Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Eunuchs, Bureaucrats ,Strongman, Conformity and Transsexualism

In society the “strong man” surrounds himself with loyal followers and a harem of available mates and potential ‘breeders’.  The castrated male , or eunuch, was the chief bureaucrat or apparatchik for the strong man. Thecastrated man was not a threat to the strong man or his harem. The very act of participation in the castration ritual was as binding as the partial tribal circumcision rituals. Psychologically there is an inherent “Stockholm Syndrome” with the “identification with the aggressor”.

The androgyny of Jesus and the self castration of the priests of the church was a public statement of ‘conformity’.  Indeed ‘conformity’ is the central tenet of the eunuch creed. It is witnessed today in the modern eunuch equivalence of the transsexual male who voluntarily self castrates then spends the rest of his/her life wanting to ‘pass’ as the female. The argument for Identfication with the aggressor can be made clearly in some if not all.

Psychological mindedness is the tolerance of the tension of opposites.

The aboriginal ‘twin spirit’ was the ‘priest’ of the tribe.  The ‘other’ was normally not accepted for its strangeness in the Traditional Society where survival depended on accepting only sameness. Racism then was a natural survival mechanism as were many phobias and taboos.

The petty bureaucrat/apparatchik is the twisted eunuch with a creepy sexual proclivity. In Armstrong’s , Fields of Blood the uncorrupted  bureaucrat is a perhaps unattainable Platonic shadow given the tendency for bureaucracy to grow like cancers and individually to resist accountability and behave inhumanly in the security engendered by either the mob or lemming sense.

I didn’t have my dog Gilbert castrated because I hoped to breed him.  However as the majority of male dogs in the city are castrated to reduce the competition and tensions which arise in proximity to females in heat and the city females dogs are also castrated to reduce the number of puppies, my dog is not allowed in dog day care.  Contrary to what one would believe that the dogs with excess ‘testosterone’ are the ‘fighter’ it turns out that the castrated dogs attack the uncastrated dogs.  The low testosterone dogs “initiate” fights. The high testosterone dogs may well win because of the beneficial effects of testosterone on muscular development but it is the low testosterone dog that ‘initiates’ fights.  So my dog is excluded from daycare and I am commonly being advised that male dogs ‘should be‘ castrated.

I am encouraged to conform.  But I have always dreamed of my dog and a female dog with puppies in the country somewhere. As a pedigreed pure bread his intrinsic value is thousands of dollars more ‘uncastrated’ but the owners mostly of “mutts” would have me castrate him.  Indeed if a dog becomes violent to humans, whether he initiates it or not, he will be castrated or killed.

Considerable evidence supports the view that females initiate violence or encourage violence between suitors and while overly complaining about violence are sexually aroused by the violence. Dr Carl Jung pointed to the persona or public conscious “face” and the shadow or unconscious or covert other self. The central feature of psychological assessment which in absent in the outdated rational court process is the idea of congruence between word and behaviour. Seductive sexual behaviour is commonly seen in court rooms coupled with inauthentic horror. Even Shakespeare observed “the lady protesters too much”
 However as Christine Summers notes in Who Stole Feminism, How Women Betray Women, the “victim” can serves an ulterior purpose. Hitler invaded countries on the pretence of rescuing German victims. North American had been described as the center of “caregiver”and “victim” industry with the devolution today of everyone offended and everyone a victim.

Arendt described the ‘banality of evil’ when she studied the ‘bureaurocracy’ of the totalitarian system.  The totalitarian system she studied was the Nazi beurocracy. The Nuremberg Trials only occurred yesterday but already the Nizcor Projects concerns are being realized. Without the bureaucracy Auschwitz could not have existed. As “None is too Many” by Arabella And Troper showed clearly the Anti semitism in Canada yesterday it arises again today under another Liberal government.

Erving Goffman studied the ‘totalitarian’ regime of the asylum in his classic “Asylums: Essays on the Social Situation of Mental Patients and other Inmates”. Totalitarianism is the natural consequence of increasing authoritarianism. As the insane become more out control themselves they demand increasing control of those around them in a devolving system of natural self destruction.

Dr. Jordan Peterson, in his 12 Rules of Life describes the fluctuations between the fundamentals of chaos and order.  He describes order as symbolically male and chaos as symbolically female, yin and yang, or yoni and lingam, etc.

