Thursday, August 13, 2015

Gratitude, Thursday

Thank you Lord for the sunshine this morning. Thank you for last nights CAA social. Thank you for friends and books and writers and readers. Thank you for Leonard Cohen and the speech of his I just heard. Thank you for the years of life and memory. Thank you for that very first poem and all the poems that have followed. Thank you for the songs and prose.  Thank you most for the laughter and love.  Thank you for the work and all the stories. Thank you for the truth and experience. Please Lord bring health and wellness to my family. Watch over those in need and guide them.  Help me to be the best I can be. Thank you for the pinnacles and peaks but also the valleys Lord. Thank you for the streams and oceans.  Thank you for the grass and all the walks and journeys. Thank you for nudity and naked bodies entwined. Thank you for dance.  Thank you for studies and libraries and coffee shops. Thank you for paper and pens and keyboards. Thank you for pets and friends. Thank you for medicine and surgery.  Thank you for talking cures and relationships.  Thank you for neuroplasticity. Thank you for biofeedback, meditation and prayer. Thank you for church and synagogue and temple. Thank you for Jesus, all the saints and all the artists and all the great works of celebration of spirit. Thank you the engineers. Thank you for the bridges. Thank you for the priests. Thank you for Bach. Thank you for lavender. Thank you for the rain. Thank you for pear trees and heather. Thank you for sails.  Thank you for boats and canoes.  Thank you for Gilbert. Thank you for Eva.  Thank you for friends once again. Thank you for our relationships and please please let me know you more and be with you more and walk with you forever growing closer and closer. God blessings on all.

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