Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Eugene Oregon, Deerwood RV Park

I’ve been here a couple of days. Yesterday I worked virtual with computer and doxy me iPad virtual and iPhone. It was all okay. I’m glad to be able to serve and know the patients well. There were three new assessments and that was good too knowing that I was part of the greater team contributing to the broken health care system with the unacceptable delays and all the doctors stretched.  
I walk Madigan.  It’s fairly idyllic here.  Chilly and rainy at night but just windy in the morning. In the afternoon there was rain.
A transformer blew in the wind. I was thankful for my Honda 3200 generator. I’d only used it for air conditioning once before but now it truly was a life saver. I need electricity for the Starlink wifi. The local wifi was out with the power.  
I was able to see the new patients and do the assessments and fax new medication requests to the pharmacy.  All thanks to the generator.  It took them 4 hours or so to repair the transformers and get the power back. I spoke with the lady at the front desk and she was kind enough to tell me I’d know the power was back on when the lights went on in the office.
I ordered Pizza from Roaring Rapids Pizza.  They delivered. It was delicisious.  Meat pizza.  The garlic bread sticks were fine but not what I get from Me&Ed’s at home. It speaks to my nostalgia.  I really like Me&Eds’ garlic bread. The pizza from Roaring Rapids was excellent and watching tv on my laptop I ate half of a large one. I was watching the exciting British SAS series.  I’d lost the channel changer so the tv was down. I rather enjoyed the lap top and understand why folk don’t own tv’s.  My tv screen is just a little bigger and really has its value when Laura is here and I we watch tv together. I set it up on the galley counter and put it away in the bedroom in its spot on the wall.  I’ve the microwave and electric espresso maker out on the wall. I put them away under the table travelling with the mesh rope to hold them in. I really do like the space.  It works almost as well as my yacht used to.  
Life is good.
I pray and meditate. I think of God and time. I’m not as present as I would be. I’m a little in the future looking forward to heading north again on Friday.  I’m looking forward to being back in Canada. 

It was great news hearing we’ve another addition to the family coming.  I shared that with Laura and she immediately said how happy that would make Adell.  She would know.

Thank you Jesus for this day. Thank you for this travelling home and all the functional aspects of it that allow me to work and travel.  Thank you for Madigan. Thank you Jesus. 

Monday, February 24, 2025

Deerwood RV Park, Eugene,Oregon

It is good to be here. I’ve booked for 5 days.  Yesterday is a blur of steady driving north.  Cherry blossom pink orchards.  Green and greener fields.  Some rain. Then I got into the mountains.  Lots like the Rockies in the north.  Going through places like the Okanagan. After a couple of months of sun, dry and desert I felt very much back in my home climate.  A bit cool drizzly.  
‘I was glad to get through Grant Pass and Sissyu Pass 3000 and 4000 elevations.  I’d phoned to confirm there was no snow.  It was an easy pass.I like going down the coast leaving Vancouver simply to avoid the potential of ice and snow in this stretch. There were high winds. I enjoyed the rest stops.  At one a woman was walking her young horse about like I was walking Madigan.  He thought the horse was a very big dog and shied away. 
I stopped at Macdonald’s and even shared how I’d gone to Macdonald’s in Moscow and ate a Big Mac looking at the Kremlin.  I knew then that trade was more important than ideology.  I love Macdonald’s and always get a meat paddy for my dog.  We eat the burgers driving along.  My truck cabin is its own little cockpit. Maybe one day we’ll have AI beyond just speed.  I loved being able to get up and walk about in my sailboat,  make coffee and return to being on watch.  I think train travel was my favourite land travel except I like horses and Harley’s too.  This carrying my camper home with my own toilet and shower and bed is pretty good. I stopped at one rest area and made myself a coffee with honey and milk from the refrigerator.  Life is good.
I was glad to make Eugene.  It was 430.  I like to find a place by 4 but I strapped for a photo for my gun license renewal.  I had to back track 7 km when I called Dearwood. I was in the university and realized what a university town Eugene was.  
The office was extremely welcoming.  I set up , let Madigan out for a pee and even unloaded my Vespa.  That was good and bad. When I arrive I know I should settle in and not go out right away but I did with the Vespa.  I rode into Springfield with the decline light bought some chicken and fries then headed back getting lost. I missed the freeway turn and did 20 km on the freeway in he dark at 70 mph to get back to my place. A sheriff asked if I needed help as I looked up the RV park on my iPhone gps maps realizing I’d gone past it.  I didn’t like when a Big Rig honked at me as I’d slowed to 60 mph to make sure I didn’t miss the turn off this time round.  Thankfully I arrived home safely and truly thanked God for getting me here.  
Madigan enjoyed the left over steak while I had the fried chicken and chips watching the Rogue Heroes as series on the SAS in WWii. I’m reading a novel of the Canadians in Sicility.  Riding in the truck I was listening to Louis L’amor Audio books. Not very high brow but satisfactory for keeping me awake along with lots of coffee. 
It’s a lovely place here. This Deerwood RV Park is family run and very middle class feeling, nice rigs, nice spacing and central lawn like an English park.
Well I’ve work to do and thankful for my Starlink
Really, Thank you Jesus.  

