Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Waking for Work

I actually enjoy waking most mornings. Now that the sun is back from it’s wanderings or baby earth has caught up with the father in their game of revolution.  I like it best when I’ve gone to bed early enough to get hours of sleep. I like it best when nightmares don’t disturb the peace. This last nights, since Ethiopia, since time with a holy man and a masturbating monkey, hippocampus, rock hewn churches, I’ve dreamed so much of family and adventures in heaven.  I love the places I return to where friends and I are messing with boats and guns and engines.  There are gentler mountains and fairer winds, the water is warmer.  I wake happy from the dreams just a little sad to enter into this world.

I have the alarm on my iPad as the song of the Creed. “I believe in God.” It’s a good way to wake as a scientist in face of increasing numbers who hedonistically respond to the programmed fads of the news.  I am a radical, more than I’ve ever been. More than when I wrote peace in paint on my face and marched in streets lined with police.. Now I proclaim Jesus Chist is Lord and know that speaks to the Historic Jesus, the Cosmic Christ and the simple idea of God within and God will come again.  The Messiah is my attention that wavers always.  Jesus said ‘do not be afraid’. It was a command. I wander off into the evil and wickedness of wanton fear, enjoying the sadomasochism of anxiety.  In the law of attraction I bring upon myself the torture of Kaffka’s Castle and Steven King worlds.  Yet I can focus on the light. I can walk to the light. I pray then.

This morning squirming Gilbert joined me after the song began to play licking my face and wanting his belly rubbed.  I revel in indoor plumbing. I am so grateful for clean water that comes from the central line right into my washroom.  

Then I meditate. This cross legged stance is good for my knee, the one I’ve taken to calling bad knee rather than left knee.  The hot tub and valtaren and tensor bandage are all helping. I know I should have rested for days after I strained the old torn calcified ligaments but I was on vacation so continued hiking and climbing and stepping over rocks to get to churches centuries old where millions had come to pray. I joined the song of spirituality despite the intermittent scream at times of the knee.  There seems always that there is a dissenter these days.  The laughter and joy was more than compensation.  Now I play ‘poor me. Poor knee’.  

Sitting cross legged I meditate. I love Dr. Bernie’s prayer, “Holy Spirit Come’....not as a command but as a call.  I love the Lord’s Prayer and only choke at the forgive them part. All the rest is good but everyone is ‘my relations’ as the aboriginal friends would say. How can I hold onto resentments and anger and fear. Let go of all that is negative so that the positive of god can come in. Breathe evil out, breathe good in.

The dog and cat want their morning wet breakfast.  I usually get that first but today went right to meditation. I look up to see the dog in front of me. The cat is right behind me. They’re not letting me escape before I get them their wet food.  

I do the stretches that Dr. Stan Jung taught me. My back has been so much better since I took the time to do these really simple little exercises that now prevent me from injuring myself.  Doing more yoga and more tai chi and gymnastics all would make for a better life. Doing dance again would be a treat. To be singing and chanting more hours of the day would be righteous. I’ve had these blessings. I would be on the ocean enjoying the motion of the sea or riding a Morgan across a moonlit meadow.  I’ve been so blessed by adventures and love.  Now I love my couch. Couches and tv’s are a joy in themselves after a day of work and concentration.

Now I’ve made coffee with the Ethiopian beans, honey and cream.  I’ve had instant rolled oats and banana. I e had  a hard boiled egg I made on the weekend and kept in the refridgerateor I e had the yoghurt drink. Reading FACEBOOK and mail. No terrifying letters from authorities. No threats.  No bad news. I am so grateful for all the good cheer.  Friends sharing baby and animal pictures and news that just keeps turning out, all mostly at variance with the main stream lies and disinformation, the spin doctor propaganda. There is this source of truth.I hope that more and more will wake to the lies, accept the truth. Canada has become so appalling with the death of freedom of speech, anxiety so on the rise.  The elite are now able to literally get away with murder because no one dares to question.  The lights go out here but come on there.

I don’t know where I belong.  Today I look for ward to getting another coffee on the way to work. I go from coffee to coffee in the morning. I enjoy driving my little car. I enjoy the companionship of my little dog. I will help many. I’ve training, experience and talent so for the few offended by everyone I help the many so increasingly thankful for my assistance , words, deeds and simply ‘showing up’....remaining.  Daily I hear of others who are leaving. No one is replacing them. We can’t get new people to join us because there is no money and no protection.  

I’m looking forward to camping. That’s an amazing thing to be working, knowing that in days I’ll be by a stream surrounded by evergreens , enjoying the song of birds and the smell of barbecue.  

Meanwhile I have to shower and get on my way.  Thank you Jesus. 

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