The interspace between these two , the grey in the black and white, is the ‘intersex’, an actual biological construct which exists and is considered well in Alice Dreger’s classic, Hermaphrodites and the Medical Invention of Sex.  Those who would argue that heterosexuality, homosexuality or intersexuality or indeed changing sexuality is ‘unnatural’ are proved wrong over and over again by biology which is the lodestone of the natural.  Indeed “civilization’ is perhaps the most ‘unnatural’ creation of the human species.

Morality is distinct from biology though Darwinian Imperialism would dictate that ‘survival of the fittest’ is the morality of all including the gene. The power of the ‘strong man’ and the ‘adherents of the strong man’  aim to maintain a mutually beneficial ‘order’ and resist change ,most often by offering the same, disguised as change,  with the ultimate effect that “the emperor has no clothes’. Social Darwinism is the bureaucratic bible.

The survival of the bureaucrat/apparatchik  or eunuch is dependent on the success and maintenance of the status quo.  Order begets power to those dependent on the throne.  “Steal a little and they put you in jail, steal a lot and they make you king , to quote Dr Johnson paraphrased by Bob Dylan.

Today’s strong man is in flux and a source of uncertainty but likely is the banker as they are most portrayed as ‘order’. Only the richest elite can afford obscurity. The Mao Jacket Sculpture of Sui Jianguo epitomizes the overt austerity of a man whose wife and he enjoyed personal wealthy and debauchery the likes not seen since the sultans while the masses were murdered and impoverished.
Veblen by contrast mocked the outward appearance of the American businessmen in their suits of Puritan simplicity while their treasure horse wives staggered about under the weight of gold and jewels and minks expressing the “conspicuous consumption” of the rising consumer cult.
They are the Straw men of  T.S. Elliott.  Money as a ‘construct’ is most controllable with the immediate value independent of it’s inflation peculiarities of confidence. It is one thing to forego the  “gold” standard which the new Chinese currency wishes to restore as compared to Canada’s Decadent PM Trudeau who would have no standard and declare the “budget will balance itself”.  Marx, the world’s greatest Kafetch, biting the hand that fed, proclaimed, “money is the God of the jews” and “religion the opiate of the masses”.

 The strong man once was the warrior but war today is commonly fought in board rooms and lawyers and corporate leaders are the new knights of the realm.  If they succeed they in turn share the spoils of females and gold. War is the failure of diplomacy but equally its own business. The principal role of the UN is to maintain the order brought on post WW2. The “security council” of US, Russia, Britain, China, France are the principal arms dealers of the world and compete routinely in “dry” or “wet” wars to compare advances in technology and a more intimate Olympic competition for humans.

Hitler was the ‘strong man’ whose existence depended upon his Goebbels and Himmler, the most powerful of his inner circle being the sole female, Eva Braun.  Lenin’s circle was Stalin, Trotsky, Molotov and Krupskaya and Armand the wife and mistress of Lenin.  Even Jesus had his Mary Magdalene, portrayed ironically as  celibate though it was known that Jesus surrounded himself with ‘fallen women ‘as well as the most upstanding women like Mary and Martha.

To gain real loyalty the strong man in the Hell’s Angels ,kills. Stalin and Lenin and Molotov were the killers , and being willing to kill and steal, these ‘bolsheviks’ overthrew the moderates’ mensheviks’.

So the Hell’s Angel Strongman kills himself without witness then witnesses the killing by his second in command and so forth. Today the binding in the elite may well be with pedophilia of as the author Patterson suggested cannibalism. Reality by comparison is often stranger than fiction. hiaasen the great southern novelist perhaps outdated said “the only thing a southern congressman can’t do is be caught in bed with a dead woman or alive boy.” That’s the elite where there is a “free press” but in Muslim countries such as Saudi Arabia or Buddhist countries such as Thailand where any criticism of the elite leadership is prison or death all bets are off.

In the Abrams history, Pink Swastika, Homosexuality in the Nazi Party, homosexuality was rife in SS. The gay men gassed in Auschwitz werehowever the “queers” and  the most ‘effiminate’ , the ‘bottoms’ as opposed to the ‘tops’ .  The passive is considered ‘effiminate’ so that in the lesbian culture the ‘butch is ‘dominant’ aggressive and most likely ‘top’. In domestic violence. Studies  lesbians were the most violent followed by gay male couples followed by heterosexuals.  There is no comparable data on the intersex as yet. Domestic violence against children is mostly done by females which follows the standard abuse of power where power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.  While the negatives of single parenthood are flaunted the lust for tyranny is rarely addressed.

