Napping is the act of having a wee bit of sleep time when one cannot have continuous sleep. It is a skill that is often taken for granted. Most have napped at some times. It's well recognised in the animal kingdom. Yet it's really advanced adherents have seldom been studied with the respect their contribution to the art deserves.
There is of course wakefulness. Then there is a state of altered consciousness which is akin to sacred meditation. Napping is the "unconscious' meditative response to the world. It's a 'waiting phase'.
Napping has been much maligned by the military since napping on duty is a terrible offense. It's equally not good to nap while operating a moving vehicle.
My father and my dog, Gilbert, however are both prodigious nappers. When they came together they indeed found they had in common this advanced development. Together they napped with each moaning fitfully at times and occasionally even snoring. What seemed to trigger napping in my father was food. Gilbert was equally napworthy after a meal. Together after a meal their naps were inseparable.
I imagined they were dreaming together and Gilbert hunting together through some glen while their bodies sat together . Dad sat, with his head back, while Gilbert curled up or rolled slightly onto his back, his little feet moving as if running at times.
I had thought to study napping in depth however I found sitting with my two subjects that napping was indeed 'infectious'. I have no more to say on the matter than that it really is a marvellous way to spend the time after eating. It made my meal immensely more enjoyable. The three of us napped for an hour after breakfast daily and sometimes as much after lunch. It made our companionship all that much better. A certain peace and contentment was present for all after a good nap.
I can't say who is better at napping, Dad or Gilbert. They both seemed far better than me at beginning to nap. I'd look at either and next thing I'd know they'd be napping. I believe Dad started it and Gilbert joined whole heartedly. I was always third in the race to nap. Whenever I'd wake momentarialy I'd notice that neither had stirred. Then somehow the two of them together would be in motion and I'd be groggy eyed coming awake to join them.
I think I must study the subject more and indeed plan to practice napping more.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Gilbert and Dad in Ottawa
The Westjet flight with Gilbert to visit my Dad while my brother was in Italy visitting a museum that had chose to display his nature photography went very well, indeed. Because Gilbert had flown before, he didn't appear at all shocked by the experience. The first time he'd been saucer eyed and hardly stopped licking me and dancing about when I collected him from baggage. This time he was an old salt. Westjet really does care for pets.
With a terrific new Ford Fiesta rented from Alamo, we drove out to Stonehaven Lodge. . Gilbert became excited a block away. At dad's room his tail began going a mile a minute. Best Buds Forever, (BBF) he leaped into Dad's open arms. . "We've always had dogs, " Dad said ,happy to be reunited with Gilbert who was ecstatic to see him.
Gilbert stole the show at the lodge too.
My brother lives in Ottawa and watches out for Dad day by day. He'd planted tomatoes on the balcony which Dad duly watered. Ottawa weather was sunny with blue skies. Dad has a great view of the grounds from his balcony, I had the first tomato of the season and it was delicious.
The next day my geologist nephew back from the bush was kind enough to recommend we drive to Pinhey's Point on the Ottawa River for an outing. I got us lost only getting found thanks to the gps in the ipad maps. We did stop at a fruit market and get a box of Ontario blueberries. Dad loved always to pick blue berries and these were especially delicious.
We had lunch at Lone Star Restaurant in Kanata with the young waitress and waiters giving dad and Gilbert special attention. Gilbert liked it very much that the waitress cut his burger up into bite sized chunks, 'just the way he likes it."
That night, Graeme , Andrew and Tanya came with Dad and me to Wild Wings in Kanata. Allan was slugging it out at a softball game. We ate our fill of spicy boned and boneless wings. Gilbert was left to "guard' the Hay home.
Next day I drove into Ottawa swinging by the Parliament Buildings for a patriotic peek. We stopped at the new Freedom Harley Davidson to show Dad an electraglide. He likes that Gilbert rides on the back of mine with me.
"That's a big bike. It's so heavy. You couldn't lift that yourself." he said. I explained how the weight kept me from being blown about on the highway and that indeed there was a technique for one person to lift a fallen bike. However when I'd dropped my previous smaller Harley Roadster at a stop sign (it just fell over when I was stopped slipping on wet leaves) two teen age girls had run to my rescue and helped get my Harley Roadster up, no damage done.
We stopped for lunch at an Ethiopian restaurant on Riddeau. It had been voted 'best african restaurant in Ottawa'. I like Ethiopian food. Dad remembered it was Ethiopian nurses who had cared lovingly for mom so well in her final year. Gilbert was able to sit beside the outdoor verandah dining. It was another sunny day.
The routine was breakfast with his cronies in the morning at Stonehaven. A nap after that, then the drive, then lunch. Then it was drive back to Stonehaven for another nap before getting dinner.
