Saturday, June 22, 2024

Commercial Street and Havana’s Cafe

I’ve come from Dr. Ready.  He’s a fine chiropractor and I’ve been enjoying improving under his care.  I invited Laura for brunch but she’s off for dinner with her brother and sister and their new car so she thought she’d pass. She’s not known for spontaneity and these days seems overwhelmed by work and scheduling.  I can appreciate the desire for one speed and pacing oneself. My life has been responding to other’s emergencies and erratic behaviour. I love the acronym, G.O.D.  Good orderly direction.

I have a tremor in my right arm that’s pronounced when I lift a cup of coffee. It appears to stem from the old whiplash injury and the thoracic spine injury from the plane crash years back. I also seem to have more tremor in both hands and it’s improved with chiropractic adjustments, It’s also improved if I don’t drink coffee and by meditation, stretching and tai chi. Still aging is not for the young and I feel my body especially my spine if recoiling from the extraordinary demands of my life.

I really have been blessed though.  I find myself in meetings being asked to share and more and more I’m struck with gratitude for the remarkable life I’ve lead, the incredible teachers, loving parents and family, adventures galore and the beautiful women and fine friends.  I miss those who have did these last few years. I’m lonely at times and wonder about the immediate future.  Covid was a time of isolation and post covid I am more decidedly alone. I do a lot of work from home and enjoy that since seeing patient by video or phone is so often adequate. I miss seeing the staff but fear I interrupt their work.  I’m pre retirement and enjoy this life with the balance of work and leisure. I’ve worked so much for so long. 80 to 120 hour work weeks for so many years. Now I’m actually only working 30 to 40 hours a week and satisfied.  I understand how government workers notorious for working even less have the time to take up positions in the community doing volunteer work and coaching and participating in church and clubs.

I’ve taken many night school courses over the year after completing training as a dancer, actor, family physician , a year surgical training, a couple of years of public health and community medicine training, specialist training in psychiatry , advanced training in psychotherapy and psychopharmacology, special interest in trauma and head injury and then addiction medicine training and certification. I’ve done my Canadian and American credentials and need to remind myself of all this when our PM, an offensive splat of smegma attacks Canadians and doctors especially.  Right now he’s pushing euthanasia for the mentally ill and elderly while selling the country to the communist chinese, communism the religion 

I have to resist thinking of Trudeau, WEF, UN and the sharia communist attack on democracy and freedom.  It’s a rabbit hole that reminds me of historical precedents of Lenin and Hitler and other megalomaniacs like Trudeau.  The future though is not the same as the past and there is hope today that sounder minds will prevail,  1984 has certainly taken down Communist China but that nightmare hasn’t taken hold here to any similiar extent. The threat is always there. The Dalai Lama talks about the Communist Chinese genocide of his Tibetan people but the Liberal propaganda rag once the great CBC continues to sound like Pravda on any issue.  It’s best for peace of mind to detour around the contagion that is Trudeau and his ilk.  Good people are reacting just as they did when Hitler invaded his neighbours like Xi Jing Ping did to India and wants to do to Taiwan.  

I’m reading the story of the THE GENE, by Sidhartha Mukhajee, a brilliant history of genetics and hereditary.  I’m actually listening to it as an audio book. I’ve always got an audio book going now walking the dog and driving in the car.  I so enjoyed Louise Penny’s Detective Gomeache series returning from Southern California.  Now I’ve just listened to the history of transsexualism and this incredible history of the Gene.

I’m taking this online course from Oxford University , Prehistory: Ritual and Religion.  It began with my being so impressed by the British Museum’s presentation of the World of Stonehenge.  Of course I attribute my weekend at Oxford as the turning point that took me back to university.  I so enjoyed staying their with friends and the discussions with students.  I’d lost faith in university but saw that universities still served the highest and I returned . I’m glad I did.  I’d love to attend the hallowed halls if only for the ambience and ancient beauty but this online course is a delight.  I’ve taken the equivalences of a masters in Christian spirituality on line and in various night school courses. I’d begun auditing and writing on my own, This though I signed up for it all rather than just auditing. That’s required me to do a couple of paper the last I finished yesterday and will submit this week.  I was astonished at the trepidation dead lines and such caused.  Almost old ptsd symptoms .  I have enjoyed the directed reading and learning

Ancestor worship and venus figurines and the level of communication and travel 50,000 years ago with earliest Homo sapiens.  I really would like to visit the Stonehenge and cave paintings.  

