Friday, November 30, 2018

Seen and Unseen God

I believe in a seen and unseen God.

God is omniscient, omnipotent, omnipotential

God is love.

God is all.  

I am in God.

God is imminent.

God is transcendent

God is alpha and omega.

God is the Higher Power.

There is but one god, God of Gods.

I know this to be true not because my senses tell me

But because I intuit it to be true.

The evidence for God and God’s existence is overwhelming to me.

I believe that there is a conscious connection between myself and God.

I believe that while I call my self ‘the self’, God is the over self, Self of Selfs.

I believe God is wanting to communicate with me more fully.

I believe that the Holy Bible is the text of God but not the only text.

I believe Jesus Christ was the son of God

He was born, he died and he rose again.

I believe in God the father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

I believe the Holy Spirit is the feminine aspect of God, God the mother

I believe that this Family of God is the relational world, trinity and triangle.

I believe that God is seeking closer contact with me as I with him.

I believe there is a sacred hide and seek and that finding God is joy itself.

I believe that I can see God in creation if I have eyes to see, ears to hear.

I believe that God is Grace and that I must have Faith to know God.

If I close my mind to God I shall miss the very finest of life

I believe there are higher and lower qualities and that I can meet God where I am

I believe that God is lifting me up and bringing me home as a mother holds a baby.

I believe I am Born again in innocence while my cleverness is growing to wisdom.

I believe that prayer brings me closer to God as does meditation.

I believe that doing the right thing brings me closer to God as well

I find it difficult to do the right thing because I have the power of choice

I can choose God or simply speaking the GOOD or I can choose something less than or other.

I struggle to know the God because God is awesome and I may simply fear the novelty of God

I don’t want to choose the safety of the known and be a spiritual coward

To know God more fully I must go beyond my present comfort zone and live freely

I find it hard to trust. I am often afraid. Please God. Hear my prayer. Help me know you.

Help me grow in love and wisdom.

Thank you God.

Thank you for Gilbert and George, for my family, and friends, for my home, for this city and country. 

Thank you for this world. Thank you for the air and soil. Thank you for the sky and rain. Thank you for the sun.

Thank you for the Moon. Thank you for this body and these senses. Thank you for this adventure, thriller, romance of Life.

Thank you for the stories. Thank you for the mystery. Thank you for the treasure hunts and thank you for the naughty bits.

Thank you for Love in all it’s myriad forms.  Thank you lace and panties. Thank you for roses and thorns. 

Thank you for old people and young people and especially thank you for the babies and the women who bear them.

Thank you for the children.  Thank you for the laughter. Thank you for the giggles.

Thank you for this day. Help me use it most fully and help me to know you more deeply.

Thank you Lord for creation and hopefully one day I will know what it means, the why and the wherefore.

For now help me to know you more, to sense you in all I do. Help me to live in the sacred. Help me to live in the divine.


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