My brother and his wife returned from their Italian tour that night, having been up since 5 am for the Atlantic flight. W e joined them with the nephews, Allan, Andrew and Graeme. Andrew had brought Tanya and told us about his time in the bush and their exploration of their mutual scottish pasts in a scottish store. Andrew had pictures and rocks with various metals to show us. Graeme and Ron talked of photography. Ron had seen his picture in the museum in Italy, one of the reasons for the trip, his natural photography being honoured by a place in a world class museum. My brother, the photographer! Allan talked of psychological studies at university and summer work as a Lone Star chef. Adell provided cultural insights on Italy. As I'd just been myself the year before as had Graeme it all made for great dinner conversation while we enjoyed the barbecued steaks.
Dad just loved being in the company of his family. "I'm glad you had a holiday, " he said to Adell, "You always work so hard." Gilbert was taken off to the field by Tanya, Graeme, Andrew and Allan where he was chasing ball to exhaustion.
I drove Dad and Gilbert, both tired, back to Stonehaven. This morning it was breakfast with the three men that Dad usually shares a table with in the dining room. They're all really admirable men, veterans of the three services, and kindly men who were married and raised families and contributed so much to their communities. "Now we're waiting to meet the Big Guy," one told me. They all liked Gilbert and fawned over him too.
When I told them I would be back hopefully in the fall, if not the early winter, they said, "Don't forget to bring Gilbert!"


With a terrific new Ford Fiesta rented from Alamo, we drove out to Stonehaven Lodge. . Gilbert became excited a block away. At dad's room his tail began going a mile a minute. Best Buds Forever, (BBF) he leaped into Dad's open arms. . "We've always had dogs, " Dad said ,happy to be reunited with Gilbert who was ecstatic to see him.
Gilbert stole the show at the lodge too.
My brother lives in Ottawa and watches out for Dad day by day. He'd planted tomatoes on the balcony which Dad duly watered. Ottawa weather was sunny with blue skies. Dad has a great view of the grounds from his balcony, I had the first tomato of the season and it was delicious.
The next day my geologist nephew back from the bush was kind enough to recommend we drive to Pinhey's Point on the Ottawa River for an outing. I got us lost only getting found thanks to the gps in the ipad maps. We did stop at a fruit market and get a box of Ontario blueberries. Dad loved always to pick blue berries and these were especially delicious.
We had lunch at Lone Star Restaurant in Kanata with the young waitress and waiters giving dad and Gilbert special attention. Gilbert liked it very much that the waitress cut his burger up into bite sized chunks, 'just the way he likes it."
That night, Graeme , Andrew and Tanya came with Dad and me to Wild Wings in Kanata. Allan was slugging it out at a softball game. We ate our fill of spicy boned and boneless wings. Gilbert was left to "guard' the Hay home.
Next day I drove into Ottawa swinging by the Parliament Buildings for a patriotic peek. We stopped at the new Freedom Harley Davidson to show Dad an electraglide. He likes that Gilbert rides on the back of mine with me.
"That's a big bike. It's so heavy. You couldn't lift that yourself." he said. I explained how the weight kept me from being blown about on the highway and that indeed there was a technique for one person to lift a fallen bike. However when I'd dropped my previous smaller Harley Roadster at a stop sign (it just fell over when I was stopped slipping on wet leaves) two teen age girls had run to my rescue and helped get my Harley Roadster up, no damage done.
We stopped for lunch at an Ethiopian restaurant on Riddeau. It had been voted 'best african restaurant in Ottawa'. I like Ethiopian food. Dad remembered it was Ethiopian nurses who had cared lovingly for mom so well in her final year. Gilbert was able to sit beside the outdoor verandah dining. It was another sunny day.
The routine was breakfast with his cronies in the morning at Stonehaven. A nap after that, then the drive, then lunch. Then it was drive back to Stonehaven for another nap before getting dinner.
My brother and his wife returned from their Italian tour that night, having been up since 5 am for the Atlantic flight. W e joined them with the nephews, Allan, Andrew and Graeme. Andrew had brought Tanya and told us about his time in the bush and their exploration of their mutual scottish pasts in a scottish store. Andrew had pictures and rocks with various metals to show us. Graeme and Ron talked of photography. Ron had seen his picture in the museum in Italy, one of the reasons for the trip, his natural photography being honoured by a place in a world class museum. My brother, the photographer! Allan talked of psychological studies at university and summer work as a Lone Star chef. Adell provided cultural insights on Italy. As I'd just been myself the year before as had Graeme it all made for great dinner conversation while we enjoyed the barbecued steaks.
Dad just loved being in the company of his family. "I'm glad you had a holiday, " he said to Adell, "You always work so hard." Gilbert was taken off to the field by Tanya, Graeme, Andrew and Allan where he was chasing ball to exhaustion.
