Saturday, November 25, 2017

Political Correctness, Lord Love a Duck!

Political correctness is the false belief that one can pick up a tourd by the clean end.
Freedom of speech is essential so that doctors can tell patients that they have cancer. Once a thing is correctly named there is a possibility of cure.  However if we are denied the right to speak truly of the disease then of course the poor will die.
Language is important  despite the fact that today ‘marketting’ prevails. Recently the spin doctors of the Liberal government called the ‘immigrants’ ‘refugees’.  The common Canadian, especially the most uneducated and inexperienced who were attracted to the Satanic appeal of Justin Trudeau and the Trudeau charm, did not know that there is a vast and critical difference between a ‘refugee’ and a ‘migrant’.
A migrant can indeed be an ‘invader’ and many of the ‘migrants’ in the recent refugee scandals have indeed been invaders, a fifth column of the Islam Caliphate.  Many also have been the adult children of wealthy families using the ‘refugee’ route to immigration to by pass and jump the queue of the conventional ‘immigration’ systems.
A refugee is a person who goes to the first country of escape.  The Harper Conservative government resettled millions of Vietnamese becaus not only were these people refugees but they had been the allies of the American and Canadians in the war between Capitalism and Democracy and Freedom versus the Communism and Slavery.  The Vietnam war was won by the soldiers on the ground but lost by Hollywood, Hanoi Jane and the ‘marketting” media which effectively undermined the war effort at home.  Drugs, sex, and rock and roll , love in’s, and peace rallies were offered and funded by the communists in America while American soldiers were betrayed and killed overseas. All efforts to further peace in Communist countries by contrast were met with Gulag and death squads.  The very freedom that democracy offered resulted in its own demise.
Not until Reagan did the Communist system die.  Margaret Thatcher said, "Socialism fails because it runs out of other peoples money .” The halcyon cry of socialism is not 'steal from the rich and give to the poor" but rather "steal from the worker and give to the idle".   Even today Trudeau has squandered for his own nefarious purposes the nest eggs gathered by Canadians under conservative governments for their children and children’s children. Just as Pierre Trudeau did Justin Trudeau is selling the country into massive debt.
To maintain the momentum he is also pushing drugs.  "Give them cake" Marie Antoinette cried.  Trudeau says, "Give them pot".
The fall of Russia occurred because of rampant alcoholism. Of the western world only Russia had a rising infant mortality due to fetal alcohol syndrome. The products of their factories were further flawed such that in the competition of arms , the "Dessert Storm Arms Bazaar," "American made and "NATO pushed" won out over Communist made products. Communist workers drunk and under paid produced weapons that misfired. American workers well rewarded made weapons that were reliable.  The genius of design was further rewarded in the west compared to the east where the best dachaus always went to the bureaucrats and administrators.
Communism , now Cultural Communism,  in the west is Aetheism. It’s a godless regime devoted to Dictatorship.  Lenin, a mass murderer, with the assistance of Wall Street set up USSR system of central authority and the 5 year plans with hundreds of millions killed and mass starvation due to poor administration and corrupt beurocracy.  As Arendt had found in her study of Nuremberg the key to appreciating the demonic dynasties of mass murder was not in looking at the character of their leaders but rather the lack of character of their followers.
Arendt’s term was ‘banality of evil’.  The whole of the Nazi (National Socialist system to separate it from International Socialism or Communist system ) system was dependent upon the followers
Buffy St Marie, the female Canadian aboriginal folk singer, wrote the most provocative song “Universal soldier’ saying that war dependent on one man’s decision.  There is obviously much truth in it but Arendt’s life work showed that “Universal Beurocrat” or “Universal Administrator” was more likely the better explanation for the deaths of millions than ‘blaming the victim’ , 'unknown soldier.
The civil service noted for  its cowardice and it's pretence of civility is distinct from the active military service noted for it's bravery and rawness.  Soldier's live by their decisions whereas beurocrats get others killed. Lawyers and judges are all like Monday morning quarterbacks, pretentious critics who stay as far from the front as possible, making as much money as possible on the suffering of others and their real decisions. They are at least superior to journalists and Hollywood who get rich off the spectacle of war.
Buffy St. Marie, because of her gender's identification with the civil service and tendency to be protected from real combat, disparaged the actual real 'victim' of war, the soldier.    In contrast to WWII which was a rich and poor man's war, Vietnam was merely a poor man's war, the sons of the wealthy and eliteall using 'loopholes'  to  stay  home to participate in the party with the 'free sex' girls of the 'women's movement".
The individual soldier is no different than a slave, a tool created for good or evil and rarely much more.  He and now she are the pawns of the rich and powerful forces.  The army today is little different from the mercenaries in the army  of the British empire and    Ottoman  empire and Roman Empire before that.  The largest army of the world, the Chinese army, retains some ideological basis.  While patriotism is under attack like the white history in America, in China  the superiority of the racism inherent to the  Chinese is fuelled by communism's megalomaniac world domination goals.  The UN Islamic army of Bangladesh is fueled by religion like the Christian and Muslim army of yore.  The Crusaders were a defensive army against the mass murderer Mohammed who transformed the Middle east from Christian and Zorastrian to present day Islam.  
A Romanian, asked what it was like under communism before the fall of communism, essentially at the time fall of the Berlin Wall said, “Everyone was poor. Everyone was depressed.  You couldn’t complain because if you did they put you in jail. The leaders called themselves communists.”  After the fall?  “Everyone was poor. Everyone was depressed. You could complain now and they didn’t put you in jail. The leaders were the same people but they called themselves businessmen now.”
Bob Dylan, one of the world’s greatest plagiarists and writers of original material paraphrased Dr. Johnson by saying “Steal a little and they put you in jail, steal a lot and they make you king.”  Karen Armstrong in Fields of Blood , like Jared Diamond in Guns, Germs and Steel showed that the agricultural revolution was immediately followed by the empires of robbers and pirates.  The world overall was changed rapidly from the farmer providing for his family and communities needs, and as Marx would say ‘owning the land, the means of production’  became the property of the STRONG MAN.  All land and all means of production became the STATE’s as the Kingdom only changed in name under communism moving from one form of dictatorship to another.  At least in the monarchies  the Magna Carta and such advances for benefits of individuals had occurred, while in Communism the very design of the system attempted to circumnavigate the difficulty of Magna Carta.
The STRONG MAN, the gang leader, took power and then agriculture allowed him and his band of merry follower to have workers/farmers/slaves producing food and arms while the military went to the next valley to conquer, i.e. steal and rape.

