Sunday, June 9, 2019

Pentecost Sunday - Church on the Hill

St. Barnabus Anglican and Shiloh-5th Avenue Church joined together for their Pentecost Sunday service. Pentecost Sunday was called the day of the Birth of the Christian Church.  Pentecost Sunday was also called Whitsun Sunday as a day to wear white.  Red is also the colour of Pentecost. Today many ladies and men were dressed in splendid combinations of red and white.  I could understand strangers seeing the church members congregating wondering if they were going to as baseball game.
Rev Emilie of the Anglican Church wore a red hat and red shoes while Rev. Shannon of the United wore a long white skirt.  
In the Holy Bible Acts 2.2 describes the Holy Spirit descending like flames on the gathered Apostles. They spoke ‘in tongues’.  Each gained the capacity to see truth and phophecize.  Jews from all over gathered about them because they were speaking all the languages of the world.  Peter gave his first sermon.  Thousands joined the community and the spread of Christian love and wonder began.  Jesus Christ. Jesus Messiah. 

Emilie and Shannon and members of the congregation spoke together words of Hebrew but in their own languages. The church was full of many languages.  Many in the church had immigrtated to Canada.   It was a powerful message.  Shannon then  dancerd the words o faith that Emilie read .  The hymns were Pentecostal songs chosen from the Hymn books of both congregations.  One song referred to the great wind that had preceded the fire on the day of Pentecost.  

Our marvellous pianist played a Pentecost hymn so lively we were all singing and dancing in the aisle. Gilbert even barked at the festive nature.  Fritz the ministers dog was happy to greet Gilbert when we all walked about during the Peace greeting each other individually. Emilie had lead the children’s time addressing the important question of whether God had a big toe, a story a Rabbi had written for children’s time.  Now Shannon lead the prayers asking individuals who and what they wanted prayers to be this day.  There were names of the sick and prayers for those suffering chronic pain and gratitude for care givers , professional and otherwise. As a congregation we recited the Iona Creed together. 

Communion involved grape juice which Shannon had called ‘grapefruit’ to the amusement of all. She corrected herself.  Emilie had the regular bread but there was gluten free bread and wine and wafer. Shannon shared the secret hand signal the United Church used to indicate if one wanted a wafer.  I was beginnng to think I was at Starbucks with the expansion of choices.  The congregation, lively with the Holy Spirit, joined in lines to participate in the great supper.  Bread and wine , the blood and body of Jesus.  Some consider it literally others symbolically.  All are welcome at the table.  

It was very moving service.  I was moved and thankful to have joined with other Christians in  celebration.  It was even fun and at times deeply touching. All is better not only with Jesus but also with church.  Thank you all for the joy I felt today.  

I was there early so could get some pictures before the church filled.

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