I drove Dad and Gilbert, both tired, back to Stonehaven. This morning it was breakfast with the three men that Dad usually shares a table with in the dining room. They're all really admirable men, veterans of the three services, and kindly men who were married and raised families and contributed so much to their communities. "Now we're waiting to meet the Big Guy," one told me. They all liked Gilbert and fawned over him too.
When I told them I would be back hopefully in the fall, if not the early winter, they said, "Don't forget to bring Gilbert!"
AA, Evangelical Christianity and Spiritism
An Evangelical Christian told me that a Christian colleague refused to attend AA because Bill Wilson had practiced spiritism.
My first thought was to defend AA. I gave up on that when I worked with the Obese. They were addicted to food but refused to go to Over eater's Anonymous. They had a myriad of reasons and an endless number of "yes-but" criticisms of the 'solution'. Motivation to change is such a problem in the addicted that there is an actual scale developed to assess motivation to change. Resource allocation is now directly associated with the degree of "action' that alcoholics or addicts are willing to put forth themselves. As the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous says alcoholics tend to me immature but infinitely adept at being critics. So the answer to any criticism by the alcoholic or addict is 'what do you propose instead'. Invariably it's very easy then to challenge the alcoholic or addict with their 'denial' and 'level of criticism'. In this 'dialectic' discussion, I'm commonly saying, "we already tried that and it didn't work'.
The World Health Organaization says 'abstinence' is the treatment of choice for addiction and alcoholism. AA today is still the most effective long term solution to the problem of alcoholism. There is no further talk of 'controlled drinking'. It hasn't worked. All alternative programs to 'Abstinence" based programs are called "Harm Reduction".
That said, Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob, the co founders of AA were both Christians. The early AA movement began in the Christian Oxford Movement begun by the Lutheran Rev. Buckman. The principles of the 12 step program are Christian based. Repeatedly "God" is referred to and the early AA members understood this to mean 'god of the Bible." The original AA was almost called the "James Club" because the 'Book of James" from the New Testament was a central study source. Dick B. an early member of AA has documented the roots of AA in Christianity. His research and information are extensive. Sam Shoemaker, the Anglican minister was a spiritual mentor of Bill Wilson as was the catholic priest, Father Dowling. Dick B's books, to my mind served history in contrast to the trend of modern AA to 'secularize' the 'spirituality' of AA denying the Christian basis of AA in it's most successive and formative times. Sister Ignasia, the catholic nun, who worked with Dr. Bob and Dr. Bob's wife were steeped in Christian service. Dr. Bob encouraged all alcoholics to read the Bible.
There is no doubt that Bill Wilson was insane. He was an alcoholic. He was a world war veteran. He was a womanizer. He was a liar and a cheat. He's a self admitted 'sinner' by any standard. Dr. Bob was also an alcoholic. He was filled with self loathing. Together they found sobriety and developed a methodology of alcoholics helping alcoholics stay sober with a 12 step program of honesty, willingness, and service. The sole purpose of AA was to help the Alcoholic. The Big Book of AA recommends return to church for members. A board of non alcoholic members was established to curb some of the strange ideas Bill Wilson had early. All the works of AA were put through review and only much later was the board of 'non alcoholic' members disbanded.
Yes, Bill Wilson practice spriitism. It was a 'fad' of the day. A critic has quoted 'Deuteronomy' which is clearly against any form of Spiritism. What the critic fails to mention is that no Christian today that I know of hasn't broken some if not many of the recommendations of 'Deuteronomy'. Jesus was specifically against the 'pharisee's of the church'. The 'pharisees'. were those who were steeped in 'legalism' without the wisdom of Solomon. Bill Wilson dropped acid too. Neither spiritism or LSD are recommended by AA.
Dr. Bob was a member of the Masons but freemasonry is not 'recommended' by the Big Book of AA or the 12 steps and 12 traditions. Bill Wilson played the violin. AA does not recommend violin playing as a means to recovery. It specifically doesn't speak about sexuality. Indeed there is a lot that AA doesn't not speak too. In fact, it recommends that outside of it's focus on helping alcoholics abstain from alcohol one should turn to 'experts' for 'outside help."
CELEBRATE is an alternative recovery program for alcoholics. I have often heard Christians say that AA is not for them. They have however refused to attend the alternative Jesus based programs. Similiarly SMART is a purely secular psychological program which is an alternative to AA. I have often heard people say that because they're aetheists they can't attend AA. They are equally likely not to attend AA. I learned this when I encouraged to the obese to go to the gym. That's when I realized that if AA served alcohol and people ate natchos while they worked out , both would be much more 'popular' . Neither solution would be very effective 'treating' addiction. It's the same as alcoholics who are happy to see counsellors, psychologists, or psychiatrists. Individual therapy was found to be 'ineffective' in the treatment of this 'social disease'. Group participation in a sober group is a cornerstone of long term success. Similiarly aversion to the substance of abuse is a cornerstone of long term recovery. Further research has not shown specifically which religious association is most beneficial but a 'spriitual' approach has been found most beneficial. In the book. "not god", a biograph of AA by Kurtz, it was clear that the alcoholic treated his thinking as 'divine' so the demand in AA for a person to have a 'higher power' is specifically insisting that they no longer consider themselves their own higher power.
