Friday, May 17, 2019

18 yo - 1970

1970 Biafra capitulated ending the Nigerian War. I just remember a picture of Biafrans starving. I’d later cut it out of a magazine and put it up on my refrigerator because food was being wasted and I thought others should think about Biafra. It didn’t make me popular.
Meanwhile Mick Jagger was fined for possession of marijuana. Black Sabbath released the first Heavy Metal album. I didn’t like heavy metal until decades later when it was no longer loud, not just because I was becoming deaf but because everything was being pushed to the max. 
 March 17 the complete New English Bible was published. My mother bought this for me when I told her I’d signed up for Dr. Carl Ridd’s « Literature of the Bible’ course at University Winnipeg.  
Richard Nixon banned cigarette smoking advertisements on television.  Apollo 13 moon shot was aborted, but splashed down safely after the explosion on board. 
The Kent State shootings occurred May 4. I would remember it most because of Buffalo Springfield’s iconic song,
« Something happening here, what it is ain’t exactly clear, man with a gun over there,....people carrying signs, mostly say hurrah for our’ve got to stop, hey, what’s that sound, everybody look what’s going down. ». 
The Beatles released their final album « Let It Be ». The Who performed Tommy at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York. Edward Heath of the Conservatives won. the British election. 
Thor Heyerdahl’s Papyrus boat Ra II arrived in Barbados. I remember following Thor Heyerdahl’s adventures at sea. 
The Isle of Wright music festival occurred. I ‘d read about it years later when I read a biography of Leonard Cohen who played there. 
Salvador Allende won in Chile. The Vietnam War was raging with anti war demonstrations in America. 
The Front de Liberation du Quebec (FLQ) kidnapped James Cross leading to the Quebec October Crisis when PM Pierre Trudeau in an unprecedented over reaction  brought out the army and turned the tanks on the citizens. It was extraordinary at the times because I was in the Peace Movement and here was this man who had mocked the military over reacting in this cowardly way and turning to the very force he loathed to protect him.  La Porte was killed then James Cross wasreleased after the FLQ were granted safe passage to Cuba.
The Khmer Rouge began the civil war in Cambodia. This aetheist communist group would go on to kill half the population of Cambodia, millions upon millions. 
Garry Trudeau’s comic strip Doonesbury debuted. 
Havez al-Assad came to power in Syria following a military coup. The trial for the My Lai Massacre took place.  
The USSR Vénéra 7 spacecraft landed on Venus. The F14 Tomcat came into being. . The north tower of the World Trade Centre was completed. 
Alvin Toffler published Future Shock which I loved.  
Mariah Carey, the Diva, was born this year as was actor Vince Vaughn and actress Uma Thurman.   Melania Trump  was born April 26, 1970.  Sadiq Khan who looks older but acts younger was born this year. Matt Damon who acts older and looks younger was also born this year. 
Meanwhile, Canadian artist Lawren Harris died. I loved his paintings.  Bertrand Russel the great aetheist philosopher and logician whose book I studied in University of Winnipeg philosophy died. His ‘why I am not a Christian’ coupled with C.S.Lewis ‘why I am a Chrsitian’ letters were two of my favourite reads in the years to come. Muscicians Jimmy Hendrix  and Janis Joplin died separately of a drug overdoses.. 

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