Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Autumn and home

I just returned from walking Madigan.  There was a definite nip in the air. We noticed the mornings were chill in Clinton. Here in Vancouver it’s the same though the weather forecast is another week of sunshine and heat.  Cool nights and hot days then.  
I’m waking with back pain but not the sharp kind of falling down pain, rather the ‘sore’ dull ache.  I wondered if someone was stabbing me in the back and I was psychically experiencing the betrayal.  Then I considered the self pity pain of Atlas , carrying the weight of world on my shoulders. The fact is I don’t stretch enough and did a lot of lifting carrying gear to and from the truck.  I might guess I”m getting older and am being rewarded with the karma of not being sympathetic to my father who complained of back pain in later years.
I associated with ‘the man’.  Men have back pain, women have pelvic pain, the old cliche.  
Laura has an extra day off and has risen.  I think her plan was to drive home today to get a parking spot near her building so she can unload her gear easily. There’s so little parking in the west end.
I’ve a couple of days of virtual clinics then another weekend of hunting. The challenge will be getting the tent and camping gear together to truly ‘rough it’.  It’s been a few years since I slept on the ground. The question will be how hard it will be to get up and moving in the morning.  I’ll be closer to game and may even be on a lake to go swimming in the day.
Last night I barbecued steaks on the new Weber barbecue.  The potatoes we picked up at the roadside Hilltop Fruit Market were delicious with butter and sour cream and the creamed cauliflower.  We watched John Bateman a BBC drama about an English trader, formerly with the East India Company, living in Delhi 1790.  It was fascinating and engaging. Having been to India and Delhi it was all more more enjoyable,
Good to be back in my bed and returning to the routines,  Hard to believe we’d been away 6 days just adding extra days to the already long labour day weekend,
Izek shot his first deer on the weekend youth hunt as well as shooting grouse.  The Bustards are having fun.  
I’m feeling somewhat isolated and alienated with the sense of what am I going to do when I grow up. Looking forward to the heat and dry of Yuma, working but hoping this inflammation will be helped by the climate. Also thinking of my lungs and the fright of not being able to get breath a couple of years ago.  Like the scuba diving accident but in this case just a ‘flu’.  I’ve loved this year with the break of Europe and summer though late was so relaxing simply enjoying sun bathing in the back yard and walking the dog.
Madigan is curled up against me He’s been totally absorbed with Laura this week and it later today it will be back to being my room mate.  We’ll miss her.  
It’s been a good end of summer and now autumn which I enjoy so much.  

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