My first thought was to defend AA. I gave up on that when I worked with the Obese. They were addicted to food but refused to go to Over eater's Anonymous. They had a myriad of reasons and an endless number of "yes-but" criticisms of the 'solution'. Motivation to change is such a problem in the addicted that there is an actual scale developed to assess motivation to change. Resource allocation is now directly associated with the degree of "action' that alcoholics or addicts are willing to put forth themselves. As the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous says alcoholics tend to me immature but infinitely adept at being critics. So the answer to any criticism by the alcoholic or addict is 'what do you propose instead'. Invariably it's very easy then to challenge the alcoholic or addict with their 'denial' and 'level of criticism'. In this 'dialectic' discussion, I'm commonly saying, "we already tried that and it didn't work'.
The World Health Organaization says 'abstinence' is the treatment of choice for addiction and alcoholism. AA today is still the most effective long term solution to the problem of alcoholism. There is no further talk of 'controlled drinking'. It hasn't worked. All alternative programs to 'Abstinence" based programs are called "Harm Reduction".
That said, Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob, the co founders of AA were both Christians. The early AA movement began in the Christian Oxford Movement begun by the Lutheran Rev. Buckman. The principles of the 12 step program are Christian based. Repeatedly "God" is referred to and the early AA members understood this to mean 'god of the Bible." The original AA was almost called the "James Club" because the 'Book of James" from the New Testament was a central study source. Dick B. an early member of AA has documented the roots of AA in Christianity. His research and information are extensive. Sam Shoemaker, the Anglican minister was a spiritual mentor of Bill Wilson as was the catholic priest, Father Dowling. Dick B's books, to my mind served history in contrast to the trend of modern AA to 'secularize' the 'spirituality' of AA denying the Christian basis of AA in it's most successive and formative times. Sister Ignasia, the catholic nun, who worked with Dr. Bob and Dr. Bob's wife were steeped in Christian service. Dr. Bob encouraged all alcoholics to read the Bible.
There is no doubt that Bill Wilson was insane. He was an alcoholic. He was a world war veteran. He was a womanizer. He was a liar and a cheat. He's a self admitted 'sinner' by any standard. Dr. Bob was also an alcoholic. He was filled with self loathing. Together they found sobriety and developed a methodology of alcoholics helping alcoholics stay sober with a 12 step program of honesty, willingness, and service. The sole purpose of AA was to help the Alcoholic. The Big Book of AA recommends return to church for members. A board of non alcoholic members was established to curb some of the strange ideas Bill Wilson had early. All the works of AA were put through review and only much later was the board of 'non alcoholic' members disbanded.
Yes, Bill Wilson practice spriitism. It was a 'fad' of the day. A critic has quoted 'Deuteronomy' which is clearly against any form of Spiritism. What the critic fails to mention is that no Christian today that I know of hasn't broken some if not many of the recommendations of 'Deuteronomy'. Jesus was specifically against the 'pharisee's of the church'. The 'pharisees'. were those who were steeped in 'legalism' without the wisdom of Solomon. Bill Wilson dropped acid too. Neither spiritism or LSD are recommended by AA.
Dr. Bob was a member of the Masons but freemasonry is not 'recommended' by the Big Book of AA or the 12 steps and 12 traditions. Bill Wilson played the violin. AA does not recommend violin playing as a means to recovery. It specifically doesn't speak about sexuality. Indeed there is a lot that AA doesn't not speak too. In fact, it recommends that outside of it's focus on helping alcoholics abstain from alcohol one should turn to 'experts' for 'outside help."