  1. The “Military Industrial Complex” isn’t an American made product of the post Industrial Age as Social Communist propaganda would say but in fact dates back to the dawn of civilization. UR in ancient middle east, birthplace of Abraham, was the one of the  first of the Western Civilizations “military Industrial complexes”.  In the day Chariots were made and copper swords, before bronze swords and steel swords gave way to todays  AK47’s and Cruise Missiles.  All were made by peasants but today's peasants have better hair styles ,watch CNN and listen to CBC news. 
  2. The United Nations is a war lord construct.  The penultimate tribal gang is todays MAFIA.  It’s the basic unit of Civilization.  The blood related 'tribe' of traditional society, the north American Indians (not Nations as they would have you believe but rather tribes, language counts) has given way to the Hell's Angels a non blood related tribal construct. 
  3. The first dynasties were family and blood related.  To this day they remain mired in this materialistic eugenics model with the dynastic rule of Kennedies after the business mogul liquor running father, then the Bush father and son oil producers for the military machine, with their business connection to oil the elixir of war.   Justin Trudeau the dynastic son of Pierre Trudeau, the same communist pairing as Korean’s Kim Jong un and his father despite ideological differences revert to the primordial favourite like some kind of modern day  parent child, the favourite of religous iconography.  At least Canada dynamic communist duo dress better than their counterparts.   
  4. A leader is never just one man, at least not since the days of the hunter gatherers.  Today’s leaders are more like sports ‘coaches’ or ‘movie producers’ with a core ‘nest’ of merry men, much like the medieval lords around the King.  The administrators are by strict contrast no more such political leaders than soldiers are. They have the same peasant mentality though they wield enormous power.  They are without the talent of political leaders whose skills at diplomacy, compromise and capacity to mould and lead are evidenced by their success. The pompous men of Brussels EU  are in strict contrast to the genius of political leaders like Bill Clinton and Donald Trump. The latter are dependent on their extraordinary ability to choose the right people and  fashion alliances. Ataturk of Turkey was one of the greatest leaders of all time similar to Churchill in these gifts. Bill Clinton was a genius to marry Hillary despite his obvious failure to satisfy Monica.   Hillary made the grievous error of depending on the abject losers Robby Mook as her campaign manager.   By Contrast Donald Trump chose the brilliant  extraordinary Kellyanne Conway as his Campaign Manager.  Conway Trumped Book!!! It was reminiscent of games with Goretsky controlling the ice in hockey. Indeed American men study sports especially football as a training in the nuances and understanding of politics. Sadly women such as Hillary Clinton's Huma Abedin, while they obviously knew about sex given the marriage to Weaner and money given their ties to the Saudi purse appeared utterly ignorant of any team sport which would have prepared them better from the campaign.  Administration and Soldiering are based solely, not on the acquisition of power, but rather on the distribution of power.  This explains why military dictatorships so rapidly devolve into fear based entities because they lack the appeal of character which the likes of  Clinton and Trump bring to office. Administrations and administrators necessarily appeal to the socialist minded as socialism is so dependent on legalism and dictatorships. It's no surprise that the UN , the greatest socialistic entity on the planet after Communist China, should put out AGENDA 21 encouraging Beurocrats and Administrators the world over to rise up and take power. It's call to world domination and control is little different than the original Lenin cry 'worker rise up'  Rise up so we can eventually win the world and be dictators to you as we are today still dictators say this communist leaders like China's STRONG MAN Stalinesque figure Xi Jinping.   Get rid of the Magna Carta, the French Revolution and the American Constitution and skip  right to the Emperor  Dictator bits say all these socialist communist liars and philanderers.  
  5. The failure of communism was its inability to competitively create wealth. Capitalism with it’s inherent reward of the worker individually, ie capitalism, has been in direct competition with system of distribution of rewards of the worker by the Communist STATE whereby the most meritorious gain little while the least meritorious gain a lot.  
  6. The trick of political correctness and ‘marketting’ is to deny individuals ‘real’ power and wealth by giving them the appearances of ‘power’ and ‘wealth’.  This is seen in ‘badges’ and ‘ranks’ and ‘influence pedalling.’  

