Sunday, March 7, 2021


My dreams are mostly visual and emotional. I don’t seem to have olfactory dreams and only occasionally remember auditory dreams. There are conversations in my dreams but I don’t remember them as sound but rather as meaning.  I have had tactile dreams.  My dreams are often not in colour either or are pastel rather than bold. I don’t have tastes in my dreams or memory of my dreams. Now this may reflect my memory of my dream rather the dream itself. 
Babies have synchresia.  They experience the five senses as one. This was noted with the disinhibition of LSD. I saw colours. I saw sounds. But what of the lack of smells in dreams. I lost a lot of my smell and some hearing to the treatment I received for TB so can’t say if I used to have more smells in my dreams. Do my dreams parallel my present. I don’t think so because the body I have in my dreams is normally younger.  Sometimes is a child even though mostly I’m 20 to 40. My dogs are alive and younger and my parents are usually the age they were when I was in my teens or childhood.  

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