Thursday, September 28, 2017

Trudeau and my spirituality

Every day Trudeau attacks my Canada and my people.  Every day he breaks another promise and steals more of our present and our future.  Every newsflash shows him partying and lying, looking high and generally nauseating me. Two thirds of doctors want him gone. It’s not enough that I’m not alone.  Every spiritual person I know sees his lust and ego but his hair, the propaganda, the lemming parade and special interests groups, like the corrupt Quebec millionaires and Saudi billionaires have their puppet. I retch.
Spiritually, I am taught to love my enemy.
But my favourite Christian theologian C.S. Lewis encouraged the soldiers in the Battle of Britain to resist the Germans.  The old testament David was a great warrior. Jesus carries the blood of David.  He’s not some peace nik. He had limits.
He taught love God and love your neighbour as yourself.
To understand my relationship with Trudeau I have to consider Bonhoffer who felt that Hitler deserved to die.  The Centaurians were converts to Christianity.  The American soldiers in Italy who fought back Nazis were in AA.  The Buddhist priests fought back against the atheist Chinese invaders while the Dalai Lama was fleeing to India.  The spiritual Indians fought the Muslims as did the Sikhs who had been massacred by the thousands.
I visited Meteora and Capadocia to meditate on the right path when the tyrants and lizards and bugs are in charge. The Lawyer Lenin over through the Russia duma democracy then re wrote history with countless lies but first killing millions before Stalin took over and killed so many millions more. Mao the atheist out killed them both with hundreds of millions dead while Hitler another socialist only killed mere millions in his gas chambers.
If I was killing babies and the only way to stop me was by killing me then I’d want you to stop me. The effete intellectuals of Toronto disparage the police while those protected students of Ottawa with their fat cat politicians and their short memories leave the soldiers in the field exposed. They’d rather spend money on new desks than armour.
I asked my sponsor what should I do if someone is hurting me. Defend yourself as best you can. But what about praying for your enemy. “There’s no time for praying in a firefight. You just react”.  But what about politics where Trudea’s attacks on democracy, freedom and the middle class, doctors and old people and business and farmers is a daily event.
Just as I struggle to think of something good to say about him, he opens his mouth with another utterance of elite stupidity and self serving deceit.  Yet my Christian aunt told me that if you have nothing good to say about them you should be quiet.  But the Dalai Lama is not quiet. Churchill took over from Chamberlain who like Obama had created a mess of world politics with his strategy of appeasement at any cost.  Then Churchill put a stop to that later when an early response would have saved countless lives.
Every time I’ve capitulated to government they’ve just taken more and more like all bullies do. Beurocrats have no ‘enough' switch. They’re ravenous and progressive. Arendt describes the beurocrats of Nuremberg as having the ‘banality of evil’.  I see that in the coward haughty eyes the beurocrats I know today, corrupted and silent. Locally 20 billion dollars of illegal drug trade took place every year for a decade or more and not one of the people who were paid to care lifted a finger to help. Instead they got rich and fat and the toll of dead went up.
I look at Trudeau and listen to him and I see a beta version of myself, self centred, arrogant, married to the wife desperate for money and clothes, slow, afraid.  She’s like his mother.  He married his dope head mother. Another dope head Trudeau.
And in politics they say it’s like a street fight. If you play pillsbury rules you really shouldn’t be in the game.  It’s a bout money and sex and all the Robert’s Rules of Order went out years ago when Pierre Trudeau shouted fuck then lied and said it was ‘fuddle duck’ then turned his tanks lose on Canadians so that one day his son could joke about whipping out some jet fighters. Both of them are nancy boys unlike the English men who serve in the military.  Pierre Trudeau was an effete intellectual who argued with his leftist and nazi friends in Montreal and Parisian cafes thinking himself so brave just as Justin Trudeau lives a safe life as a drama teacher with a trust fund.
And I feel that when he stops hitting me and hitting Canadians with his taxes and lies and favouritism and anti christian and anti doctor rhetoric I should take the spiritual high road. But Dalai Lama lost his country to Trudeau’s friends, the Chinese Communists. The anti semitic media focuses on Israel all the while the Chinese Communist government genocides.
How can i focus on the positive and forgive and forget and rise about the attack.  I read the propaganda and it’s daily liberal lies, the pornographic huffington post stuff that made playboy look like gospel reading by comparison.
I want to be loving. I want to do as God would have me do. I say Thy will be done. But I think of Bonhoffer and his response to Hitler and Churchill and now I hear Trump and Pence talking on behalf of millions of men an women who think Trudeau is a dangerous dork.  The UN is a disgusting atheist islam war machine that is everything that it was set up to be against.  The Chinese have become the greatest enemy since Hitler and are allied with Islam in hope that when the final days come they can kill them faster than they can be killed. Like the Pact between Hitler and Stalin

I don’t know. I ‘ll ask sponsors and ministers.

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