Sunday, April 28, 2019

St. Barnabus Anglican Church

What a wonderful way to enjoy a Sunday morning! Christian church is so uplifting and inspiratioan.  I come through the doors jangled and rushed only to come out feeling renewed and alive.
Today I was late. Gilbert preferred sniffing to pooping so he  he can shoulder some of the blame.  My mornings are mostly disturbed by the recent sickness of my expresso machine. I’ve reverted to my old stove top espresso machine. It’s not the same.  It takes more time. Any interruption of the morning schedule seems to increase the lateness through the day.  I wish there was a reset button that would start my official day when dressed I stepped out of my home.
I arrived at St. Barnabus just as Rev. Shannon of Shiloh 5th Avenue United was beginning her sermon.  Rev. Shannon was obviously filling in for Rev. Emilie or the time had changed and I’d arrived for the United Church service that followed the Anglican.  I looked around and there were the faces of the Anglican congregation I have come to know.  
The line of the sermon that immediately captivated me was , referring to the Book of Revelations, ‘those who talk about it most often and the most insistently are all the most likely to miss the overriding message of hope and love that is at the beginning and end of it all. They almost lose the love and hope in favour of the scarey stuff, the threatening stuff and the everyone but me is in deep trouble stuff.”
From there the sermon just got better and better. I was happy again to hear the voice of a loving God not a policeman God.  I love St. Barnabus for that. Both Reverend Emilie and Reverend Shannon focus on the love and joy of Christianity and even at times the humour.  When I read the Gospel, or Good News I’m grateful.  Even the Old Testament of the Bible is positive when I’ve read it with the insights of an enlightened rabbi.
French Psychologist Piaget described the cognitive development of children, the literal, concrete stage , when everything is just as it appears. After this developmental stage comes the ‘abstract stage’ which begins for some in adolescences but sadly not all adults achieve it. A study of adults showed that only a portion of adults could abstract as late as in their 30’s. Wisdom is a slow process.
The Holy Book has a first level of interpretation which does indeed appeal to all but at a higher level or deeper level the ‘love’ message shows purest.  C. S. Lewis in his 4 Loves described this as AGAPE.  God love, beyond tribalism.  A celebration and dance, really.  As Heinlein would say, in his science fiction classic, Stranger in a Strange Land,  “grokking”.
The sermon moved through the layers of Revelations, the least understood and most mis understood book in the New Testament.  As I’ve thought before I really must study this as she has. Her discussion of Jesus on the White Horse was riveting. Like any really good sermon it has me wanting to go to the Bible and read this section.   I love how she ended . “God and hope will have the final word.  Because God is the beginning and the end. The alpha and omega. “
After the sermon we had the Peace where all move about the church and greet each other individually. This is Gilbert’s favourite part because there was a big new dog he didn’t know and they’d been staring at each other since the start.  So Gilbert visited the reverend’s dog and then met the big new dog while I said, Peace, to these folk I grow to admire more each service. Like getting to know cousins. Feeling once again,  fellow man as connected.  
There are those who enjoy the errors of Christians and claim they are Hypocrites but little do they know we are humans trying to live a more meaningful, peaceful and loving life.  We have a code above the world’s code of ‘winner and loser’ and who dies with the most toys wins.  Those without codes, are so easily offended, and are quickest to point fingers because they don’t have standards, demand perfection from others, but don’t ever apply the same to themselves.  As sinners we acknowledge that we are not perfect for only God is perfect but each day in our walk with Jesus and his teachings we hope to grow spirituality and in depth.  It’s an ‘inside job’’,. 
In the prayers of the people, Shri Lanka was included.  So many Christians persecuted.
Thanks to my friend Kirk I just watched an amazing documentary of the life of Randy Bachman, the great rock and roll genius behind the Guess Who and Bachman Turner Overdrive.  My Winnipeg friend Virginia had told me he was a Mormon Christian. I’d never known.  In the documentary they spoke of his not drinking or drugging or fornicating with the groupies lined up to serve their heroes, and how this had alienated him from other rock and rollers living the ‘lifestyle’.  He was truly focused on the music.
I loved the hymns and the piano playing at St. Barnabus,celebrating the risen Lord.  Sometimes called the Cosmic Christ. The fabric of the universe changed that awesome day. Jesus conquered death and rose from the grave.  He sent the Holy Spirit to be with us till he will come again.

After the service we all walked out of the great wooden building with stained glass windows. The lilacs by the gate are blossoming.  I smelled them as I  left and noticed others smelling them as they did too.  Mom had planted a bush by our door and the smell always reminds me of her.  The loving mother. Mother and child.  God as all loving.  First and foremost.  

I took a big breath and enjoyed the spring air tinged with the nearby ocean.  Seagulls squawked overhead.  I came for breakfast at the historic Heritage Grill in New Westminster. It’Gilbert’s favourite .  The waitress likes him.  I love the eggs and toast and coffee.  Such traditional fare with birds singing in the tree overhead.  The sun is out. It’s a great day.  New Westminster people watching is good here too.  Royal City. 

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