed by society blaming the man and treating the woman as a victim.

I was working with men and women though out decades seeing the individual cases, men abused, women abused and the legal and political and media making profits off it all. So I saw things individually but wearied of the constant attacks on men.  Meanwhile the male predators and narcissists were chameleon and lied and had the full support of their women cohorts who themselves would be lying. I knew there were good men and good women but the ‘system’ was seriously flawed. When Lenin said ‘women are the niggers of the world’ in the 60’s that might have been true but when Justin Trudeau said “I am a feminist’ women were in charge and frankly as abusive as men had been. We are today living in a twisted matriarchy in Canada.

About 20 years ago I approached an organization about a sex change. I met with psychiatrists and transsexuals and at the time was helping dozens of transsexuals.  I found that my desires ebbed and flowed. I joined a transgender support group. I was more likely to want to cross dress when there was a full moon. Really, lunacy.  I would gather clothing for months then ‘purge’ but never for more than a year or two. Then I’d ‘relapse’ and start a new wardrobe. I’d stop masturbating, all masturbating, all fantasizing for years at a time. I wasn’t drinking or doing drugs for 20 years and yet during that time of abstinence’s and meditation and prayer and spiritual pursuit I’d return to contemplation of a sex change.

After years of abuse for being male by a depraved bureaucracy supporting female psychopaths I increasingly didn’t want to be male.  

So here were the considerations I made and addressed.
1. Cross dressing was for me a ‘Klinger’ like reaction to the madness of the society. I learned about the Historical Mad Mollies who dressed up as women and at night attacked the landowners who were killing them with starvation in Ireland.  I identified at times with Joan of Arc and enjoyed wearing a kilt and Scottish regalia with a ski n do and dirk. But in Canada Scottish men were arrested and fined for wearing kilts and ski n dos and dirks. All the while Siks were allowed to go armed as were aboriginals.  The war on men by the Liberal government had followed the attack on white people with impoverishment of women and celebration of abortion.  Immigrants had large families and were highly supported, came from patriarchal countries and persisted in raping female girls, honour killing and major sexual abuse along with constant sexual harassment, hate words against whites and men, in their language, (I got translations) and this perpetuation of a double standard. Canadian liberalism was all about mass chaos with the elite benefitting.
2. ‘Identification with the aggressor’. I’d been raped by a superior who culturally and financially and by being part of the Liberal elite suffered no consequence. Just as the abuse of aboriginals was by the Judges, Principals,bureaucrats and Politicians but only the Church and the Teachers were condemned. Satanic. The whole ‘reconciliation process’ protected the lawyers and judges who went on to make millions. More satanic aetheism. Natives would get a million but the lawyers and judges would get hundreds of millions.  I never got anything. I felt badly. I did the ‘right thing’. I ‘reported’ the breach of trust and the broken rules and the abuse and instantly was further abused.  I have never been forgiven for reporting the abuse of power and abuse of trust.  The whole industry of ‘false chivalry’, ‘protect the little women’ by the courts and the ‘big men’ in the courts making a killing off the attack on the rest of the men and disruption of society doesn’t apply to regular men and women”. 
My ‘cherry’ was broken and I was seen by these men, the judges, bureaurocrats and lawyers as being a ‘pussy’.  It was all further abuse and girls collectively like each group have been ‘out for themselves’. Our mothers and girlfriends and sometimes our wives have been understanding and sensitive but for me the abuse just continued.
A colleague, known for his sleeping with a lot of women outside his marriage. A ‘real man’, much admired by feminists, a regular Bill Clinton character told me ‘since rape is inevitable you might as well lie back and enjoy it.’
3. Humiliation and sensuality. There was something in the subjugation, humiliation and sensual appeal.  It’s tied to the idea of a ‘sissy’ and an odd twisted Sadism and Masochism quality.
