I walk Madigan. It’s fairly idyllic here. Chilly and rainy at night but just windy in the morning. In the afternoon there was rain.
A transformer blew in the wind. I was thankful for my Honda 3200 generator. I’d only used it for air conditioning once before but now it truly was a life saver. I need electricity for the Starlink wifi. The local wifi was out with the power.
I was able to see the new patients and do the assessments and fax new medication requests to the pharmacy. All thanks to the generator. It took them 4 hours or so to repair the transformers and get the power back. I spoke with the lady at the front desk and she was kind enough to tell me I’d know the power was back on when the lights went on in the office.
I ordered Pizza from Roaring Rapids Pizza. They delivered. It was delicisious. Meat pizza. The garlic bread sticks were fine but not what I get from Me&Ed’s at home. It speaks to my nostalgia. I really like Me&Eds’ garlic bread. The pizza from Roaring Rapids was excellent and watching tv on my laptop I ate half of a large one. I was watching the exciting British SAS series. I’d lost the channel changer so the tv was down. I rather enjoyed the lap top and understand why folk don’t own tv’s. My tv screen is just a little bigger and really has its value when Laura is here and I we watch tv together. I set it up on the galley counter and put it away in the bedroom in its spot on the wall. I’ve the microwave and electric espresso maker out on the wall. I put them away under the table travelling with the mesh rope to hold them in. I really do like the space. It works almost as well as my yacht used to.
Life is good.
I pray and meditate. I think of God and time. I’m not as present as I would be. I’m a little in the future looking forward to heading north again on Friday. I’m looking forward to being back in Canada.
It was great news hearing we’ve another addition to the family coming. I shared that with Laura and she immediately said how happy that would make Adell. She would know.
Thank you Jesus for this day. Thank you for this travelling home and all the functional aspects of it that allow me to work and travel. Thank you for Madigan. Thank you Jesus.