Saturday, September 21, 2024

Thriving, Laura and Madigan, Davie Street

I’m grateful. Life is good.  I read that Joseph Campbell saw life as the ‘Hero’s Journey » , an adventure. I live one day at a time.  So each day I wake now with the idea of adventure.  Even though I’m working I remember summer holidays as a kid when the day was a Tabala Rosa.  I’d have breakfast with my mom, corn flakes and milk usually, with toast and jam.  Then I’d get on my blue single gear motorcycle and explore the world,  I drove everywhere everyday.  Sometimes friends would join.  We’d come home for lunch though sometimes Mom would pack a cheese or bologna sandwich and I’d not come back till dinner.  Every day an adventure.  
Now I have a Harley and a Mini Cooper , a Ford F350 and a Honda Tracker 420 4x4 quad. I’ve an electric biker but I’ve not used that much recently.  The car and motorcycle are for the city and the truck and quad for the country recently.
I was in looking at a Vespa. I sold my last one and miss it. I’m only allowed one motorcycle here so am thinking of getting the Vespa when I put the Harley down for the winter. I’m planning on travelling down to LA, Mexico, maybe Yuma and have been told not to take my Harley into Mexico.  
Today I attended an on line meeting and really enjoyed the group as always.  I shared. I listened.  I felt apart of.  After that Dr Ready called and said he could fit me in, So I headed over there for an excellent chiropractic adjustment. After that I called Laura who was just stepping into a bath and asked if she wanted me to visit we could go for a walk
It was an hour drive through Richmond using my new Garmin Drive 55 GPS I bought last night at Best Buy.  The GPS I take in the woods has too small a screen for driving while this one is as large as my iPhone.  Excellent.  I really enjoyed using. Also its hand held so can be taken off the mount with a rechargeable battery good for 12 hours.  I really liked it.
Laura met me at the Rainbow Side walk circle on Davie after I parked.  Madigan was ecstatic. He jumped up and down like a pogo stick puppy.  We walked back to Amoka.  Laura had a 
butter croissant she shared with Madigan I had a bacon egg breakfast sandwich. We both had Chai Latte’s.  Delicious.  Madigan loved all the passing dogs. Laura and I caught up on our Facebook friends and reading. I’m really enjoying Ray Kurwell , The Singularity is Nearer. I’d watched a presentation by Elon Musk of what motivated him as a young man when he developed Pay Pal and Tesla and then Space X.  I’m certainly enjoying his Starlink out in the woods,
Laura bought flowers,  I walked her home.  Madigan and I stopped at Vespa to ask them to watch for a second hand bike I could take to Mexico. I think I’ll get it in November December.  
I learned yesterday that an iPhone 16 won’t arrive for a month or so. It’s like the Cabbage Patch Doll equivalent of tech
I had my tooth fixed yesterday.  A week ago I’d broken off an old filling leaving a ragged hole .  I was so pleased to see Doug Lovely who repaired my smile and made a bridge to to conceal a missing tooth some 27 years ago, I really am vain and Doug was a life savior, He’s sold his practice but still works with New West Dentists. Dr. Tan an excellent dentist solved my dilemna with a new filling, I was simply elated and had to really pay attention riding my motorcycle home.
Now I’m having steak and potatoes.
Life is good
Thank you God for all your blessings, Thank you for Laura, Thank you for Madigan, Thank you for the vehicles and the city of Vancouver and Burnaby, books, TV, RV’s iPhones and Garmin GPS.  
Laura and I are planning our hunt for the October Long Weekend,  I’m haven’t decided wheere to go Clinton, Cache Creek, Princeton and Nakusp.  It’s great hunting but cold and snowy. Oh well, please guide me Lord, Thank you Thank you Thank you. 

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