CELEBRATE is an alternative recovery program for alcoholics. I have often heard Christians say that AA is not for them. They have however refused to attend the alternative Jesus based programs. Similiarly SMART is a purely secular psychological program which is an alternative to AA. I have often heard people say that because they're aetheists they can't attend AA. They are equally likely not to attend AA. I learned this when I encouraged to the obese to go to the gym. That's when I realized that if AA served alcohol and people ate natchos while they worked out , both would be much more 'popular' . Neither solution would be very effective 'treating' addiction. It's the same as alcoholics who are happy to see counsellors, psychologists, or psychiatrists. Individual therapy was found to be 'ineffective' in the treatment of this 'social disease'. Group participation in a sober group is a cornerstone of long term success. Similiarly aversion to the substance of abuse is a cornerstone of long term recovery. Further research has not shown specifically which religious association is most beneficial but a 'spriitual' approach has been found most beneficial. In the book. "not god", a biograph of AA by Kurtz, it was clear that the alcoholic treated his thinking as 'divine' so the demand in AA for a person to have a 'higher power' is specifically insisting that they no longer consider themselves their own higher power.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Surrey Sussex Road, British Columbia
Driving from Salmon Arm to Kamloops on #1 we loved the scenery and views. Incredible lake country of Shuswap with rolling green hills changed slowly to dry brown tumbleweed strewn escarpments with sweet smells of sage. We passed Sorrento with it's conference centre where the Anglican Church holds retreats. On the motorcycle ride on #97 I'd passed the Round Lake Treatment Centre which serves the native population so well. This whole area is God's Country. We stopped at the Gateway truck stop before Kamloops. This is RV paradise with diesel, propane, water and sani stop, lots of of room for rigs, well stocked market, and the Billy Miner Restaurant where we had a homungus all day breakfast for $7.50 each. Maybe it was the big meal but heading down to Merritt on the scenic Lac la Jeune road I felt tired. There was a turn around at the Surrey Sussex Forest Service Road and I just pulled over parked and our committee of three decided that this was just fine. I don't like driving pulling an RV tired. It's amazing how many places one can just pull off the road and camp for a night. Beats putting up a tent. Outside our door was a garden of wild flowers. Pretty soon the storm clouds hit us too with heavy rain hammering the camper while we sat inside watching further episodes of Sons of Anarchy on dvd enjoying pan fried turkey, potatoes and carrots. The only downside was when it was time again to take Gilbert for a walk, he quickly became a mud ball. He thought getting towelled down back in the the trailer was a great game but couldn't understand why we still didn't want to snuggle with a wet dirty dog. I turned off the generator and we had the sleep of the good. This morning Gilbert and I out
walking found new deer tracks fresh after last nights rain. The sun was up for a while before clouds rolled in. We'll be packing up and heading back to Vancouver today.

Pierre's Point RV and Campground, Salmon Arm
We loved our stay at Pierre's Point. The native folk from the local band run it. Administration is excellent. All the arrangements went well and daily we watched their folk going about cleaning up and keeping an eye on things. Swimming was fantastic. I just wished we had our boat with us and almost rented a canoe. I liked the little store but didn't have a chance to enjoy the grill open in the afternoons. The train went by fairly regularly but after the first passage I found I didn't really notice it except as more 'outdoor music'. The mosquitoes were bad but that's true all across the north and west this year according to the newst. A really wet spring with all the flooding. Deep woods off was sufficient. In the sunny afternoon they weren't a problem. The birds, as always, were a treat. Gilbert loved the dog walk on the beach. Leaving was sad after only 5 days. The Sturges North Motorcycle Rally and Music Festival had been a blast. I'd really enjoyed the Veterans run with a hundred or so motorcycle riding shy of a couple of hundred miles in a circle that ended in the biker street festival at Siccamous. Laura stowed the gear inside the Rockwood Mini Lite trailer while I got everything ready outside. Then it was the backing up and hooking up which we're getting a whole lot better at. Out on the highway we headed towards Kamloops.

Sunday, July 17, 2011
Sturges North 2011 & John Kay and Steppenwolf
The rain was something fierce with thunderstorms and lightening just before the John Kay and Steppenwolf concert. More of a weir wolf night than a steppenwolf night. Laura and I rode the motorcycle to the music grounds to find them packed despite the inclement weather. The sky cleared to reveal a full moon. John Kay and Steppenwolf came on stage and the crowd howled. Laura swooned. "He's better looking now than when he was young. I had a crush on him back them, " she said in a throaty voice between numbers. Some fat women were drunkenly dancing poorly in front of me. They were looking at each other taking pictures of themselves and intermittently blocking the view for all of us behind them. The news said alot of outlaw biker gangs were in town. They were obviously on good behaviour. No one shot these silly fat girls and one skinny bitch. The fact is the Sturges North biker crowds were alot more tolerant and behaved a whole lot better than Vancouver hockey crowds.
When John Kay belted out Magic Carpet Ride we all were on our feet. The whole audience went wild when the band went from that right into "Born to be Wild'. This was the song made famous by Easy Rider and still is the song that epitomizes the open highway motorcycle ride. When they left the stage the crowd just kept on hollering and cheering. "Encore, encore!" John Kay and Steppenwolf came back on. They ended with another song of an era, "Goddam the Pusherman!" Laura and I rode back to Pierre's Point Campground under a full moon, wind in our face, "Born to be Wild" (at our age!)

