Friday, October 4, 2019

Thank you Lord for this day

Thank you Lord for this day. Thank you for the rest last night. Thank you for my companion Gilbert the blind cockapoo.  Thank you for the sunshine and light. Thank you for the rain last night. Thank you for the green of the trees and shrubs of the city. Thank you for the internet and wi fi. Thank you for th weird and wonderful friends. Thank you for family. Thank you space ships and the hope of escaping from the politics of Canada. Help me survive the stupidity and errors and anger that are too frequent. Thank you for helping me accept and tolerate the drama and urgency and catastrophising of the ‘look at me’ set.  Thank you for the steady eddies and the salt of the earth and the entertainers not the emotional extortionists. Thank you for the comedians. Thank you for the humor. Thank you for the love. Thank you for the laughter. Thank you for the silly and ridiculous.Thank you for the spaceships that give me hope of finding an alien race that will come here and tells us how they achieved peace without coercition. Help us to grow and develop as humans. Help us appreciate business and trade and bankers and people who don’t feel fuzzy and soft. Thank you for the soldiers and engineers, the physicists and chemists .Thank you for the computer techies. Thank you for the doctors and nurses. Help the administrators learn humility.  Thank you for Jesus. Thank you for spirituality and religion. Thank you for hot showers and refridgerator. Especially thank you for coffee machines and roasters and tankers and trains and trucks and planes .Thank you for Ethiopian Coffee. Thank you for llamas and donkeys. Thank you for kittens. Thank you for water. Thank you for bacteria and insects and spiders and bats. Thank you for eagles and pigeons. Thank you for colours. Thank you for October. Thank you for Friday. Thank you for weekends.  Thank you

Thank you for incense and candlelight and perfume and cologne. Thank you for piercings and tattoos and rock and roll. Thank you for masturbation and sex and love and scent. Thank you for taste and recovery and revival and nirvana and samedi and and ecstasy as a state of mind not a bring me down drug. Thank you for the natural expansion of consciousness and caring friends. Thank you for the Holy Bible. Thank you for all the books of wisdom and enlightenment. Thank you for Angels and spiritual guides. Thank you for synchronicity. Thank you for symphonies and rock and roll. Thank you for folk music and square dance and blue grass and reggae. Thank you for sitar and flute and electric violin. Thank you for harmoniums and accordions.

Thank you for the hope of spaceships that could take us to another place where there’s summer vacations and people don’t always have to work and the dance is in circles and pairs and the feet are attached to the head and people are in harmony. Thank you for the contrasta and other countries. Thank you for Peace. Thank you for the silences and the bird song. Thank you for the flowers. Thank you for the music. Thank you for this body with it’s senses and experiences.  Thank you for ibuprofen and aspirin and vitamins and apple cider vinegar. Thank you for science and belief and logic and discovery. Thank you for the architects and sculptures and the accountants and the bus drivers. Thank you for the teachers and the professors and the librarians.

Thank you for books and reading and the tv and Netflix. Thank you for this day. Thank you for this moment. Thank you for meditation and prayer. Thank you for nano seconds and neurotransmission. Thanks for pituitary and adrenal glands. Thank you for the Krebbs cycle. Thank you for the DNA. Thank you for helix and phalanx. Thank you for the word and the words. Thank you for fridge magnets and windows. Thank you for all the inventions and the ideas and the epiphanies. Thank you for kettle and the pot and the metallurgy. Thank you red meat. Thank you for vegetables .  Thank you for shoes and boots and pants and shirts and jackets. Thank you for hats. Thank you for umbrellas and sweaters. Thank you for underwear. Thank you for soap and shampoo. 

Thank you for change. Thank you for steady states and equilibriums. Thank you for welding and tools and wrenches and screw drivers and nails and hammers. Thank you for knitting and needles and thread. Thank you for fashion. Thank you for naked women and handsome strong men. Thank you for survivalists and self sufficient people who also know how to organise and share. Thank you for leaders and facilitators and followers. Thank you for organizations and networks . Thank you for all the moving parts and the grand whole. Thank you for the dance of life. Thank you for the matrix. Thank you for energy and atoms, neutrons, mitochondrion, RNA and electrons and protons and galaxies and pond water under little microscopes. Thank you for wonder and joy. Thank you for hope and for all the promises. Thank you for the moments. Thank you for the memories.

Thank you Lord of Creation. God of God. One and all. Love. And Lover.  Thank you Agape, Eros, Filios. Thank you at the centre of the center of the centre. Thank you within and without. Christ before me, Christ behind me. Christ beside me. Christ below me. Christ above me. Christ within me Christ without. Christ in every deed I do and every word I speak and every sight I seen and every act I witness and every word I hear. Christ meaning God Within be with me and let me be in the depth and surface of all things. Help me know Thee as you know me Help me peer through the Cloud of Unknowing. Help me do thy will. Help me serve you and all my fellow man and women this day. Help me follow in the path of mentors and greats and the genius’s before me. Help me make my teachers pleased. Help me to remember and follow the wisdom of my parents and past relatives. Help me have fun. Help me know thee.

Thank you for all the games, the jokes, the dance, the wonder and the mystery. Thank you for this journey. Thank you for the hide and seek and Peek a Boo!. Thank you.

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