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Woodson Bridge Recreational Area RV Park, California

Yesterday I drove from Lost Hills RV Park here.  We drove on the I5 north through Stockton to Scramento. I plugged in the Arden Fair Apple Store on the Ford GPS.  All the way I was listening to a Noble audiobook of Jack Noble and his friend Ryan, government assassins.  
At Sacramento I stopped in Arden Mall at the Apple Store. The Arden Mall was really incredible, the air perfumed and everything a person could imagine for urban living.  A place a girl could dress in white and spend the day shopping and visiting.  The Apple Store was great.  I couldn’t help but think when the first opened they were manned by a lot of nerds, socially awkward computer literate types. Now the young people are both very bright and computer literate as well as attractive and very much the ‘in crowd’. Loved the service. My # key, specifically # 1 was sticking.  They cleaned it with some special solution and I was back on the road. Madigan didn’t seem to mind waiting in the Camper.
I noticed at the rest stop past Woodlawn that were were back in Green.  After two months of desert dry air and brown the green grassy evergreen trees and moist air kind of hit. I was coming home
I reduced the drive to Vancouver Canada to 1200 km.  
I stopped her at the Woodson Bridge Recreational Park hoping for an under $50 night as the California Recreation Parks seemed to be. Instead it was $70 and new ownership after flooding.  The place was friendly and helpful.  I new staff guided me into the most beautiful site with a river view. This Woodson Bridge Park is truly idyllic. I saw a heron on the shore along with passing ducks.  I really do enjoy looking out on the river.  Madigan loved running in the sand and we walked over to the big park where there’s acres of trails.  He loved it. The views were splendid. It’s off season but everywhere there’s barbecues and tables suggesting that it’s a major destination in summer.  Really festival kind of place.
I’m up.  Just walked Madigan.  Made coffee and had a yogurt.  It’s nearly 8 am.  I was off at 7 yesterday.  Leisurely Sunday drive day.  I have to find a place to set up for a week of virtual work..  I slept well with the quiet and my skylight cracked. It rained last night. I really enjoy this now. 
I really enjoyed listening to Trumps speech at the Davos WEF .  I don’t think Schwab and all his globalist communist dictator groups were very happy with Trumps patriotism and economic common sense.  Communist countries fall always due to waste and corruptions and America was going third world that way. Now it seems that there’s hope for the future . I loved his saying ‘we are restoring America to a country of ‘merit’.  I’ve always been in favour of meritocracy and had to live with the mediocre tokenism that was Trudeau means to widespread corrutions and graft.  I’m delighted he’s been tried over the SNC Lavalin kick backs and graft. It was a nice way to begin the day seeing Trump confronting the European communists with endless management and beurocraceis strangling the producers and front lines.  Washington is the antithesis of Brussels.  
Oh well, all above my pay grade.  Politics a thinking man’s sport.  Life goes on.  I’m driving today and must keep my focus on the present.  
I loved talking to Laura last night.  I’ve told her I’ve gone into withdrawal and do look forward to meeting her.  She’s bought a new mattress. Definitely a sexy thing to say. 
Thank you God for Laura, Madigan, family friends and work.  Be with me today in my travels.  Thank you

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Lost Hill California KOA RV Campground, California

It was a trial to get through Los Angeles foothills. It’s another time I’ve done them in the day time and they’re not so daunting. The times I did them at night really challenged me.  Now they’re just stressful. I travelled through Pasadena.  The Palisades was where the fires were. I didn’t even see any more smoke. Just the haze I associate with LA.
The KOA campground was delightful.  Kind of a miniature perfect place beside truck stops and gas stations and motels.  Somebody was thinking of us. 
I walked Madigan and he liked the little dog park.
The treat though was the goats. The farmer was there and told me that the two little kids had been born in the last two hours.  What a miracles.  Madigan was most interested and the kids were as curious about him. The mothers were very proud.  

I had a great even and showered in the morning. Another day of driving began with the Macdonald’s breakfast. I didn’t even make my own coffee. 

