Thursday, July 19, 2012

A Battle Won - a novel

Thomas Russell's, A Battle Won, is  nautical 18th Century Royal Navy adventure, I could hardly put down. It follows the career of Captain Hayden on the ill fated frigate HMS Thesis as she struggles through gales, pestulence, war and betrayal.  All the while the young men who are officers are coming to terms with their fears and the thoughts of love left ashore. Not only are there sea battles there's the land battle against the French in Cosica.  Great dialogue. Wonderful contrast between the old and the young. Terrific history.  I loved every moment.  A truly great gift from the nephews. Thank you.  Ending the novel I was pleased to see that Thomas Russell, has another, "Under Enemy Colours" .  I do look forward to reading this. Hopefully Russell also will soon have a sequel to Battle Won as I so want to know whatever does happen to Captain Hayden, Hawthorne, Wickham and Henrietta as HMS Thesis finally sets sail for Le Havre.

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