Friday, February 19, 2021

Life continues like Covid

I find his an unusual existence. I do virtual work, 4 days a week, mostly 10 hour days. I walk Madigan he cockapoo a half hour to an hour a day.  I read and recently I’ve been binging on tv. It’s a change. Evenings is been several seasons of Tin Star and now I’m watching Yellowstone. A cross between Dallas and Sons of Anarchy with cows and horses. Grandad was a rancher. I ‘m remembering my childhood riding horses, hanging out with he cousins, visiting the Rez. My friends is teaching his boys to shoot and I’m back on the ranch shooing gophers in exchange for 22 ammunition.  There was the wood stove and big table breakfast. There was the big bed the width of the room where all the kids slept ..  It was a converted old church on the northern prairie.  Cattle and horses.  
Now I’m here about to get ready to take my new Honda 420 Rancher quad ou to store in Chilliwack.  Booked a weekend for Camper and ATV and bear hunting. Introducing the puppy to his future. He probably doesn’t know he’s about to become a bear dog. I remember Stuart the Scotty being so impressed when I shot a big black bear.  Stuart followed me to the kill and then began to try to bury the hill. He really was impressed and I’ll never forget Gilbert’s flying leap onto the head of the antlered deer trying to get up after I’d shot it. The poor buck went to deer heaven thinking he’d been killed by a cockapoo.  Don’t know what tails this mutt will get up to. He’s sure entertaining.
Vaccine this week.  Thankful.  I’m working up to doing some clinic work. Eventually mixed practice with a morning a week in clinic to begin.  I find virtual a mixed blessing.  Patients do want to see me. There’s some real advantages to human contact. Mostly I find myself wanting to get back to church and for some reason the Symphony and Early Music keep calling to me.  Not so much the theatre or ballet nor the opera. Classical music. Why live in a city and be unable to partake of high culture.  
Another part of me wishes to go to museums and cafe’s and just observe life.  Now I stay home. So mostly that’s a weather thing.  Covid and winter a bad combination. Now Texas and the south are experiencing freak cold storms and maybe will be collectively less arrogant about climate change ideas in the twisted universities infiltrated by the communist low brows.  Hegel and Maslow and such are being replace by comic strip thinking.  Nothing I’ve read except Thomas Sowel and Jordan Peterson has been that enjoyable this last decade.  
Now I’m enjoying bird watching, photography of birds and hiking.  Madigan the puppy has been a full time job.  
Thank you Jesus. Thank you Mary. Thank you St. Francis. Thank you St. Patrick. Thank you St. Theresa of Avila. Thank you St. John of the Cross .Thank you St.John. Thank you St. George. Thank you St. Thomas. Thank you all the saints. Thank you all
God bless

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