Today there is a mix of central or socialist State power and decentralized or capitalist power.
Many would argue that the control of wealth and power in the world is limited to handfuls of families. The Rothschild’s are the most often identified by the conspiracy crowd but the Italians were the leading family at one time, starting the back rooms banker traditions in the 15 th century and others before.  One could almost guess that each of the controlling families was the last remnant of the former empires, hence the Italian bankers are what’s left of the original Roman Empire but before them were the Greeks magates left over from the Greek empires, the Mexican Billionaire a product of the Spanish Conquest,  the Egyptian billionaire family a product of  Alexander’s spoils.  In the far east the spoils of the Moghuls stand behind much of the leadership that exists centuries later. Definitely Mecca , the Eastern Disney mandatory tourist franchise was created by  Mohammed who stole all the wealth of the Christians, Jews and Zoroastrian throughout the Middle East to gain his power, best represented today in the glory of Dubai.
Capitalism has reigned since these early war lords. The two latest groups of wealth gathers were the leaders of the French and American Revolutions coupled with the Communist Revolutionaries in West and East.
 “Steal a little and they put you in jail, steal a lot and they make you King”.  Or Czar. Or Caliph. Or President. Or Prime Minister.
If I today were to get the local poor of Vancouver's DTES ghetto to rise up and throw off it’s beurocratic masters  marching  through Kitsilano,  Shaughnassey and West Vancouver, taking the wealth of the rich elite we’d likely have enough swag to party for a few dozen years. That’s about as long as Communist Countries last. The traditional capitalist decentralized distribution of wealth is simply to date superior to the left liberal or progressive rape of resources and pillage and then central redistribution.  Communist distribution is necessarily corrupt giving rise to the obvious corruption inherent in dynastic leaders like Trudeau and son, such an obvious throw back without any suggestion of meritocracy.
The success of empire is a much more complex thing. It’s fundamental to the study of English cricket, American Football, European Soccer and Canadian Hockey.  Basketball, developed by Canadians, might well have been a major contributor to Obama's successful campaign.
The Mainstream Media, now called the Fake Media would have us believe differently. They would deceitfully argue that they are ‘free’ and giving us ‘news’ but simply are no longer reporting ‘facts’ without ‘opinion’ as was once the case. But then before we understood Marshal McCluhan’s the “Medium is the Message’ that was true. Now the age of rationalism and age of intellectualism of man has given way to the age of emotion and age of emotionalism of women.  Cognitive behavioural therapy says that emotion is merely downstream construct of thought.  "I think therefore I am of modernism became  “I feel therefore I am" of so called ‘Post modernism’ which is probably better called  ‘ultra modernism’.  Neither represent "enlightment"  The clever and emotional are not wise.  Wisdom has been limited rather than expanded by the intersectionality of their social or cultural communism. History gave us dickheads who were followed by Vagina heads. The biggest hats are seen in the Eastern block.
Truth is what is lost with political correctness. Politics is a choice of the least bad alternative.
The Security Council of the United Nations is simply the principal arms dealers of the planet. They were put in place to maintain the status quo.  Not to end all wars. What would be the benefit in that to the Military Industrial Complex, ie Civilization as we know it.
As Camus and Kaffka showed so elegantly and the movie Clockwork Orange did as well, the struggle is between the Individual and the State. This was best depicted in recent years by the communist construct of the BORG versus the Federalist construct of Captain Picard in the Star Trek television series.   ‘
