Monday, November 25, 2024

Gratitude Monday

Thank you for this day, for life, for Madison, for sobriety, for light, for heat, for scent, for sight, for feelings.
Thank you for thermonuclear reactions
Thank you for DNA
Thank you for food and kitchens and living rooms and indoor plumbing

Thank you for Madigan,

Thank you God for all creation, Thank you creators. Thank you for ‘luck’ and ‘chance’ and ‘coincidence’ and all the other ways you act anonymously. Help me see you in of the events of my day. Help me do better to day to be a better person and more kind and wise.  Thank you Creator Thank you Holy Spirit.

Thank you for love, Thank you for family and friends,  I pray they all do well today. Thank you for work, Help me be the best I can be and be of service to those who I can help.

Thank you for clean air and the recent rains and recent blue sky.  

Thank you for oceans and mountains and meadows,

Thank you for nano technology and the crisper.

Thank you for universities and colleges and schools, Thank you for good judges and good government.  

Thank you for communication.

Thank you for iPhone 16,  Thank you for vehicles Thank you for my Vespa 300 Super Tech GT. Thank you for my Ford F350 and Adventurer camper. Thank you for the city and the country and the opportunity to explore and drive.  Thank you for adventure.  Thank you for camping and coming home to the luxuries of running water and furnaces. 

Thank you for pottery and utensils

Thank you for hospitals and factories and airplanes,  Thank you for technology.

Thank you for choirs and Christmas and symphony and dance,

thank you for the Churches

Thank you Jesus,  Hallelujah

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