4.  Reproductive sex or biblical sex followed ‘fun sex’.  Chimpanzees our nearest primate love sex.  Tribal folk didn’t necessarily know that sex begat children until they moved from hunters and gatherers to shepherding and ranching. Animal husbandry and breeding became central from 80,000 years and reproduction and ‘marriage’ was about the responsibility and ‘ownership’ of the children.  There was no ‘rape’ in marriage because both man and women wanted sex. Women wanted children. 12 children increased the life expectancy and health of women. The greater the number of children the higher the status of the woman and the more success of the man. For 80,000 years until a couple of hundred years ago men and women had sex at least daily except during the woman’s menstrual cycle. The ‘more the merrier’.  Caucasians or aryans - Indo - Persian- Irish - introduced the monogamous arrangement.  Having more than one wife was the purvey of the negroid and mongoloid. The big man had the most wives. Ghenghis Kahn and his brothers had Khan gene that is so prevalent in Central Asia that it has been extrapolated that together the men had sex and children with a million or more women.  Rape was an act of war. The Moghul modis operandi was to kill all men of fighting age, impregnate the women and then take the children into their army.
5. There was nothing I could do to stop her having an abortion. I paid the rich and powerful women who I married , I paid everyone and then some,feminists who claimed in court to be ‘little girls’ and I was the ‘bad man’.  I feel I’ve had a life of castration. Women have cuckolded me.  We know that the children of divorce, 40% are not their fathers.  I have however been held to a standard of perfection and had women cut the tips off condoms. Meanwhile they can take the birth control pill, can use condoms yet if they get pregnant the man is accountable. I ‘ve had many women patients being supported with hundreds of thousands of dollars by men. One fellow paid $250000 fo see his daughter. State sanctioned extortion. The courts so often saw the children as the possession of women and supported their use of children for profit and extortion. Meanwhile feminists would not allow women to use their wombs for artificial insemination.  It’s the most bizarre world , the family and female courts system with systemic abuse of families and children and equal abuse of fathers and mothers. I worked in it and saw countless tragedies and corruptions and diabolical abuse.  I was punished for marriage. Men who don’t marry are safe in Canada. Father’s are grossly abused in Canada. I don’t know whose more abused by the government today, men or women, but the feminists would say they have a’monopoly on suffering’ and literally don’t care about men
6. Boys are sexually abused and have very little support.  Pedophiles when caught commonly have 250 to 500 victims , male or female. The question arises is this sexual addiction and indeed is the whole transvestism, transsexualism matter, sexual addiction. 90% of cross dressers are heterosexual and 100% of women cross dressers do not see their cross dressing as sexual. God is all so there’s nothing outside of god. The choice is God or not God, love or fear, with hell, the absence of God. Addiction is the false God. Clearly sensuality, hedonism and Epicureanism are counter to the stoicism OS some Calvinist or puritanical aspects of God. These sects are big on gluttony and make Money their God. The joke then is to avoiding judging others for sins you don’t enjoy while staying blind to your own evil preference. In the Catholic Church the men drank and the women ate. Fat women and skinny men. Then there was Veblen Conspicuous consumption. Now that gays are no longer the sexual scapegoat the transgender can be attacked by straights and gays. Ridiculous.
7.  So there I was ambivalent.  I had a girlfriend and I’d had marriages and lots of girlfriends and a few experiences with men. I’d been cross dressing off and on and increasingly didn’t like being male. It’s difficult because I didn’t like being a lot of things. I didn’t like being Canadian when the liberals were in charge. I didn’t like being a professional because the big bad boys look for scapegoats. I didn’t like being a lot of things. I’d stopped playing hockey and stopped getting married. I even gave up on having children. I ultimately gave up buying houses because at the end of the day I had no rights and the government laws meant I merely leased the property. EVeryone else was making a fortune for little work and I was working 7 days a week 12 hour days and watching accountants, lawyers and government politicians and bureaucrats steal from me with one lying scheme after another. I seemed always to be among parasites and all my working helping others was undermined by the forces of evil.  There’s simply more money in killing than in saving lives. The abortions I did paid more than the babies I delivered. The government I was working for was little better than a gang. Steal a little and they put you in jail, steal a lot and they make you king.  Montreal and Toronto were disgusting treating western Canada like a colony. I focused on my work but because I gave it my full attention I depended on others to protect me and they didn’t. 