In the military the double speak became “the best defence is an offence’.  So in political correctness, ‘black is white’.  This was the ‘peace missile’ and the politician saying ‘trust me I’m a politician’.  Whenever Justin Trudeau speaks, with his endless stream of distracting platitudes, his forked tongue flicks.  While Canadians see Justin Trudeau as the greatest liar of all times so the Koreans see Kim  as their greatest liar.   Neither is.   The competition is for the biggest lie. That's the only truth in the great deceit of political correctness. The system  is fundamentally based on deceit.
The big brain of man, the sociobiological construct is that we not only evolved as ‘tool makers’ but we developed ‘political correctness’ and created the lies of the ‘emperor’s new clothes’ and all the myths that maintain a few in power over the many, whether they be the committee of communist murderers or the dynastic rulers of the Bush and Trudeau families.
What is ironic today is just as Mugabe has been deposed because his wife Grace wanted to use him to gain the throne as Hillary attempted to use Bill,  both  lost all.  There remains a  stronger eugenic belief that blood trumps sperm.  Even Dan Brown’s materialistic Da Vinci Code sought the ‘blood’ of Jesus hoping for a ‘DNA” combination. So marriage more rarely that progeny transmits royalty, ironically even in Communist Countries.
No wonder Marx and Engles set out to destroy the family to place all power in the head of state.
Proxy wars are the thing today.  Real life competitions between the military hardware of various families and nations.  Argentina buys missiles from the French and these compete with Missiles from British factories.  In truth France served both England and Argentina. Just as the Rothschild banked for Britain and France at Waterloo the backers of war bet on both sides to spread their likelihood of winning. George Soros as Satan's man destroys everything in hope of making a profit on the resulting wars.
Normally wars are wet and dry, in jungle or dessert with hard ware and men competing in opposing environments. The Falklands was as close to an arctic war as we’ve seen since the demise of the German army in the Russian winter.  No one is quick to put their machine against cold, water and heat yes, but not so much cold. Oil freezes, tanks and planes perform poorly.
A Scandanavian researcher showed that the working class of Israel and Palestine , soldiers, scientists and more were involved in war while the administrative class that much more deceitful and politically correct lot were involved in failed peace talks. If peace came to the Middle East there would simply be no economy and mass starvation would follow.
Despite the feminist outcries and forced participation and lingerie and sex and all manner of marketting ‘women fighting’ or even ‘pornography’ doesn’t make as much money as ‘War’.
Today abortion pays more than birth.
Euthanasia supersedes healing.
Death culture.
There is life and death.  Yes and No.  Leonard Cohen summed it up by saying “there is a war between the odd and the even”.
The proposition ‘all’s fair in love and War’ simply underwrites that war might lead to sex but it was seriously frowned on when sex lead to war. Domestic violence was one thing but the Rape of the Sabines was sticky business from a marketing perspective. The ISIS marketing  of war is an opportunity for  ‘sex slaves" certainly was the attraction for Canadian men to leave political correct and sexually rigid Canada for the potential promiscuity of Arabian nights. The pornography of the millions of Chinese male soldiers is mostly white American girls.  The ‘spoils’ of war has been Sex and that's unlikely to change any time soon despite increasing numbers of women and gays in the military. Women may well be attracted more by swag.  The 60’s Wood stock communist sale was ‘free sex’.
The lie is always in the world prepositioned by the word  ‘free’. The marketting campaign of the navy is ‘free travel’. And of course a girl in every port.
Political Correctness is lying.  It’s putting a wrapping on a dirty thing. It’s deodorizer. It’s that Pine fragrance in the cigar smoker’s car. it’s the deodorant put on the dirty arm pits. It’s all these ‘lies’.  It’s a big brain thing. It’s fake news.
It’s demonic if you believe Satan is the source of all lies. That is the Christian position. There is Satan and there is Jesus. That’s the dichotomy of religion. Us and them.  Good and Bad. Patriotic and Unpatriotic.