When John Kay belted out Magic Carpet Ride we all were on our feet. The whole audience went wild when the band went from that right into "Born to be Wild'. This was the song made famous by Easy Rider and still is the song that epitomizes the open highway motorcycle ride. When they left the stage the crowd just kept on hollering and cheering. "Encore, encore!" John Kay and Steppenwolf came back on. They ended with another song of an era, "Goddam the Pusherman!" Laura and I rode back to Pierre's Point Campground under a full moon, wind in our face, "Born to be Wild" (at our age!)
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Sturges North 2011 & Veterans Motorcycle Run
Friday morning was the sign up for the Veterans Motorcycle Run in support of the Canadian troops. Everyone had to sign a waiver and show proof of valid motorcyle license. When I left my motorcycle to go sign up, I asked the fellows near me if it was okay to leave my motorcycle there. With smiles, a big fellow answered, "Don't worry we'll protect it." My Honda 230 CFR was by far the smallest bike there. I'd given up telling everyone I couldn't bring the Harley Electraglide on the back of the truck towing the RV. Instead I just called it my 'baby'. "Looks like it could be a trouble maker, " a Gulf War Vet commented. The rest of the bikes ranged from 600 cc to 1600 cc and maybe more. At the Sturges North grouns Azzkikr had a custom built motorcycle with the biggest car engine Chevy ever made. As this was a Veterans Bike Run I wouldn't put it past some of these guys to have rigged their machines with military ordnance to enhance performance, maybe even Stealth technology.
When we 'd signed in and got our Sturges North "Ride with Honor" t shirts, the ride captain told us the route. I couldn't hear so would depend on staying with the group. That was my first mistake. Then we all bowed our heads when the chaplain said a prayer for the ride. I find motorcycling is a great catalyst for prayer and like that these rides begin with the sacred. Then someone called out "Mount Up". Another shouted "Lock and Load". The women and men got on their bikes and a collective throbbing roar filled the air. I couldn't hear my little bumblebee so had to trust to the feel. We rode out in double lines.
On the flat the Honda CRF does 110 km but as soon as there was an incline I had to lie down over the top of my bike to reduce wind resistance. I'd say I started on point and drifted to rearguard but in fact I just slipped a little back in the middle of the pack when the space opened a bit in front of me and some big bikes behind would pass and fill it up. I had a definite advantage with gnarly tires when we hit the road repair before Sorrento but then we took the uphill turn at Monte Creek. I was reduced to 80 km with guys and gals flying past me. You could actually see my feet pedally furiously to keep up. On the downhills I'd make 120 and close the gap. I had no idea where we were going. I actually thought I was the last bike. It was only when I pulled into Falkland for the buffet lunch at the Falkland pub that I found out there were a whole lot of bikes behind me. They must have got caught behind traffic. That happened to me and even with the passing lane I didn't have the get up and go to pass this one car that thankfully turned off somewhere letting me get back to making my maximum 110 km/jr speed.
The scenary was tremendous along the winding roads with lakes and evergreen, cattle on rolling grass pastures. Falklands Pub was welcoming , a famous Hog destination with a lot of biker paraphernalia on the walls from previous rides. Great roast beef , ham and chicken wings, roast potatoes and salads for $10/ I sat with a fellow who said he had got chilled without any windscreen. I said, "I know what you mean. I don't have any either on my Honda 230. I got chilled plus I got bugs up my nose. I also think I'm the smallest motorcycle here."
"Then I'm the second smallest, I'm riding a 600 cc Buell Blast." he said. He was up from Vernon. Since I'd had a Buell and loved it we got along just fine. I left early though figuring that even though I couldn't ride fast I could eat fast and get the jump on most of the other bikers.
I had to fill up with gas and riding wide open throttle had to add a litre of oil. Then I was back on the road way out ahead of the crowd. The salmon valley with the horses and cattle and rolling hills was a treat to ride through. I came out at the place where we began and as no one was there thought I'd just beat everyone. So I drove 5 km back to Pierre's Point Campground, shut down the motorcycle outside the trailer, hailed Gilbert and Laura, regaled them about my exploits as a great motorcyclist only to have Laura say, "It's on the radio, the Veterans ride, ends in Sicamous. I just heard the first bikes were arriving." I gave Laura a hug and chucked Gilbert under the chin. Then I had to get back outside to the bike and climb wearily back in the saddle.
Crossing through Salmon Arm there were bikes going everywhere. I took the road to Sicamous and arrived in a town flooded with motorcycles. There were bikes parked on the sides and down the middle of the main street. The band, "Lead Painted Toys" was belting out rocker tunes at the open beer garden. The Canadian legion was open and inviting visitors. Ice cream vendors were doing a hot "cold" trade. Harley Davidson had some big bikes there and the firemen were out watching the big "burn off' event. I definitely got into the ice cream. I took a picture of myself and my motorcle dubbing it the "little motorcycle that could'. Picking bugs out of my nose I missed the windshield on my Harley Electra glide and the comfort but there was a strange sense of accomplishment in just getting there. I thought it appropriate for a Veterans ride given that often the Canadian troops had done the really big jobs with the least and certainly not the latest equipment. Canadian troops got the job done regardless. I was glad too that they'd finished their tour in Afghanistan doing Canada proud.
