Friday, January 18, 2019

Angry People Kick Dogs

Displacement is the term for the expression of an emotion meant for one person but transferred to another person. The classic example was of a person who was chewed out by his boss then walking out the door kicked the dog who was just lying there.

Killing the messenger - this is the strategy of silencing those who tell the truth to delay the retribution or the secret getting out.  The messenger brings bad news.  The classic example was , “Your army was defeated,”. No one wanted to bring the emperor bad news because angry people killed the person who brought the news.

Projection - Denying something about one’s self, the information for instance that your problem is you are angry, a rageaholic, bitter, unloving, unforgiving, alcoholic, addict, slut, wasteful,  whatever behaviour is unbecoming, and angry person will project, throw this back at, the person giving the information. “I”m not that, you are.”  This is like kindergarten fighting. “Your mother wear’s army boots.”  “No she doesn’t your mother wears army boots”.  Often there’s today a subtle or not so subtitle psychopathic twist. “I”m concerned you think I’m - angry, a slut, a liar, a cheat, etc -  I think you must be that to be thinking I am.”  

Generalized anger - commonly a person won’t direct their anger specifically at the target but rather that use a sniper rifle use a shot gun or turn round and round while holding a machine gun to ensure that they take out whatever threat or memory that triggered their fear and anger.

Anger is fear.

Abraham said depression is anger turned inward.  Hence suicide.

However commonly rather than look at ‘one’s part’ in a situation the angry person will blame all those around them.  

Unfortunately today in our society promising instant happiness and instant solution people who have not learned ‘acceptance’ faced with difficulties will become hypersensitive and externalizethe problem.  It’s not that they ‘choose’ this husband or wife and now are in a divorce. It’s not they they voted for this government and now have no money and are facing their dying years paying for his parties and orgies. It’s not that they wasted their inheritance when young and now don’t have money. It’s not they they spent their money on booze and drugs and now can’t afford a bus ticket.

The society of ‘free stuff’ teaches people that they are not accountable and that someone from the government or someone else is the cause of their pain and suffering. Further someone else from the government or elsewhere will fix the problem Unfortunately the people who suffer most and have the least autonomy are most easily duped by promises. They watch TV, a propaganda source if anything and expect that when they go in for help they will encounter the perfect actor who has a whole team helping them appear sweet for that one half hour sit com.

In the complaints department of life everyone is in line.  Self pity masquerades as depression all the time. Unfortunately antidepressants can’t cure self pity, Amber of entitlement.

I resist kicking my dog, hug him instead, because having been kicked all day I have to learn to love. I know they’re afraid. I know that fear produces anger.

I also know that forces have always use angry fearful people to hurt others and act out their political desire.   

There really are people who like kicking dogs and people.

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