The communists moved this to ‘clean energy’ or ‘holy energy’ and ‘evil energy’ . The irony is that coal and nuclear power were creating the electricity to power the  apparently clean ‘electric cars’ which the silly consumers were buying them  for their ‘cachet’ value. The long term pollution of solar panels is only now being exposed.  Political correctness is solely fashion. It's the latest see through bikini.  It's the sexy niquab and the exposed ankle of Victorian era. When it's not outright deceit it's the tantalizing tease.  Politically correctness is akin to bestiality and pedophilia put forth as true love. Marketing. Marketing. Marketing. Big brains.
It’s the pink paint on the cruise missile
I don’t know why it bothers me but I prefer the Truth. So when the Judge calls me a liar , I’m resentful and offended and must spend years praying for him because I know he’s identified with the criminal whose dirty money has paid for the lawyer who has contributed to the sacrifice of the near virgin girl who suicides when she can not protect her child. There’s a chivalry in the truth. The the White Knight hang up. There’s all that coupled with the Pirate and the Clint Eastwood Dirty Harry appeal to the rebel. Today’s the rebels are without a cause cause and call themselves ‘activists’. Their song is  Mila Cyress  “Wrecking Balls”.   The Angry Young Woman is a caricature of the Angry Young Man. As I grow older I realize that those who have died before have done so because of the soul destroying boredom of government and Hollywood myth productions.  Nothing is new. All is Vanity says Ecclisastaces.
The Reformer is the Enemy of anyone who benefits from the status quo.
So year in year out the politicians offer ‘change’ but do the same old, same old and when a politician is real and is new then the whole industry of "has been" wars against the ‘change’ for the manufacturer of ‘no change’ is a very lucrative business.  Eventually the ripples go and calm settles and the revolution goes back to everyone is poor.   Everyone is depressed. The pendulum only swings between todays era of political correctness and everyone who complains is fined or goes to jail and 60's and 70's when everyone could complain and no one went to jail.
They would lock us up if we complain. Dr. Jordan Peterson is denied freedom of speech while Wilfred Laurier is the new Hitler High.
Soon beurocratic interventions, gag orders, political correctness,  Islamaphobia, Hate laws and such make it possible to put us all back in jail. The ones that most need jailing today are the pesky pro life sort who simply stand outside abortion clinics, gandhiesque.
Jesus swore in his day. He had a potty mouth they said. The more an administrator focuses on the alignment of the writing of the page and the quality of the paper the less they focus on the content on the page. Political correctness is all about form without substance.  General Patton swore and Queen Victoria swore. All journalists and Christian leaders and Muslims and Jews and Buddhists have at times had potty mouths.  Expletives are ‘natural’.  Artifice is the life of the politically correct. In the church the emphasis on swear words, especially sexual references is social communism and not Christian. Blaspheming is taking the Lord’s name in vain. Jesus said 'shit!".  It’s not chauvinist feminism ‘protecting the little ladies delicate ears’. All of the statues and law to ‘protect the ladies’ is touted as ‘feminism’ and women in the west are surrounded by ideological burkha’s while they pride themselves on being powerful and free in their poverty.

Political correctness is ‘they lock us up if we complain’ . That’s how you know Canada is communist. Justin Trudeau is a liar and he says he’s for the poor and weak and business. He’s not.  But if he stays in power he’ll probably call himself a businessman and we’ll be able to complain again.

As a doctor I have taken an oath to save the life of Justin Trudeau or Donald Trump or Kim or Adolf or even HIllary Clinton, Lord love a duck.
But yes, Buffy St. Marie, I am the ‘Universal Doctor’ as you are the “Universal Artist”.

We’re all guilty as innocence in the land of the politically correct.

Lord love a duck.

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