Sunday, January 13, 2019

Jesus Baptism: Christian Theology , Materialism and Faith

Evolution says we developed from the ape.  We are as humans very similar to chimpanzees.  One of the important differences from animals that man appears at times is the ability to ‘self reflect’ or ‘internalize’.  Tool making was once a distinguishing feature but we now know that not only do monkeys make and use tools, birds, which evolved directly from dinosaurs and even fish and insects use tools.  We don’t know if they have imaginations or they think so called intellectual questions. Indeed in the matter of quantum physics, string theory and different dimensions cats may as we have presumed be only present in this dimension utilizing the teeniest fraction of their intelligence.

The Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy posited that mice were running the earth as an experiment.  The Lazy Man’s Guide to Enlightenment by Thaddeus Golas suggests that our present state of awareness is a reflection of our general anxiety and depression.  The enlightened mind is capable by contrast of God like insight and capacity. Certainly neurologists have long noted we don’t appear to use much of our tremedous brain power, something most brilliant students have heard from their teachers or parents.  

Aetheism whose principle social expression to date is communist socialism  a pure fantasy that the world is solely materialistic and man’s principle goal is power.  The world according to aetheists is divided into the oppressor and the oppressed. Later cultural Marxism following on the Frankfurt school and the fall of the International Marxist Socialism  of the USSR and the National Socialism of Nazism.  China continues with it’s totalitarianism for now with  the consequent increasing murder of those who are different. Communism has recently killed millions.   One considers this devolution of aetheism into the tribalism and law of the jungle of so called primitive man to date perhaps to be the most primitive and reductionist analysis of humans to date.

Even the superstitious primitives and tribal humans posited an unseen world. Local Aboriginals fore fathers claimed there was a Creator and that humans had a relationship with the creator and all of creation.  Creation gods abound in history.  

Aetheists claim at best a Big Bang.  Dr. Mario de Beuregaard, neuroscientist author of Spiritual Brain gives the best description of the PSEUDOSCIENCE that dominates the politics of today.  

The question of the Big Bang is tied to Marcus Aurelius and St. Augustine. We simply don’t know that yesterday exists any more than we know tomorrow exists. We even must ask others about our supposed birth and must rely on ‘memory’ to conclude the history of our own existence.  An elegant analysis of time and intelligence simply showed it was impossible for a monkey to learn to play piano like Bach in the time given from the proposed Big Bang To now.  Owen Barfied described the fundamental function of the brain was to ‘save the appearances’.  We fill in the gaps and we make up things.  We are a fanciful creature. 

Indeed the argument has been made that the big brain of the human is an evolutionary development that was for deceit. That a wholly honest animal would signal to a lion it wanted to eat it and get eaten.  The Book of Tells, How to Read People’s Minds by their Actions is a classic text for gamblers by Peter Collett.  It shows that man has attempt to succeed with the development of a ‘poker face’ and various other deceits which are apparent as incongruences between what is said and what is shown.  Actions apparently speak louder than words. Trojan Horse is one of the children’s classic tales of enlightenment. Today we have journalists, fake news and Wikipedia. 

Christians believe in Jesus Christ.  He is an unseen god, also the son of an unseen god, who promised to send his believers an unseen god to serve them.  The Trinity, is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Gospel which translates as the Good News says that Jesus was born as a human child and did miracles. He was baptized by John, preached in the temples of the day, taught and interpreted the scriptures of the day for ordinary men and women, then  healed people with sickness by asking his father for healing.  He said he served his father and he was an advocate for man. His father was in heaven.

Heaven is not of this earth. It may be inside.  The detractors of faith always put heaven in the sky when it’s clear that Christians have described heaven as connected to the nous or spiritual heart centred in the chest.  

The powerful men of the day faked being spiritual for profit. The soldiers and police of the day lorded over the physical world taxing and stealing the work and profits of others. They saw Jesus as a threat.  His own people’s leaders betrayed him to the conquering army’s leadership and he was crucified.  

The Good News is he resurrected from the grave and rose to heaven. This rising was described in a sense into a different dimension however it’s hard to describe with certainty for the knowledge of the galaxy as we know it today was unknown to the followers of Jesus perhaps.  Whose to say he wasn’t beamed up by God. Alien intelligence just begs the question.  There is little doubt  that he taught his followers, walked their world and that they too gained the ability to heal and enlighten. If we believe in a linear yesterday as opposed to a stellate now.  We awake each day and sleep only to awak with a new set of memories and priorities.  Fragmented hard drives etc.   Even the notion of infinity in in doubt to an agricultural people who viewed time only so far as a ‘long time’.  Greek philosophers, all of which were religious and spiritual, not at all aetheistic, like some philosophers today, have to a large extent conceptualized and described modern ideas thousands of years ago.  That Jesus resurrected was not a  ‘idea’ before him.  Reincarnation was an old idea. It was not only a Jewish idea which is evoked in the book Evolution of God by Princeton University’s Robert Wright. He addresses some of the early ‘rewritings of the bible’.  The earliest text of the Jewish Torah is definitely abridged by a later priestly writer much like the editing of Christian writings by the Council of Nicaea. Ideally there would be a prime text with a ‘commentary’ but some ideas are expunged especially by the STATE which is never truly in favour of FREEDOM of SPEECH as seen today with the latest hydra of Censorship under the guise of protecting people from Hate Speech despite history’s lesson that the Government is the most hateful creation of all time.   Christianity’s fundamental message is that Government Kills God.  Beware of Government.  In the  case of Jesus there were ‘witnesses’to his resurrection. .  The most important of the  skeptics was ‘doubting Thomas’.