Siccamous has a great marina and given all the power boats here I expect there's great fishing. Driving back at a reasonable 80 to 90 km/hr pace, not pushing my bike to the limit I enjoyed the magnificent lake and scenery thankful that the ride had given me a chance to see what wonderful country lies around Salmon Arm. Sturges North picked a great place to have the rally.
When I got back to the RV I was exhausted. All my muscles ached and all I could do was lie down and watch another episode of Sons of Anarchy starring Charlie Hunnan, Ron Perlman and Katey Sagall, Kurt Sutters television series about an outlaw biker gang. Very apropos viewing material. I'm reading a Louis L'Amour western novel too which seems an equally good fit. .

When we 'd signed in and got our Sturges North "Ride with Honor" t shirts, the ride captain told us the route. I couldn't hear so would depend on staying with the group. That was my first mistake. Then we all bowed our heads when the chaplain said a prayer for the ride. I find motorcycling is a great catalyst for prayer and like that these rides begin with the sacred. Then someone called out "Mount Up". Another shouted "Lock and Load". The women and men got on their bikes and a collective throbbing roar filled the air. I couldn't hear my little bumblebee so had to trust to the feel. We rode out in double lines.
On the flat the Honda CRF does 110 km but as soon as there was an incline I had to lie down over the top of my bike to reduce wind resistance. I'd say I started on point and drifted to rearguard but in fact I just slipped a little back in the middle of the pack when the space opened a bit in front of me and some big bikes behind would pass and fill it up. I had a definite advantage with gnarly tires when we hit the road repair before Sorrento but then we took the uphill turn at Monte Creek. I was reduced to 80 km with guys and gals flying past me. You could actually see my feet pedally furiously to keep up. On the downhills I'd make 120 and close the gap. I had no idea where we were going. I actually thought I was the last bike. It was only when I pulled into Falkland for the buffet lunch at the Falkland pub that I found out there were a whole lot of bikes behind me. They must have got caught behind traffic. That happened to me and even with the passing lane I didn't have the get up and go to pass this one car that thankfully turned off somewhere letting me get back to making my maximum 110 km/jr speed.
The scenary was tremendous along the winding roads with lakes and evergreen, cattle on rolling grass pastures. Falklands Pub was welcoming , a famous Hog destination with a lot of biker paraphernalia on the walls from previous rides. Great roast beef , ham and chicken wings, roast potatoes and salads for $10/ I sat with a fellow who said he had got chilled without any windscreen. I said, "I know what you mean. I don't have any either on my Honda 230. I got chilled plus I got bugs up my nose. I also think I'm the smallest motorcycle here."
"Then I'm the second smallest, I'm riding a 600 cc Buell Blast." he said. He was up from Vernon. Since I'd had a Buell and loved it we got along just fine. I left early though figuring that even though I couldn't ride fast I could eat fast and get the jump on most of the other bikers.
I had to fill up with gas and riding wide open throttle had to add a litre of oil. Then I was back on the road way out ahead of the crowd. The salmon valley with the horses and cattle and rolling hills was a treat to ride through. I came out at the place where we began and as no one was there thought I'd just beat everyone. So I drove 5 km back to Pierre's Point Campground, shut down the motorcycle outside the trailer, hailed Gilbert and Laura, regaled them about my exploits as a great motorcyclist only to have Laura say, "It's on the radio, the Veterans ride, ends in Sicamous. I just heard the first bikes were arriving." I gave Laura a hug and chucked Gilbert under the chin. Then I had to get back outside to the bike and climb wearily back in the saddle.
Crossing through Salmon Arm there were bikes going everywhere. I took the road to Sicamous and arrived in a town flooded with motorcycles. There were bikes parked on the sides and down the middle of the main street. The band, "Lead Painted Toys" was belting out rocker tunes at the open beer garden. The Canadian legion was open and inviting visitors. Ice cream vendors were doing a hot "cold" trade. Harley Davidson had some big bikes there and the firemen were out watching the big "burn off' event. I definitely got into the ice cream. I took a picture of myself and my motorcle dubbing it the "little motorcycle that could'. Picking bugs out of my nose I missed the windshield on my Harley Electra glide and the comfort but there was a strange sense of accomplishment in just getting there. I thought it appropriate for a Veterans ride given that often the Canadian troops had done the really big jobs with the least and certainly not the latest equipment. Canadian troops got the job done regardless. I was glad too that they'd finished their tour in Afghanistan doing Canada proud.