8. I had erectile failure. One day my cock gave up. It no longer would be dependable. It once lead. Now intermittently it would say no. Maybe the abortion or all the demands. I spent hours between the legs of complaining women never satisfied wanting bigger houses, more cars and competing with sisters and girlfriends. I felt good camping, sailing, fishing and hunting. I began to envy women. Viagra and coal is worked but mostly I’d be fine and then it wouldn’t work, unpredictable, and it wasn’t the girl. I just saw it as a performance thing. I and my cock were just really tied of ‘working on Maggie’s farm’
9 Scab labor.  I had heard how tough it was to be a woman all my life but whenever I took on women’s roles it was a lot easier than what I faced as a man.  Where this stopped was child bearing and mothering. I definitely saw those as tough jobs like being a father. But when I compared single women and single males especially professionals the men were shafted and the expectations on them were massive. Cocksucking wasn’t even a big deal. I tried it and it wasn’t any better or worse than all the cunniligus I did. Yet there was a time when this was compared to the ultimate sacrifice and ultimate gift. All marketing.  I grew really tired of the constant complaining. I did appreciate the mothers. I realized that Feminism was about girls and feminism was ‘imitation as the sincerest form of flattery, ‘ since all feminists want was to do male things or appear to do make things’ get the benefits without the risk or cost. So we had women in the military getting all the ‘cudos’ but not many on the front lines. 
10. All the women who were my ‘equal’ and were’ competent’ and the ‘mothers’ and the female surgeons and the combat women and the engineers all got along with me and me with them. We mutually supported each other and admired each other.  This shrieking of the feminists demanding equal pay and lying constantly and not doing equal work or risk was just painful. So I worked with two types of doctors, women better than me and this group of women who were lazy and token doctors and did everything to get credit and cudos but avoided the work. There were men like that to. Often they gravitated to administration.
11. I just didn’t want to chase women anymore or initiate sex or get on top and my back hurt. I was happy to lick and suck and happy to lie on my front or back in my fantasy but by my 50’s and 60’s I was worn out. I was tired of fixing vehicles for women to ride in, fixing machines, always covered in grease with scrapes and bruises.. I cared for dogs and delivered babies and had helped children and single mothers and mothers but then the feminists called all men pedophiles and rapists and I just didn’t want to be around the aggressive sociopaths. I was tired. I have a lifetime of being falsely accused and having to deal with bullies and gangs.
12. I’d travelled for a week dressed as a woman. No expectation. I wrote. Took pictures. Wearing pants and jacket I’m targeted by men and women who are looking to score. I’m Billy the Kid. There are all these losers who want to compete because they are insecure. Wankers and losers. Sick.  All my life I’ve felt prey or on guard. I’ve been shot at , stabbed, mugged and robbed.  As a transexual woman who clearly didn’t pass I was a source of entertainment at best but invisible as well.  I personally was withdrawn.
13 When I’m dressed as a woman I don’t feel I have to ‘provide and protect’.  It’s being on holiday. Normally I have to leave Canad to feel safe. You just never know when someone will be offended or threaten you or worse threaten you and your dog. Everyone can hit me but I can’t defend myself because I’m a law abiding white old guy and we are the number one enemy. I’ve saved dozens of women in the community from rape and attack and fought gangs of men to protect women. That’s been outside of my job which has been serving women and children and men.  I’ve given two thirds of my income to rich women and lawyers and had no children and the women have with the courts castrated me treating me as some sort of beugoisie and as well  the poor women who was a dangerous drug addict has been supported by the courts. Years of my time and life and sanity has been stolen by these evil demonic sociopaths.
14. I’ve wanted to die. I’ve been suicidal. I don’t know if I want to be a woman but being a man has sucked immensely. I’ve made the best of it. I’ve survived barely.