I’m looking forward to Venice with Laura and hope to go to Berlin au femme in the future.  The fall of the wall has such street art paradox in the day today.  Do people forget so soon.  Laura and I are going to Whistler RV park next weekend.  

I’m enjoying being on this street. The Havana breakfast was excellent as usual.  Huevo ranchero variations with the best chorizo. I’m ordering another Americano so I can finished this bit of blogging.  The waitressses are so young and gorgeous.  One came over and petted Madigan who was in heaven.  Lucky guy.  

I so enjoyed taking the HD Nighster Special to Victoria to attend the Royal British Columbia Museun exhibit of the Stonehenge,  Pearson was the archeologist who developed it. I have his book from the exhibit but actually got the book from the British Museum exhibit that first inspired my interest.  So much advance in knowledge secondary to genetics studies and more excavations.  In first year under grad I’d so enjoyed studying the Minoans and Mycenaeans.  Years later. I was blessed to visit the palace on Crete.  Now I want to visit the Stonehenge and cave paintings.  Laura and I did visit the barrow graves in Ireland and I am looking forward to returning.

I was excited to visit NASA and yet spiritually my focus is living one day at the time and being in the present where God is. I really want to know you.  

It’s June and 27 years ago I stopped drinking and smoking tobacco and marijuana, I’d been a binge drinking but only in sobriety did I realize how I was attracted to women and friends with alcoholic families or like me a bad boy bad girl propensity.  With sobriety I’ve benefit from fellowship and the 12 step insights into fear and resentment.  Our society is immersed in fear and resentment.  I’m just a part and yet everyday for years I’ve struggled to let go and forgive.

My course finishes in July. My sailboat is progressing with sale to Alister. I really think he’ll appreciate it and have years of joy as I’ve had decades to this point.  So much a part of my life. Now it’s the camper and truck and motorcycle. I was looking at another vespa, the 150 since I want to go to Mexico next winter and don’t want to take my harley across the border.  A vespa is a different thing, Less likely to be stolen and non binary.  I don’t feel ‘macho’ on the vespa but more European and the direction I wish to go. I also feel being o scooter is like a bicycle in the city but with the Harley, the ultimate country machine i feel like I should gear up. I really just want a Vespa to run to the store and back.

I really liked being out in the woods bear hunting this spring but mostly it was the camping and truly I wasn’t excited about shooting a bear. In the fall I’ll see because I love partridge and venison.  Yet visit the museum and attending art galleries in New York and Europe have been more fulfilling in the last years.  Having Madigan still makes the outdoors important. 

He’s happy here with all the smells on Commercial and the other dogs.  He’s my physiotherapist and keeps me active.  I also love watching the gorgeous young women on this streets more than looking at trees in the woods.  That may be spring too. Years back I visitted wreck beach in spring so this aging business might be mellowing.  Madigan has no qualms about sniffing butts and genitals,  After a winter of parkas and rain gear the spring is exciting with the tank tops and shorts.  I must admit I do like the fashion too. A tall young woman just walked by in a lovely traditional v white dress with embroidered top.  « You don’t have to dress like a refugee’ came to mind thinking how nice she looked compared to those who set out to be grubby. By comparison ,I so enjoy the models and the women who celebrate the long history of fashion,  I was irritated in Victoria when the hateful PLO marched along with police escort shouting anti semitic  slogans and wearing mostly cammo or some other war like apparel.  Another lady is walking by with a bright coloured flowersed frock and reminding me or how much I enjoyed the flowers of spring. 

I bought a digital frame and have uploaded pictures I’ve taken of flowers and art galleries and architecture enjoying seeing birds and Laura changing on the mantel a few seconds for each in a lovely slideshow.  

The nephews and great nephews are all doing well by the pictures the family shares. The God children are eating bear after mom and dad and Izek were all successful in their hunts.  

I imagine I would like to write a book. I’ve a clinical text in process, a book on dogs for fun and some memoir. I really could make progress on that. I’ve an IDAA conference in July in Baltimore.  Life is full abd I’m mostly at peace after years of feeling defensive after that relentless attacks by bullies and the corrupt evil government cronies, the banality of evil.

  I am so thankful to sponsors and programs and gurus and ministers in their encouragement to me to focus on the light.  Life is good. God is good all of the time.

Thank you Jesus. 


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