Sunday, April 14, 2019

Palm Sunday at St. Barnabus Church

We arrived at church this morning to find it empty. I immediately assumed we were at the wrong time or wrong Sunday. Thankfully a lovely parishioner told they had all assembled in the church hall to make a procession around the neighbourhood. We were encouraged to join but I figured I’d best stay in the church rather than get lost searching for the congregation. Let them find us.
It was a truly delightful combined service with St. Barnabus Anglican and Shiloh Fifth Avenue United.  The combined congregation eventually returned carrying cedar and hemlock branches in lieu of palms, singing Hosanna,  beating drums and tambourines.  Despite some with walkers, chairs and canes they were a robust group with hearts and limbs lightened by the Lord.  Rev. Emilie and Rev. Shannon proceeded to lead the service together like a regular “tag team” event. Satan was nowhere to be seen. Great chant leaders and marvellus songs drove the devil far away.  He’s likely preoccupied in Ottawa and Victoria.  So we were blessed with peace and joy.  What a great little community.  I love the PEACE as we move about acknowledging each other  individually. Gilbert thinks it’s the best part as he gets to sniff other dogs and people’s pant legs.  
I loved the New Creed of the United Church.   
Communion is always a moving time. It was just so hopeful, so spring like, so moving forward.  The sadness of Easter is coupled with the joy of resurrection. As Rev. Emilie said , the rocks are singing hossana till this day.  The Cosmic Christ.  God Within. God Will Come Again.  Another year has passed and we are celebrating this central event of the Christian calendars. So much happening at this church with these two congregations and their loving leaders.
(If anyone is “curious” about Christianity or fallen in attendance , especially the “C&E” (Christmas and Easter) Christians this is the time of the year to drop in and feel the warmth and welcome.)

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