Jesus taught Love God and Love your neighbour as yourself. This is not something we’ve seen our state leaders and politicians doing now nor apparently in 2000 years since Jesus was killed by the Government of his day for this Revolutionary Idea.  Christians remain the most persecuted people in the world.  .  

Neitze by contrast posited a Superman God and argued that Christianity was a poor man’s God. Jesus was seen as the ‘servant god’ , a vulnerable human baby who was eventually killed on a tree.  The early God’s of empire had been God Kings.  The Magna Carta of England had placed restrictions on the political figures of the day.  Even today the political figures insist they are intrinsically superior.  Locally the ‘hereditary chiefs’ of the aboriginals lord it over others of the band in the classic tribal hierarchy that had the ancient ‘nobility’ of Medievalism arguing that greatness was in the blood and breeding.  
God king leaders are still common in the world today though not as overtly as such in the west as they remain in the east.  Pride goest before the fall the Greeks taught. Hubris remains an issue today.  Most nations are lead by Committee, a central gang with a particularly physical world clever man who once was called the ‘big man’.  Some argue a small group of families rules.  Niall Ferguson’s The Square and Tower study of networks undermines most conspiracy theories as the world is a complex and interconnected as the neutrons and synapses of an individual brain which is said to have as many connections as stars in the galaxy.  We may well be looking at our own thoughts when we look at the sky. Apparently the Chinese put a rover on the dark side of the moon. Trust the communist to be ultra secretive.  If luck has it a new generation of spy novels will develop with Bruce Jenner playing an East Indian James Bond seeking an Oriental communist spymaster made by the Turkish film industry with Oprah as the new spy girl. Strange is the new reality.

The Hindu religions having no difficulty with reincarnation long argued that the ‘illusion’ or Moksha of this wis that the world is the ‘material’. The world is spiritual like the Gnostic movie, the Matrix.   Einstein argued that Energy and Mass were related solely by time and speed. Mass being slow energy.  

Christians believe in general that God created the world and that his Son Jesus elucidated the plan and purpose of creation.  We would be wise to follow his plan.  The scriptures give a glimpse of this.  The law of attraction as developed by Emmett Fox and other later Christians popular in California suggests what Pascal premised was true. Aetheists not wanting God die and that’s it. So it’s really best if they get all the toys and conquer and have baby temper fits and arrogantly spout nonsense because a loving God wouldn’t force an afterlife on such trolls.  Or are they baby souls who just refuse their soul food.

Christianity was  derived from the teachings of Jesus as observed and recorded by Luke,Mathew and Mark and later John.  St. Paul wasn’t an actual witness or confidant of physical Jesus and took his theological background from Judaism which had fundamental difficulty with the idea of a ‘servant king’ or a man who preached ‘love’.  St. Paul stoned the first Christian he could and only stopped stoning Christians when he was told by God not to.  He then spread churches and helped develop the Christian teachings into a sect that became a religion.  Jesus, by the way, did not say, spread churches.  The institutions and real estate and money and land are all interpretative. Jesus did say carry the message.  Theoretically this could have meant solely word of mouth or because Christians lived a certain way this way would spread. Indeed the Way remains the most threatening thing to the Secular Authorities. 

Constantine in 300 ad made Christianity the State Church of the Empire.  He wed the Christian teachings to the Greek and Roman Empire of the day.  He called the Council of Nicaea to begin the process of ‘orthodoxy’.  Prior to  c . 300 there was a lot more Christianity.  Even Paul and Peter disagree in the existing gospels.  Further when Jesus is questioned about people performing miracles in his name he doesn’t really get into splitting hairs but says if they are healing and doing good so be it. He does have his objections to the rich.  He says you “cannot serve both God and money”. That’s a direct quote. Ironically Jesus doesn’t talk about same sex marriages but he does talk about money and fear which are often not the topic of church sermons especially when there are insurance agents and bankers attending..

Do not be afraid was a principle ‘command’ of Jesus.  When I told a friend I was a Christian psychiatrist he said that was an oxymoron. Certainly Christian psychologists were not a necessity when Christianity was a more encompassing religion than a Sunday affair. Robert Graves in the Golden Bough discussed the purpose of all the religions of the world to the common man.  The superstitious role of the Christian pastor is as scapegoat. Fields of Blood by Karen Armstrong showed clearly that the spiritual leader of the day in all religions, not just Christianity,  must support the material leader of the day or he was likely go the way of Thomas Beckett.

