Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Rainy Wednesday, Peter and Bella

Peter and Larry are back with Bella and Lucca.  Madigan and Bella noticed each other first across the space in the parking lot, Little Bella squirming and bellying up while Madigan tugged on his leash. It was good to see Peter. He’d grazed his head in a fall but said he’d not been concussed.  They’d had their motorhome in Canmore Calgary for the summer and his mother had visitted for a week, loving the pleasant site on the Bow River.  
“So what have you done this sumner?” Peter asked after we’d commented on mutual friends we knew,  Laura doing well. Helena and Dave fine.  Mack and Kim doing well.
“I was hunting with Madigan last weekend,”.I said, “My cockapoo retriever,  I shoot the partridge and he actually fetches it back, the bird as big as his head”. 
I talked more about my hunting dog but couldn’t remember what I’d done in my summer,
“Did you and Laura get up to Whistler?” He asked
“Yes we did.”  Pet4r is so gracious and remember people and their events.  I had to reflect that I was having a simpler life, I work. I went to the British Columbia Royal Museum in Victoria to see the Stonehenge Exhibit. I’d ridden my Harley with Madigan to Squamish meeting Carolyn and Rogina in the late spring,  I told him I’d done damage to my Camprr taking it off road bear hunting north of Pemberton,
“I’ve paid off all the repairs and the camper is ready again for a week vacation and hunt Thanksgiving week.”
“I’ve been wanting to visit museums and art galleries I’m hoping to get to Berlin because I’ve been studying the Airlift and the falling of the Wall.I’m planning on going south for a couple of months this winter but I want to stop in LA to visit art galleries and museums there.’
“That’s where we are wintering this year.  Long Beach”. Said Peter. 
The dogs were walking together all three of them.  Part of what we called the ‘black and white gang’ when there were more of us.  It’s fun to watch them.  They look proud to be with friends and a group like teens on summer vacation,
I’d forgot to mention Baltimore. I’d enjoyed the conference there and going to the Walter’s Art Museum, or selling my sailboat, or taking the course in Religion in Prehistory from Oxford, I’ve been reading and studying a lot,  Genetics, Intelligennce, AI, Berlin.  
It was a good summer,  Almost forgettable bccause of the lack of negative drama and the all around pleasantness of the time.  Long walks with Madigan to Brunette Lakes.  Drives to the off leash dog park,  Nothing exciting but all of it good.  Even a bit wholesome.  Meetings with friends on Wednesday night at the Burnaby Fellowship Centre and on line meetings Saturday and Sunday mornings. Trips to the chiropractor every few weeks.  Watching tv at night. NCIS. Seal Team, movies with Kidman.  
Peter headed home after we talked with Max. I learned a neighbour had beat cancer and had good news.  Peter is social and interested in others in a neighbourly way. His greeting of folk reminds me of th time in the my childhood when we walked about the neighbourhood and stopped to chat with folk. I do that at church I suppose but when I walk the dog I am listening to audio boots while Peter is stopping to chat for a moment here and there mostly with other dog folk.  I realize with him I’m part of this community and it’s comforting. I’m quite driven to learn.  Reading about evolutionary materialism this spring I’d felt out of step and now I’m quite abreast of development. 
I’m glad that Peter is back and so enjoyed seeing Madigan with Bella and the group walk.  Laura is coming on the weekend .Her brother in law had a heart attack and fall up north so it was quite the scare till he was able to be Medivacked from the Queen Charlottes to VGH.  He had three stints and is recovering well. Folks I know with stints are all doing amazing well. We’re relieved. Laura was really frightened but is so happy he is recovering well,  Her sister and nieces were there when she left work to be at the hospital He’ll be home on the weekend,  I was thankful. I pray daily and give thanks and this really was good.  John is young and such a good guy.  I really am thankful.
It’s a good life.  It’s raining. Fall is here,  I must get dressed and walk Madigan a bit before I sit down at my desk and screen and see patients for the day.
Thank you God for all of your blessings. 

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