Friday, February 21, 2025

Leaving Fountain of Youth, California

I’m up at 5 am partially packed inside. I woke and couldn’t sleep. Raring to go. Ready to leave. I really felt that if I stayed any longer I might not be able to leave. I was looking at houses for sale and ready to buy and live here. It’s that nice a place.
I’ve had 2 weeks of comfort and joy. It’s heaven on earth.  I walk the dog each day to his little dog park. It’s a good morning hike.  Just right.  I want to lose weight and I’ve been getting exercise every day just walking him. Then the mineral hot springs have been glorious. I’ve like the mineral tubs and the really hot Lobster Pot. There have been concerts and events as well.
I’ve loved the meetings I’ve attended her.
I’ve taken my Vespa and ridden to Bombay Beach on Salton Sea several times. I love Community Coffee Shop there with the DaVinci Fish installation art.  
Everyone has been friendly and kind.
It’s been sunny and hot and dry every day. I love the sun rises and sun sets.

I’m heading home, retracing my steps.  Today I plan to pass through LA and get to either the coast or Fresno.  I may join number 5 hwy heading north somewhere and just keep on that.  I’d like to boon dock if I could since I’m travelling on the weekend and only need to sleep a couple of nights then I’ll take a full service RV place for the week to work and prepare for my next leap frog north. It’s 2000 km from here.  

All the news is DOGE and exposure of beurocratic malfeasance, actual fraud involving Romania and other such countries taking billions if not trillions from tax payers in the states. Meanwhile Trudeau , the greatest thief in history is being replaced by Carney his globalist mentor. I really don’t like the thought of returning to communist Canada with its theft and censorship and the evil Liberal party continuing to rape Western Canada.  

I’ve repairs to do on my Camper. I just found my head has a leak and now am waiting to empty the black waste tank which will solve that problem now.  The tank is full and there’s a seal issue. The frame has an issue too so I’m looking forward to getting that fixed along with having Madigan get groomed. I’m in need of ophthalmology examination and hope to get home without more night driving.  I can see fine but the lights are really tiring.

It’s 6 am so I think I can get outside to take down Starlink, pack up and then finish stowing in here.  I should be ready to go in half to an hour with light coming up now.  

Thank you Jesus. Please help me and Madigan be safe in this journey home.  Thank you God for this heavenly stay here and be with me in all my endeavours today. Thank you Jesus. 

Sunday, February 16, 2025

FOY, Sunday night

The power was out this morning. I woke at 5 am chilly. I was glad the neighbour was up to. He told me the power was out all over when I was about to go through the checklist all over again since nothing I’d done had solved the problem.  
I made it to the Seaside Baptist Church service at 9 am with Jack at Bombay Beach. That was after I got stuck in the sand with my Vespa twice and three fellows helped me get the bike out. Madigan loved it there running all over the beach with the other church dogs before the service began and he settled down at my feet.
After I rode to the Community Cafe and had a muffin and cafe latte writing journaling about the church.  A young fellow played drums and a girl played violin. I spoke to a no mad. 
I filled up the tank when I got back with the Jerry can gas I’d carried on the back of the Adventure camper forever.
The propane went out at the same time in the morning as the power went out confounding diagnosis. I was able to switch tanks and the refrigerater had only gone from 32 to 38. It quickly cooled down again.  I had a couple of showers today enjoying the knowledge a tank lasts a week. I spent some time in the Lobster Pot hot tub and also spend some time lying in the sun reading. 
I’m getting the propane filled  tomorrow as the propane guy comes 1045 to 1145.  I learned this at the office . It’s a holiday but I’m booked for the morning and will just have to tell someone I’ll need to run and get the propane , a half hour out of the day , the last patient moved later.
My nephews and great nephews have been in heavy snow in Ottawa and Napanee.  Laura’s had rain and snow but it’s warming up in Vancouver.  I don’t like cold anymore. 
I’m enjoying Elon Musk and Trump exposing billions of dollars of tax payer money gone awry.  I’d love a DOGE in Canada to expose the Liberal waste and corruption.  I am hopeful that costs still will go down and we’ll see our buying power restored.  I’ve been thinking of trading the 5th wheel in for a bus but have to sort out my eye sight. I really do like this camper for now.  It does it all.  
I’ve been sitting outside on my recliner in the afternoon sun reading. In the south and summer the outdoors are another room.
The hot springs and steam room continue to be heavenly.
 I loved my massage though would like a chiropractic adjustment for my thoracic and low back areas.  I need to exercise more.  Yoga and tai chi and dancing. I was pleased that I got my mini guitar out and enjoyed playing . The strings are too high so need a professional adjustment but it was good to play. Now I’ll have to work on a set again. This time spiritual music. I’ve a couple of hymns I was learning and would like to memorize and play again.  It’s been a while. I so enjoyed playing the guitar in the islands , before Covid, before my hearing aids.  
I have books to write and am avoiding that .  
Right now I’m enjoying reading another Hiassen Squirm. I just finished Winter King Bernard Crowell.

