Friday, January 3, 2020

Jan.3 ,2020

Thank you Lord Jesus for this day in his new year. Thank you for your hope and sacrifice.

Thank you for the light that grows the days longer and the coming of spring.

Thank you for this year and the hope of camping and travel in this great outdoor wonderland of Canada.

Thank you for Gilbert my four legged companion who reminds me what a joy it is to breathe and walk and pee.

Thank you for transportation. Thank you for cars and trucks and motorcycles.

Thank you for clean water and clean air. Thank you for heat and fuel. Thank you for the septic system.  Thank you for home.

Thank you Lord for family and friends and coworkers and acquaintances.

Thank you for coffee and refridgerator and supermarkets and pharmacies and malls.

Thank you for entertainment, Netflix, ITunes, Apple, Amazon and BritBox.

Thank you for books and kindle.

Thank you for creativity and art and the friends who paint and sculpt and make music and write poetry and prose.

Thank you for coffee.

Thank you for today.  

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