The  Council of Nicaea  rejected fundamental ideas about matter and god and spirit and human.  To be a state church orthodoxy the interpretations had to be made into law to give work for lawyers and beurocrats and ensure that religion followed the state power of the God Kings of the Day.  Constantine never stopped being a God King. Roman Emperor, he himself was a Sun Worshiper , not that original as God Kings go. Egyptian God Kings were always  the  party favourites.  Constantine’s Sun Worship was the reason for the Sabbath becoming Sun Day rather than traditional Hebrew Saturday. Jesus was liked by the Centurions. Aetheists aren’t particularly common in foxholes. Constantine was a warrior and he saw the soldiers of the Way were superior to pagan soldiers.  The Milvian Bridge clash won him the Roman Empire.

The question for the enlightened was if there was anything beyond the gospels in the first three hundred years of Christianity which might well have been what Jesus said but didn’t appeal to Constantine or church leaders or an empire builder like the wealthy Rabbi  Paul. The Gnostic Gospels were found and these suggested secret teachings but had a cloak and dagger feeling which is too much based on the political ways of the world, inclusive and exclusive.  Jesus said ‘if you have ears you will hear, not a secret society.  

The Good News was fairly inviting. Jesus said, “Follow Me’.  He also said, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.”  See here, ‘deny themselves’ and ‘pick up their cross’.  That’s the rub.

The God of the Psalms who Jesus taught said  “I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name. When they call on me I will answer. I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them with long life and give them my salvation.”

Aetheist materialism has a number of arcane beliefs which scientifically are seen as ‘hypothesis’, not ‘facts’ but ‘assumptions’.  No one except perhaps Justin Trudeau has been more scientifically illiterate than Lawyer Obama.  Merkel who trained as a scientist should be ashamed of herself but as an East German Stasi she really knows the power of deceit and fear. 

 In contrast Christian spirituality says historically this man and these men said this about reality and God and how can we reconcile what is seen and unseen. We seem to do just fine with WiFi but have more difficulty today with idea of Prayer.  

Physics with it’s string theory has no difficult with religion.  The vast majority of scientists and philosophers of all time had no difficulty with God.  Aetheists are a very tiny minority of very loud and often very angry depressed anxious people.  

Jesus said ,” Do not be afraid’.  Jesus said.”Pray”.  He actually taught prayer specifically.  

Good news.  The real world goes beyond death. The real world has greater depth and breadth than this ‘known’ world. The  male age of rationalism was followed by the female age of emotionalism and we are already in the  the most advanced age of intuition. Migration serves to dilute the age of Aquarius which was as terrifying to the war machine today as Christianity has always been.  

I wonder what the Emperor and Church Father’s and the Orthodoxy proponents suppressed of the teaching of the first three hundred years. It is clear that their ideas were rapidly challenged as the church proceeded to divide and grow almost imediately following the Council of Nicaea. The Roman Catholic and the Orthodox Catholic and the Coptic Christians were early divisions. The umbrella of the Church as a whole existed because each of the subsequent divisions were maintained as monasteries.  These divisions within the Christian world were seen in the Buddhist and Hindu Religions as with the Muslim political religion. The divisions are predictable in the orthodoxies. Each line of each Creed speaks to the divisions of early years.  Luther is a Johnny Come Lately.   

The history of spirituality argues that spirituality is like genius. It has a pure ness about it. There is a light which attracts insects.  This light can be either for earthly benefit or may be destroyed as potential risk to earthly power.   The Library of Alexandria might have been arson. Certainly the Vatican library long argued the place of ultimate censorship has everything about it that we ascribe to Roswell. 

The story of Jesus is a powerful teaching story what is claimed by the unenlightened as ‘merely’ ‘myth’ yet those who know might argue that as all is ‘myth’ the most powerful of ‘myths’ and indeed the most practical.  

Jesus Christ. 

I was in church today. Today was the Baptism of Jesus Day.  As a congregation we were asked to repeat our baptism vows.  We all qualified.  We’re in. We’re saved.  We need not be afraid.

I pray. The mystics teach that prayer and breath go together. The Dessert Fathers and St. Augustine taught the same.  Breathe. Pray.  Do not be afraid.  

Jesus Christ.  I am a spiritual being living in a material dream.  I am indeed a dreamer in God’s dream. I am made in the ‘image’ or ‘imagination of God’.  I am a spiritual being living in a spiritual world.  

St. John who baptized people in water was asked if he was the Christ. He said he wasn’t but that he was coming. He said the Christ would baptize in the Holy Spirit.  When St. John baptised Jesus in water he saw that God had baptised Jesus in the Holy Spirit.  There is a sense that such Love can be seen like a lightning which allows the visualization of the energy we call electricity.  Imagine seeing love. Perhaps only the blind do.

Do not be afraid. Pray. Jesus Christ.  Holy Spirit Come. 

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