Sunday, June 2, 2024

St. Barnabus Anglican Church

What a whirlwind of activity church was!  One would have thought our poor Anglican Beacon on the Hill church had become Pentecostal. It was the second Sunday after Pentecost. So many people and so much going on.  Madigan, young cockapoo,  was jumping about so glad to see his friend Fritz, Priest Emily’s better behaved older schnauzer.  Steven Seegert son of Reverend Vivian Seegers who died of covid complications 3 years ago, carried on her multivocal Christian tradition of sage and smudging the congregation. A moving tribute to his mother who began the Urban Aboriginal Mission I was privileged to be a part of,
Patti Powell our resident songstress extraordinaire had her singers with her, I guess they’d be called a choir but word has it they just get together and sing each week because they love to sing.  Their ‘Wade in the Water’ was really moving, foot stomping swaying music. A couple of traditional hymns balanced out the inclusive Xhosa and Swahili songs. 
Ironically, Bishop John’s sermon was on ‘silence’.  It was hard to hear the opening with the children laughing and playing together at the back of the church.  But that fondly brought to mind Vivian telling me how she loved to hear the children when she gave her sermons. It was her peoples way, she said, that all participated.  All my relations.
The children quieted as the Bishop’s sermon touched the depth of spirituality in words of silence, 
Two were baptized today, 8 more confirmed and Bruce  reaffirmed .  I loved being present for the baptisms.confirmations and reaffirmation..  I loved sharing in the sacred ritual being deeply reminded of my own baptism.    Communion followed, Breaking bread and sharing the blood and body of Christ. Sacred ceremonies,loving community. All my relations. 
I was thankful for church today and the pancake breakfast that followed, the rich conversations. Thank you Jesus.    

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