Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Bear Scat, Deer Scat and Tracks

When hunting we look for 'sign'.  Sign is evidence of the animals in the region where we are hunting. The best evidence is the animal itself.  Alternatively we see their tracks but say "tracks make a thin soup".  Even better is fresh 'scat'.  Bear shit. Deer shit. Moose shit.  Hunters talk alot about shit.  We encourage newcomers to taste it for freshness and occasionally get a 'mark'.

I did find a hairy spiral shaped mass that made me first think of a my cat and it's fur balls. I wondered if it was a cougar fir ball but figured it was more likely wolf scat.DSCN0283
DSCN0285Needless to say we saw lots of tracks and lots of scat. The full mood and good weather meant that the animals had a lot of time at night for carousing so were less likely to be seen during the day.

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