Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Covid Variables

The following is a partial list of ‘variables’ that scientific researchers are naturally trained to consider. I’ve noted that the mainstream media, social media and some political factions overlook these
1. Deaths per million is the best measure of the disease and spread
2. Case count is the worst case scenario. It refers to the traceable contacts so exaggerates overall numbers.
3.  Antibody studies which research the spread of the virus have indicated that the case numbers are only the ‘tip’ of the iceberg.  The actual contacts are in an order of 10 to 100 times the case numbers.  Case number reporting was important scientifically initially but now is more a political and economic tool given the widespread of the disease.
4. Case testing and antibody testing are very costly.  The most and truest testing has been done by the richest nation in the world, the U.S.  If a poor third world country had no cases it would most likely reflect lack of money for testing. Canada recently, finally, acquired the Abbott Antibody Tests which are 90% plus accurate. By contrast the Communit Chinese test were grossly inaccurate and indeed many were contaminated and spread the disease. The measuring stick is critical and has varied country to country.
5. The WHO lied as did Communist China so whatever data is reported by these agencies is highly suspect.
6. Profits and Covid reporting.  If you ran a funeral business you would be more likely to report the disease is mild and hope for the spread. If you ran an  home delivery ice cream business dependent on customer survival you’d report the disease as dangerous and encourage people to stay home.
7. There are three major competing forces. 1) the Communist Chinese biological war fare, spread of the disease, undermine world economy, call in loans, become rich and powerful.  Win. Sell vaccine developed in the Wuhan lab at the same time as the chimera virus escaped from the Wuhan lab and was allowed to spread, doctors being tortured and killed who tried to warn the world. 2) Big Pharma - the existing multi billion dollar vaccine industry has a conflict of interest in whatever increased ‘customer base”. 3) American election - Davos 2020. Trump versus SOROS. If the economy is poor and people are lockdown at home afraid to come out and vote, and the streets are unsafe because of Democrat supported Brown Shirt Antifida and BLM then Trump might lose the election especially if there is reliance on ‘mail in’ voting which has been shown repeatedly to be open to massive tampering with Democrat and Communist China   Big Corporate Tech not at all interested in human rights except virtue signalling, rather seeing what’s best for global profits.  
8. Just as the Climate Change trillion dollar industry reported ‘everything bad’ as Climate Change, so the Covid Industry now reports everything ‘bad’ as Covid.   In both cases ‘researchers’ in both fields were biased to favour whatever increased their work and futures. In Canada nearly a billion dollars were given to the ‘friends of Climate Change’ without any reports or actual work being done. Similarly billions of dollars will be given to the ‘friends of Covid’ allowing massive cronyism.
9. Media - this is no longer a ‘fact’ service. Even the ‘fact checkers’ are PERCEPTION MANAGEMENT specialists.  What sells is the sound of nails on windowpanes and screams in the night.  The Media is no longer neutral.  Who owns the news sources will influence the news as was seen in Russia with Pravda, in Canada with the CBC and in Communist China with the Chinese Daily.  
10. A useful statistic is loss of ‘potential life’.   Life expectancy is a critical figure decided at the time of your birth and later in old age based on ‘survivor statistic’ formulations.  In the Overdose epidemic also created for profit by the Communist Chinese Military’s fentanyl exports the cost is unbelievable as the majority of death are in the 20 to 40 year old populations with each death costing 40 to 50 years. In Covid the majority of deaths have cost a potential life loss of 1-2 years. Overall Canadians are living a decade longer than previous generations due to quality of nutrition, water safety, high standards of public health, and overall low level good public health.  The high tech high cost high testing treatments for rare cancers and diseases are individually incredible but do not affect overall public health.  Even Stalin one of the greatest murderers of all time said “a single death is a tragedy while a million dead is a statistic’.  The media has very selectively compared an individual death and obscured the public health stats or vice versa depending on who they perceive their customers as.
11.  The average IQ is 100. Most media is aimed at 100 IQ or roughly in the west Gr. 12 education.  The voting population is highest in this range though other groups may more likely actually votes. Genius’s are few and despite being geniuses they may not vote and they are least likely to derive meaningful news through broad media or social media outlets
12.  75% of original research published in the finest of scientific journals is proven false within one year of publication.  That is the nature of ‘hypothesis’.  The knowledge of science is what persists in face of conflicting research.  The Media reports the sensational research but not the follow ups.
13. Churchill was famous for saying a ‘lie travels half way around the world before the truth has a chance to put it’s trousers on.’  So Goebels, the great Nazi propagandist said ‘tell an even bigger lie’.  What the Media reports on the front page is then retracted on the last pages weeks or months later. The damage is done nonetheless.
14. Emotional Reasoning is what the media does whereas science attempts to reduce the ‘emotional bias’ to a minimum.  Today’s media says Blacks are good and Whites are bad as a sensationalist profit driven news tactic whereas science has proven unemotionally that there are good blacks and good white and bad blacks and bad whites.  
15. Researchers know that the most powerful are those you can’t criticise. America remains one of the very few countries with Freedom of Speech.  So when the government in Wuhan said there were no more deaths, the families took their dead out of the houses at night, the death toll persisting despite official statements.  Face validity is the appearance of truth. Validity refers to truth. In philosophy and law, this is seen as ‘logic’ or ‘rhetoric’.  The judge is swayed most by logic while the jury is swayed most by rhetoric.  Rhetoric is the ‘appearance of truth’, falsehood dressed up in new clothes. 

These are just a few of the considerations that researchers factor into consideration of any news item from the right, left, middle, from the government, big corporation, the paranoids, or the war mongerers, or the Luddites or the naturalists who don’t wash, and the llama lovers.  The variables I’ve noted are merely the tip of the iceberg.  There’s a whole lot more. 

I consider ‘social media’ a ‘gossip column’. I’m afraid there are people who actually consider it ‘factual’ especially given the marketing by the ‘corporate liars’ who have profited billions from social media.   This is seen in the ‘fact checkers’ which are introduced to ‘give the appearances’ of truth to the ‘platform’.  Marshal McLuhan, the great Canadian, said ‘the medium is the message’.  First and foremost social media is a marketing tool. It’s the new disco bar. It’s a fashion.  Take everything with a grain of salt and then some.

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