Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Tuesday Gratitude

Thank you Lord for sleep. Thank you for the alarm on the iphone. Thank you for the dog and the cat. Thank you for running water and in door plumbing. Thank you for the stove and propane heat. Thank you for coffee. Thank you for the refrigerator, cream and honey. Thank you for the peanut butter and bread from the Chinese bakery. Thank you for the yogurt from Costco. Thank you for the bananas in Canadian winter. Thank you for light. Thank you for dawn coming out of the winter darkness. Thank you for the iPad and the Facebook news and the comedy and medical journals. Thank you for inspirational writing.
Thank you for purpose and meaning. Thank you for direction. Thank you for duty, good habits and ritual. Thank you for the car and the commute with the podcast learning. Thank you for medical rounds. Thank you for the coming judgement which will destroy the contagion of CBC news. Thank you for the self restraint that allows me to avoid listening to that shit and experiencing some degree of peace. I don’t need to know what latest evil that Justin Trudeau has done freeing terrorists, paying terrorists, claiming to be a feminist while inviting pedophiles and rapists to roam free in Canada, giving away Canadians moneys to tyrrany’s. Help me to be more discerning in what I listen to so that I don’t subject myself to more shocking news of corruption out of Ottawa.  Help me to overcome my frustration with the authorities that so many criminals are becoming rich in Canada while the majority of us work the daily grind for the benefit of criminals, all the people who profited in the billions from illegal grow ops and the Bronfman’s and Seagrams before them.  Help me have faith that right prevails, if not in this life then in the next.
Help me forgive those who lives lies of deceit and false allegations, whose only motives are sloth and greed and yet can always get the authorities to maximize their gains from evil.  Help me to struggle to do good understanding karma and retribution and that all works to bring me closer to you. Thank you for my suffering as I look to you Lord when it is greatest. Thank you for the 911 prayers because you know I know that calling 911 has never resulted in people arriving on time.  But then Lord thank you for the understanding that others have that I am ever late and under resourced and people are always angry that it takes so many months to see me and so many months to see me again and how this has multiplied my work and difficulty with decision making a hundred fold. Thank you for the resources I have. Thank you for the administrative staff I have today. Thank you for the colleagues. Thank you for all the good people who are so common yet overlooked and dwarfed by the threatening and malignant. Help me to focus on the good and see the best.
Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou aren’t with me.
Please God give us better governance and administration. Bring our leaders out of the dark ages. Help our lawyers and judges come into the modern age and gain training in science and biology.  Help our administration learn humility and make fewer mistakes. The rate limitting step in the world is now our courts and government. We have the means to put men on Mars and yet rather than exploration and adventure our governments are totally complicit in the constant war and poverty.  Help our leaders look towards life and their job of finding homes and allowing freedom of movement off this planet to other planets, expanding throughout the galaxy, and living under the seas rather than building more golden palaces on land that is needed for farming. Help our governments stop buiding weapons and build more vehicles and stop interfereing with taxes and theft with those who would migrate to the stars.  Help us to escape from the bullies and haters and the killers and abortionists and tobacco boards and drug dealers and pedophiles on this planet.  Help us to colonize Mars. Help us to fly Lord. Help us to adapt and help our governments and courts and administration move forward into the 21st century out of the medieval ages with their wigs and pompous constructs of the ages of rationalism and emotionalism
Stop the planet, Lord I want to get off.  Holy Spirit Come.  Protect me from my enemies Lord.  Surround me today in your love and help me to be loving in return. Help me to serve you and guide me to what it is you want me to do. IF it be thy will let me cross another continent and cross another ocean.  Help me stay mobile and help me in my travel. Help my blind dog and watch over my friends and family. Help those who are sick today. Help my friends who are dying. Thank you for the love and learning I have known from the glorious family and friends who have died. Help me to be with them some day. Help me to hear them now. Thank you for their prescience in my dreams. Thank you for the women who loved me coming into my dreams last night with their sarcastic humor and good grace. Thank you for truth and honesty. Thank you for all your blessings. Help me to ever see the good that you show me. Help me to focus on you and find you always in the puzzles of life.  Help me in this game of hide and seek Lord.
Thank you for Tuesday Lord.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
