Friday, January 18, 2019

I call to you God

I call to you God. Hear me Lord Jesus. Holy Spirit Come. Lord of lords. Divine and sacred. Wee small voice within. Sound of heaven without. All that is. Here and then and tomorrow. I call to you. Still my fear. Touch me with your love.  I love you Lord. I love you Jesus. Holy Spirit Come.  Forgive me for my double mindedness, my worry and negativity. Help me Lord to go forward. Be thou my rear guard. Be though my flanking force. Be thou the wedge of light I follow. Be with me in all I do to day.  Help me to follow you Lord. Let me be gentle and caring and focussed and kind. Help me to solve the myriad puzzles that come to me each day. Fill me with energy to do thy will.

Thank you Lord for this life. Thank you for the rest of night. Thank you for Gilbert and George my furry companions. Thank you for this home, this roof that kept the down pouring rain ootside, the furnace that gave me heat, the toilet that takes waste from inside to outside, the water system that brings fresh water in. Thank you for the clean air. Thank you for this body with it’s mostly working parts.  Thank you for the exercises and the couch. Thank you for my fingers. Please keep them safe. Thank you for my eyes and ears and mouth and hands and feet and heart and lungs and abdomen. Thank you for family with their good cheer and momentous events transpiring. 

Thank you for expresso. Thank you for Ipad and Kindle and books of history and writers and story tellers. Thank you for science and chemistry and neurotransmitters and synapses. Thank you for the amygdala and hippocampus, the frontal lobe and pituitary. Thank you for serotonin, gabba, norepinephrine, dopamine, threonine, ATP, nerves, bundles, ion pumps, hormones and messengers. Thank you for the moments of eureka, the great and small insights. 

Thank you for love Lord. Thank you for the glue of the universe. May I know it more deeply. May I show it more surely. Help me Lord. Be with me. May I walk with you and lie with you and sit and stand with you.  Please Lord use me as a vehicle for your love. Let me be your hands your mouth, your eyes and ears and servant.  Please Lord quiet my mind, still the fears within me. Lessen the pain.

Help me in all I do to guide others to see the possibilities and potentialities. Help me to refuse to join them in their self condemnation and restriction of possibilities. Help me magnify placebo and nullify nocebo. Help me restore hope. Help me help the healing process.  Help me weed out the interfering variables. Show m how I can best serve the stranger who comes to me in pain and sorrow.

Help me avoid the anger, hate and shame that hurt people throw around them indiscriminately randomly like feces hoping it will stick to some wall. Too long have they not known or not accepted where their faults lie and blamed others and demanded that others change when only their changing can still the pain that is grating on them. Help me help them to take their hands out of the flames.  Help me help others. HElp me help myself Lord.

Thank you Lord for the gifts of healing and training that you have bestowed on me. I have served you faithfully mostly and ask that I continue to do so as best I can.  Take my méager offerings and transform them. Mould me.  Lift me up.

Please Lord I beg of you. Be with me as I try my hardest with every tactic and strategy, with every means I have to steer people from danger, death and disease. Protect them from the poseurs who would claim to serve them serving themselves and using them for their weapons.  I know there were promises galore and that the wounded person is bleeding without the beds, the medicine, the doctors or the nurses they paid for and were promised. Help them to direct their anger where it belongs and not at me who is one of the last left in the field . The rich and powerful and aloof stay furthers from the front lines and take all the resources that were promised the troops and the injured. We have none of what was promised bu their are infinite committee and police and generals and chiefs and back room deals.  Help me make up for what is lost. Help me despite the soul destroying weariness of standing with the lsst survivors facing the disease hand in hand at very least when there are rooms so very far from the front with all manner of great ideas and smugness and back slapping and award giving each other. Let me forget that Lord. Let me focus on my role. Let me focus on the person I am with. Let me focus on the here and now and try whatever I can to help them this day.  Help me help them to change and help me to change.  Together we are burdened by the graft and corruption.  Help me see the light. Help me walk through the darkness. 

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death Thou art with me.  Let me feel your presence. Let me see your path. Hold me up Lord. Stil my fear.  

Thank you Lord. 

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