Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Up early Tuesday

I woke early and refreshed. Gilbert had joined me on the bed for an extended belly rub.  It’s the day he stays home from work.  I decided to walk him before prayer and meditation.
There was no rain. I bundled up and noticed several cars leaving so early. The people on public dole don’t seem to know about the early bird getting the worm. I admire these early risers off to day jobs or shift work.
We see so many people on the streets and homeless and when I take their work history its too often like hearing an adolescent child’s history. Work is suiting up and showing up. It’s the grind. It’s keeping on going when you don’t want to.  It’s resilience.  It’s like all relationships.  We pay for the good times by being there through the te drum (tedium) Work is these guys and girls up in the dark heading out in the darkness for 8 to 12 hours.  Labouring, working heavy equipment, doing construction, painting, working for the pay, working for the sense of duty and worthwhile ness of contributing.
Working to be punished by gouging taxes for the irresponsible elite who give it away to the least deserving.   I don’t believe in ‘cash cows’.  I believe free money like our Prime Minister gives away late at night to American talk show hosts and the billions he ‘loses’ in middle east hand outs is just wrong. I believe there is a really bad place in hell for this type of politician.  There are of course good politicians and good statemen but he isn’t one.  He’s a bad actor. A joker.
 I believe in work and reward for work and don’t at all respect this lazy vacationing loud mouth immoral unethical pretty sock boy.  I don’t like his association with dictators on his love for the UN Agenda 21 communist dictatorship take over. It’s demoralizing.  I don’t like the kick backs for taking certain types for migrants whose dictator overlords want to be rid of the people who would overthrow them.  
I enjoy walking Gilbert.  Laura and I figure there’s a dog in the area in heat because he just lingers in certain places like his channel changer nose hit Pornhub.  Tinder and instagram appeal to the dog within. 
I’m thankful for the morning. I’m thankful for elections but the Conservative line up is looking fairly grim, yesterday’s news. The best of the best in my mind are already stepping down making me think the Liberal / Conservative party division is just an illusion.  It’s all controlled by Toronto Montreal ‘girls in the backroom’.  There’s merely an illusion of choice.  Colonial Broadcasting Company.  Canada a colony with the whole election system rigged by Trudeau in the 70’s to guarantee Quebec and Urban Montreal and Toronto dominance. Both parties one of the same. Agenda 21.  The bureaucrats are Liberal leaning.  Socialists and communists.  One in the same. The bird has two wings left and right but attached to the same body. Big Government. Waste. Control. Taxes and corruption.  Fat cats and snakes in suit. The swamp. That’s all we have now.  Plus a buffoon as head of state suggesting politics would be a good career goal for the mentally deficient.
Just rigged mental sports.  
Oh well, it’s all above my pay level. I trust in God. God is good all the time.  

Psalm 138:7 KJV
Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou will revive me.: thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and thy right hand shall save me.

That’s the verse today.  I must obey the great commandment of Jesus.  Do not be afraid.  

Thank you Lord for this day. Thank you for the wifi and electronics. Thank you for Facebook and it’s myriad irritations. Thank you for the mental sports show called politics. Thank you for the entertaining lies called ‘NEWS’. Thank you for all the distractions that I muddle about in each day. Mostly thank you for family and friends and keep them well. Especially help those I know in hospital today.
Thank you for Gilbert and Laura and bagpipes. Thank you for motorcycles , cars and trucks. Thank you for walks along country streams. Thank you for sunshine and stars. Thank you for loose clothing and indoor plumbing. Thank you for pretty girls and handsome men. Thank you for blessings and gifts and grace. Thank you for churches and schools and libraries.
Thank you for all the workers that keep the city going, the hydro workers, the water workers, the traffic workers, the police and nurses and doctors and law offices and plumbers and artists.
Thank you for the transsexuals and the LGBT community. Thank you for the pro life and pro choice folk. Thank you for all who are participating.
Thank you for those who get out of bed to day. Thank you for the party of life and city and the traffic and the whole shebang of ‘business’ and meet and greet and tools and wrenches and computers and internal combustion and solar panels and electricity. Thank you for thermodynamics.  Thank you for engineers and poets. Thank you Lord for the sky. Thank you Lord for the soil.
Thank you Lord for the plants. Thank you for sound and music. Thank you Lord for love making. Thank you Lord for skin. Thank you Lord for touch. Thank you Lord for sight and taste and hearing.

Now I’m going to get another cup of coffee.  I’m up so early I m not rushing and Gilberts gone back to sleep at my feet.  Thank you Lord for Gilbert.  Thank you lord for Baby Pictures and Dog Pictures on Facebook.

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