Siccamous has a great marina and given all the power boats here I expect there's great fishing. Driving back at a reasonable 80 to 90 km/hr pace, not pushing my bike to the limit I enjoyed the magnificent lake and scenery thankful that the ride had given me a chance to see what wonderful country lies around Salmon Arm. Sturges North picked a great place to have the rally.
When I got back to the RV I was exhausted. All my muscles ached and all I could do was lie down and watch another episode of Sons of Anarchy starring Charlie Hunnan, Ron Perlman and Katey Sagall, Kurt Sutters television series about an outlaw biker gang. Very apropos viewing material. I'm reading a Louis L'Amour western novel too which seems an equally good fit. .
Friday, July 15, 2011
Sturges North 2011 & Eric Burdon and the Animals
Eric Burdon and the Animals was the band I was waiting for. I'd heard "House of the Rising Sun" as a teen ager and learned it on guitar, playing and singing it for years. "Warm San Franciscan Nights" was a song I must have made love to somewhere along the way. I marched through the streets of San Francisco and later lived there. "I'm just a man whose intentions are good, Oh Lord, Please don't let me be misunderstood" may well have become my personal song of relationship. Eric Burdon stepped on stage, the band so utterly professional with music to their very toes, and that voice of Eric Burdon's, well, I was 40 years younger with tears in my eyes, wondering where it had all gone and laughing. "Spill the Wine, take that Girl," had some of the answers. It was a full moon. There were bikers all around. So many of us were older. The women still looked good. There was that funny smell in the air but mostly it was pine smell and the smell of the recent rain on the grass. We'd done the drugs and been drunk and fought and free loved but now had RV's to go with a $10,000 to $100,000 machines. There were children up late and as many grandparents past their bedtime hanging in there for Eric Burdon and the Animals this Sturgis North 2011 Motorcycle Rally and Music Festival. There was more Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance than LSD in the crowd. Eric Burdon's words spoke to youth and maturity, the dreams and idealism."It's my life and I'll do what I want with it" had us all dancing and cheering. The skill of the musicians wasn't something that came with "just hanging out'. There was real discipline and the play beyond that hard preparation. This patch of laughter was something earned.. The applause was incredible. Standing ovation and roars filled the air with" House of the Rising Sun". The keyboards, bass guitar, drums and lead all entwined with Eric Burdon's voice and the unique sound of a band whose music captured an era. Tonight it was as alive as it was back then. Just phenomenal. I rode back to the RV at the First Nation Pierre's Point Campground on the motorcycle, with the girl on the back, wind in my face, spectacular clouds and a a full moon. If I was a wolf I'd have howled!

Thursday, July 14, 2011
Sturges North 2011 & Dr. Hook
I rode the Honda 230 to Sturges North. I really wanted a sticker that said "my other bike is a Harley Electraglide". I think it was the smallest bike in the line up. I put it near a Honda Goldwing in hope someone thought it was a baby that had tagged along. There were alot of big Harleys, some touring BMW's, and big Kawasakis and Yamahas. It was a big biker event. I traded my online ticket in for a bracelet but they couldn't give me Laura's. It almost proved a problem because at night they were closing up at 10 pm when she came along for the concert. In the morning I'd bought the t shirts. "You're our first Sturges t shirt sale at the grounds", the biker babe told me as I got xlarge for me and medium for Laura. Having found the place and figured my way around for coming back in the dark I headed into town. Salmon Arm was filling up with bikes. They even had a shuttle bus going to the all day stripper Outlaw Saloon. Shuttle buses ran to the parking lots and down town venues, a great solution to avoid drinking and driving on motorcyles. I stopped for coffee and a breakfast bagel when the skies opened. Then I sneaked back to Pierre's Point Campground to have the mandatory afternoon snooze in preparation for an 11 pm to 1 am concert. Bands were playing all day but Laura wanted to see Dr. Hook. There was a huge thunderstorm in the afternoon with hail even then thankfully the rain let up and skies cleared just before we headed out at 10 pm. We took the Ford 350 Harley Davidson Diesel truck given the iffyness of the skies. But the rain had ended. At the fairgrounds people were sitting on the lawn or had brought folding chairs. I laid out the poncho then got Laura and I some coffee and grain fed beef jerky. Azzkkrr Custom Bikes had the best exhibits. Then Ray Sawyer came on. The crowd exploded. Dr. Hook was a blast. Laura's favourite was "When You're in Love with a Beautiful Woman" and "Staying the Night Together." The moon was magnificent over the fairground. I loved when Ray Sawyer screamed "We love you William and Kate!" Then he rode right into "Cover of the Rolling Stone" to a roar of applause. The bikers went wild. What a great opening headliner concert. We love you Dr. Hook!

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