15. My fantasy for years has been to change gender. To be a woman. To travel as a woman.  I would have liked to have had children and grandchildren but I married women who wanted to be the child and the princess and themselves didn’t want children.  Ultimately my child was aborted and since I was forty sex with women over forty hasn’t been about children but about sex and ultimately sex for men is serving women and meeting their needs and fantasies whereas I’ve just lost interest in the ritual. All men I know have faced years of rejection. In studies men have been rejected sexually hundreds of times where as women in the studies were at most a tenth or a hundredth of the times.
16. People lie. They lie on the studies.  Women lie better than men about sex. In a classic study a ‘social acceptability’ scale was introduced to women’s responses and they answered what was ‘socially acceptable ‘ and they later believed they’d answered true when their answers changed. It was the same with the ‘water fountain’ studies regarding sexual harrassment and women.  Women are only sexually harassed by the poor, the ugly or those they believe they can take advantage of.  Indeed the book. Who stole feminism, how women betray women’ showed that for women as for men, selfishness is central and each will use whatever to ‘win’.  The saddest problem is in ‘prisoner’s dilemna’ the ‘we win’ solution never wins because people collectively prefer ‘I win, you lose’. Gladwell’s book on women and a third of college girls not knowing what constitutes consent. 40% of sexual abuse claims are now false. The opportunists are legion but it wasn’t always so. As Davidson says it’s all about appreciating the creative fiction. There is no truth in a post modern society. Cat eat cat. Churchill bear Hitler but Eva Brawn bear Mrs. Hitler.
17. I admire grandfathers the most. I love grand mother’s too.  I rarely have sex.  When I was young all I did was have sex but older it’s just not high on the priority list. When Covid hit and I was able to work from home I was happy to drop pants from my wardrope. As a sailor for a year in the tropics I’d lived in a sarong or faded canvas shorts. I love wearing kilts in winter. I just had a day at the spa getting red pedicure nails and French manicure.  I like the colour. I liked having my hair coloured. I’ve gone months at a time even years when I coloured my hair and then I have gone months and years happy with the grey.  If I lived in Texas I believe I’d like being a man. I wouldn’t have Justin Trudeau with his Nazi body guards with guns surrounding him and his constant attack on hunters like me owning guns while all the rich and powerful I know regardless of the laws have owned arsenals.  Bernie and Obama and Hillary are armed to the teeth. I am frightened of these people and the mismanagement of the economy makes me think that my skill collecting game hunting will soon be needed to feed myself. I come from people who the government starved. Communists have killed half the countries they’ve taken over, hundreds of millions and the ones they target are the intelligent. I’ve never been accused of having a low IQ, stupid yes, but Low IQ know. I’m afraid and I turn to Jesus and ask for faith and strength and don’t think he cares whether I’m male or female or something else. I’m ‘other’.  I did my best to be a father and paid massive dues without reward and now I just want to take it easy. I don’t think men can take it easy in Canada. Leonard Cohen wrote the great song ‘There is a war’ and I love the Travelling Wilbury’s.
18. My transexual psychiatrist friend and the transexual patients I know are ‘outside’ of the ‘stereotypes’ and the harsh demands. I have liked adventures and there’s no fame or glory for men climbing Everest or going to the moon. All the glory goes to the woman who does what the men did decades ago.  Now one has to be a disabled black aboriginal drawf to be celebrated.  So much for fame and fortune.  The Beatles introduced long hair back when the play Hair hit Broadway demanding ‘are you a boy or are you a girl, with your hair like that you look like a girl’.  I was shot at hitchhiking several times when I was a long haired hippie.  Four yahoos with baseball bats chased me through cornfields screaming they were going to kill a ‘long haired hippy’.
I’ve done my duty. I’ve served my society. I’m going to die soon. My brother said ‘he couldn’t live through another liberal government’ and promptly died. My father and mother both had no respect for Pierre Trudeau. I left the liberal party after 20 years because of the corruption and terrible evil.  Now I’d rather wear pretty clothes and work and play and let someone else take up the fight. I’ve got all the scars I need to get into heaven and sometimes thinks the MAID future is just the Liberal Solyent Green. 
19 . Beam me up Scotty , there’s no intelligent life here.
20. The real question is do i want to be an old lady or an old man or other.

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