I have to decide whether to leave on Friday or stay another week.  I think of stopping at Oceanside and Gold Coast on the way back. There’s exploring to be done and meandering. I have only three days travel each weekend , sometimes only two days and then I’ve 4 days of work to do before my next jaunt north. 

I’ve tickets to Bruce Cockburn Friday March 14. 

I’m immersed in self care here, physically walking Madigan a lot and taking the waters. Spiritually I’m attending in person meetings and on line meetings and reading the Bible again.  John.  I could make a go of rereading the big book.  

I’ve tried the Hamm but made no contact.  I’ve not needed the satellite phone. I’ve not need the second AT&T cell phone except that first week.  Telus and IPhone and Starlink are meeting all my needs .

I’m not sure what my purpose is .I’m the eyes and ears and hands of God. There comes a point in enlightenment when ‘you shit when you’re shitting’.  I’m doing better at being in the present. I’m talking to God and asking his will and the power to carry that out.  I’m a spiritual being in this human life.  It’s an adventure. I’m more positive and occasionally know joy. There are pastels in my pictures and major 7ths.  I’m truly blessed and thankful.  

Thank you God for the air. 

Seaside Baptist Church, Bombay Beach, California

When I first attended St. James Anglican Church, I asked Father John, if my dog was welcome.  “Of course he’s welcome, I’m just not sure about you,” he laughed. He had two big dogs and we made this our church for several years.  At another church I told the worship leader I was a Christian psychiatrist and he responded, “Isn’t that an oxymoron.’  
Here, outdoors, on the iconic Bombay Beach, Jack the minister simply asked my name and introduced himself. 

 I’d ridden my Vespa with Madigan , my cockapoo riding along in his box. There was some large dune buggy and off road motorcycle event with a large gathering of RV’s and campers boon docking in the sand amidst the steam punk art installations.  I’d surprisingly become stuck a foot off the hard road. Two of the guys from that camp came to my rescue. “We’ve been doing this all weekend, “ they said ,” We’re getting good at it.”   Free of the sand and back on the road a little dog ran in front of me so I swereved and was stuck again. This time a fellow from the outdoor church helped me out. 

 Jesus comes as the anonymous stranger who rescues.  Already Jesus had already helped me thrice. It could also t reflect the the devil laying traps for the Christian returning to the fold. 

Jack the minister played Christian music as we congregated.  There must have been as many dogs as humans there. I loved this.  I’m ever asking if my dog is welcome at whatever  church I attend.    

Before the actual service the dogs had packed and run all over the beach exploring and peeing.  Madigan was in his glory sniffing and peeing and running with the dogs. . I loved watching.  A young dog was disruptive but leashed and as the service began the dogs all settled at the feet of their masters. Peace.   . 
Jack spoke of Peter the Fisherman and Jesus inviting him to walk on water with him. Peter succeeded for a few steps then sank.  He was  rescued by Jesus who said “Ye of little faith”. I felt that.  Ye of little faith. I am forever playing hide and seek with Jesus, seeing his handprints everywhere only to think the next moment I’m alone.    

Jack said “I’m a spiritual being in a human body.”  I loved his reading passages from the gospel of John, the disciple Jesus loved.   the resurrected Jesus and his time with the disciples after his crucifixion.   There were sounds of motorcycles and quads and a gentle breeze blowing in from the Salton Sea.  The scripture was of disciples and Jesus gathered by the sea.  I truly felt blessed,  grateful thankful to be here listening to Jack read from the Holy Bible.  

 Around me were the most interesting  people, wisdom and experience in their presence. .  The women were beautiful.  The men a real mix, young and old, bearded clean shaven. . I imagined some must be artists.  Some dressed in shorts and t shirts and others more clothed .  Jack wore  red t shirt,  blue pants and  high  red sneakers with a  bandana about his head.  In his sermon he referenced movies . The Last Temptation. This was Southern California.  LA and Hollywood only a 150 miles west.  The greatest story ever told had had many movies made of parts of it in part or whole.  Jack said the joyful scene of resurrected Jesus being seen by the disciples by the sea and joining him.  ‘That would be a great movie scene.’  

“Hope is what we have here”, he said.  Hope and faith.  “The Holy Spirit is with us and in us and around us.”  
When the ervice was over,  we were all invited to have coffee and cookies on the beach.  The dogs began to roam, pissing and sniffing again after the interlude.  I helped him into his box in the Vespa. 

 A  beautiful girl wore a t shirt with phrase ‘skull pony’.  I drove away thinking  about death and the ride and Christ. . I didn’t get my Vespa stuck on the way out.  I rode here to the Community Cafe to sit under the Da Vinci Fish art installation swimming over head.. Cafe latte and a muffin.  A young man on drums and a girl playing violin.     God is good.