The ‘strong man’ is commonly coupled with the ‘priest’ or ‘medicine woman’, both being ‘aserxual’ or at very least not a threat to the power of the strong man.  Historically the survival of church and medicine , scientists, physicians etc depended solely on their abject agreement with the ‘strong man’.  If they ‘disagree’ they die. History records the carnage of the threats to the strong man. Stalin’s wife suicided. The great play  of T.S. Elliott, Murder in the Cathedral starring Thomas Beckett is perhaps the best example and indeed, object lesson.  Bonhoffer’s tale of morally standing against the Nazi and Lutheran church is just a more recent example.

Herod of the Great of Biblical times got the gold and became the prototypical strong man mall developer and the harem of wives who produces the incestuous daughters including Salome who made John the Baptist’s head her jewelry box, Thank heavens for the the Salome opera. Despite Herod’s evil which might well have been explained away in Job, this strong man tyrant of Roman Empire appears outwarded to have got more John the Baptist or Jesus or the massacred innocents. Christians might not get the virgins of the Muslim conformist followers of the the strong man of Islam but at very least Anglicans talk much about the mansions they are promised in the afterlife.

The eunuch is the symbol of ultimate conformity. Whether Origen self castrated or not, the strong man wanted the priest celibate and the bureaucrat castrate by conformity so as to not be a threat to himself or his harem.

Loyalty to the leader is all that is necessary , hence the strong man quote goes, goes “I don’t need your loyalty when I’m right. I need your loyalty when I’m wrong.”

The petty bureaucrat  makes ‘conformity’ not ‘truth’ or any other ‘virtues’ , but “conformity” his Perverted Virtue.  Living in fear of the ‘strong man’ he or she self castrates or actually castrates.

In the modern world this would suggest that the ‘outed’ trans sexual would make the best prime minister or leader of the government bureaucracy. The argument here being that the modern day politician is no longer the leader themselves but a kind of ‘mascot’ for the power behind the throne. Recently Canada’s prime minister returned from India having given Indian business men hundreds of millions so he could use their country as a back drop to his photo op, only to be followed by the French Prime Minister who returned from India with nearly 20 billion in bullion from his trade visit.
The leaders of the UN, the Security council of China, US, England, France, and Russia are the only ‘strong men’ in the mix, perhaps the other ‘politcians’ which are not ‘mascots’ but weld real power themselves.  In the US the politician leader is the supreme commander in chief and in the past the George Washington presidential typeswere formally military leaders. The epoch of lawyers in America ended with the Clinton, Bush, Obama lawyer schemes floundering with lawyer Hillary’s failed bid. Now a businessman is in charge reflecting a shift in the leadership and of the beurocracy.
It is always to be remembered as Robert Graves so clearly showed in Golden Bough that the role of all leaders to the greater group is as potential sacrifice if things don’t go right.

The Eunuch remains male or female as the Confuscian goal. Without children they are less likely to be controlled by the traditional threat to the competitionof that the killing of killing of the children imposes. Lenin killed the children of the Czar to show what he would do to his followers, more than for any other reasons.  The ruthlessness of the ruler is the morality of the ‘strong man’ in comparison to the’conformity’ ‘truth’ of the eunuch beurocrat. A woman might better be manipulated through threat to her children,

The ‘outlier’ is like David to the paranoid and later certifiably insane King Saul. The more  insecure the strong man the more they cannot  tolerate ‘difference’ as the traditional socitety tale of anthropologist Diamond of Guns Germs and Steel  tells. Difference  is cause to kill.  The thug is threatened by the creative.  Creativity is the most feminine bottom passivechaotic position  as compared to the agitated desperate of the rutting monkey order.

The ‘reformer’ is the enemy of anyone who benefits from the status quo. Bureurocrats live lives of quiet desperation. As Victor Frankl learned from his up close view of the bureaurocracy of Auschwitz his life was meaningful in comparison to the meaningless of the butchers of the camps.
If Joseph Conrad were alive today he would indeed shout again, “the,horror, horror” all the while the chief paediatric surgeon of Milan Kundera’s the “Unbearable Lightness of Being” made the best of window washing.

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