Sunday, June 9, 2019

Bardo - between lives

In the Tibetan book of the dead, the Bardot is the state or place between lives. I’ve argued with Christian friends about reincarnation but that’s one of the doctrines that Constantine removed because reincarnation has always been bad for the State. There’ s ample evidence in the Bible that the people of Jesus’s day believed in reincarnation.  Revelations by contrast is the most controversial book.
The doctrine of reincarnation doesn’t disagree with ‘end days’.  It simply says that before ‘end days’ they will be multiple deaths and rebirths.  I may well be a different person many times over from the one I was a child.  I have a sense of ‘nodal’ points in my life where there was a cross roads where I took the ‘road less travelled’ and became in kind a different person. 
Also the west is ‘linear’. We believe in progression forward.  This whole ‘ordered’ time scenario is questioned at it’s core by Science. There is definitely ‘Now”. Now, the present in ‘God’s time’.  There is only a vague yesterday and tomorrow in what Jung called the Collective Unconscious.  
The idea then is that everyone today, now, this vague ‘day of God’ which may be a day in our life or a hundred years or maybe even a thousand, is indeed a reincarnation of each other.  We’re all related by DNA to an African lady. The differences between us are minuscule.  
Anxiety is said to be a measure of our distance from God but equally a measure of our humanity. Jesus taught “Do not be afraid.”
The State is forever fear mongering.  If there is ‘reincarnation’ then we know that we will die and evolve but that State bureaurcrats and leaders who do evil will return as perhaps a mosquito, a worm or a frog.  
The consensus is that we reincarnate within the same level. So a bad man gets to come back to do it again as a human. But we all began collectively as insects.
When natives say ‘all my relations’ they are speaking to this spiritual truth that we’re all connected not only spiritually but by DNA. We’re all sentient too. The dolphin, wolf and tree are alive and ‘thinking’.  When I eat wheat I’m killing just as I’m killing when I eat a cow.  Each division that human’s make is a kind of traditional arbitrary decision.
In the Bardot, what is fascinating for the Tibetans, is that they felt a group of people reincarnated over and over again as a team or ‘cast of characters’.
Karma or divine retribution says that the murderer will be murdered. Dr. CarlJung described the ‘archetypes’, pretty much the collection of characters depicted in a standard Tarot deck. These are the main players in the ‘tribe’ and later the medieval society.  These exist today but are less easily identified. The corporations are now the knightly societies that parallel the legal structures of the king. Corporations have their own private armies they call ‘security’ forces.  The medieval arrangement was not so dissimilar.  Trained to see the patterns and think of time as today it’s not that difficult to recognize patterns.  
“Process thinking’ is another asset the priest of science, the psychiatrist, is taught which makes this all even more apparent.
The notion of ‘attachment’ is the idea that people have become confused by the ‘magic’ or the ‘evil’ of this world.  They actually have identified with their body.  Rather than realizing they are spiritual souls and adventurers on a journey they believe they are this world, this impermanence.  
The story of Jesus is clearly the local government supporting the international government and killing the son of God.  God is permanent. God’s kingdom is not of this earth God’s kingdom is eternal. There is no eternity here.  
This is not ‘real’ in the sense that God and heaven and spirituality is.
The question we ask ourselves is ‘are we spiritual beings living a physical adventure’ or physical beings living a spiritual adventure’.  Even E=MC2 tells the story of Energy and Matter.  Even string theory talks of the Word of God.
If you have ears you can hear.
But the Bardot says we don’t just do this alone but rather it’s like a play with this whole cast of characters. The job is to see ourselves with the forgiveness that Jesus shared. To evolve we must ‘love’.  
The whole idea of ‘peace’ on any terms is silly. You have peace between wars. The Utopian claims of aetheists and other religions are simply ‘when I’m in charge’ I’ll make it good for everyone.
Jesus said the ‘Kingdom of Heaven” is here.
God is within.
The great spiritual teachers have said the same.
In the Bhagadvagita Arjuna looks at the war and says that those fighting are all my relatives and Krishna answers yes, the only question is whether you will participate.
Attachment is playing the game as if the ‘game’ is real when Plato said that it was shadows and the Glass Bead Game tale is of a different kind of reality.
So I die. Is that the end?
Am I alone or are all these people I’m writing about in my life just family and relatives.
In Zen your enemy is your best friend. The one who kills you in this life teaches you your weakness so that in the next life you will be better equipped. 
Love your enemy.
In Christianity the ‘devil’ or ‘satan’ is the greatest and most powerful and most nasty in Catholicism.  That’s the remnants of the State Religion of Constantine.  
C.S. Lewis paints a very different picture of the Devil in Screwtape Letters.  He’s more a bureaurcrats in a B movie.
The drug dealer sells lies. 
Doing drugs is like fucking a blow up doll and believing it’s love, is what one person described it as.  
On a grand scheme the propaganda of the State and other aetheist or dictator based religions is really just illusion.
Reality is God. Reality is Love.  We are One.  
I learn as a Christian to see other Christians in this church, to reclaim the familial relationship that I had before this life with the friends in my cast and those with whom I return.
I think of the Bardot as the Green Room. Between acts and between plays when I was an actor we actors and casts and assistants and all those involved in production would laugh and celebrate ‘off stage’.  We would leave our ‘imaginary’ roles and become authentic and ‘be our selves.’
The role of the policeman is just a ‘role’ . The role of the bureaucrat or judge or thief or executioner or rapist is just a role. The role of victim is equally a role.  
My job is love.  The more I see the similarity and the more I understand the other as an aspect of myself but mostly as a teacher, a loving teacher, and not an alien, but family, then the closer I am to God.  
I’m writing my own memory of my past with people as good or bad but that’s not the way I truly perceive them. The past is past.  I saw the man who stabbed me through the eyes of fear and alienation but I’m alive today. What didn’t kill me has indeed made me stronger and more enlightened .  I loved the book Spirituality of Imperfection because it spoke to our humanity.  
We collectively are evolving and the plays are like the Lord of the Rings.  i believe I’m a kind of Hobbit. I do believe in Gandalf. I love that the Bible show ‘we win in the end’.  Not some dictator or tyrant or committee of gangster but ‘us’ .  ‘We win’. “I am not alone.”

My image of heaven is best described by C. S. Lewis though I am especially fond of Mark Twain’s Captain Stormfield’s Visit to Heaven.  I love for my homestead acreage. I miss the chickens. I want to be in the Garden of Eden with God laughing about the snake and Eve.  I want to be more loving and more forgiving and to give my ‘utmost for his highest’.  At the point of excellence I see God as clearly as I do on the peak of every mountain I’ve climbed and in the middle of the ocean I’ve crossed. In the Center of the Hurricane I’ve known the unsettled calm. I would know heaven on earth. I would know God more clearly. I would live more spirituality, more courageously, less fearfully.

Thank you Jesus.  

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