The Merry Maids came today. They did a fabulous job despite Madigan supervising them with barks and growers. I took him to Macdonald’s for a burger. It allowed them into my garage office. I’d spent this weekend cleaning it up and surprisingly it just needed sorting rather than a storage locker run. I did get rid of another bag for the Diabetes foundation. Returning I was delighted by the order and cleanliness of the place.
I’ve been looking at Thor Class A motorhomes. Ernest and Nicolina showed me there’s and I’m so impressed. It’s not as big at Peter and Larry’s Tiffany. It about 32 feet I think, Thor Hurricane with one slide. That’s had me looking at motorhomess. I’m seeing lots of second hand range I could afford and am sure I ‘need’ one this year. This fifth wheel is really terrific but big and I don’t want to learn the driving skills to haul it. I’ve used tow trucks but the costs have increased. Besides after a couple of months down south with my camper I’ve decided I’d like to be mobile. If I can’t haul this because back up into things with trailers I can get a bus and haul my mini. I will have to find a way to put the Vespa on board though an electric bicycle will do fine.
I have an ophthalmology apt so will know if I’m likely to be driving for the next decade or so to justify getting another vehicle. I’m reminded how sad Dad was when his eyes tight went. I’m already going dreaf and am getting by in situations where I couldn’t before with the expensive hearing aids. I’m hoping this cyborg tendency will continue with the eyes and maybe better glasses will solve the problem Though it may be cataracts and more anxiety. I ‘m such a wooz when it comes to myself. I muddle through with no choice but all I do is pray. Prayer is all I can do.
Madigan is being pretty good. Growls at me with wagging tail. Ripped up my new linen sheet when Laura came but really was a gentleman in church. He was wearing his new rain coat but doesn’t like me putting it on.
I can’t get over how much I’m liking my home again. I’ve completely cleaned out the mouse dropping problem. It wasn’t as bad this year as when I’ve returned previous years. I got rid of any invitations and put out mouse replellants and traps though I caught none.
There’s an election in April. I’ve given money to the Federal Conservative Party, Pierre Poilevre and our local Burnaby PC candidate.
I contacted the CMDA and asked to pay my annual dues. When they contacted me I was away so now I’ve money in the bank and time to address this. The only outstanding membership I think now is the Canadian Society of Addiction Medicine. My ISAM membership is on automatic pay. All the other memberships I believe are paid. I just seem to have been deluged since returning March 1.
It’s hard to believe how much I’ve done in 3 weeks. A whole lot of patient calls, getting my home back, taking my camper in, and all the forms for Anil to do taxes and a weekend with Laura and Madigan getting groomed. It’s been exhausting but now that it’s letting up I’m really pleased. This is the second Merry Maid visit and it’s just a joy to have the clean place and great smell of incense. I’ve also organized my clothing though I have more to take away. I’ve been paid too so it’s been good to have the steady flow of work and money to maintain this all.
Also I’m really thankful for the upcoming election. I’ve been so disheartened by Trudeau and then Carney was worse, elite communist globalist taxaholics. I don’t like the Sharia innvsaion and the anti Christian anti Jewish attacks. I’m concerned about aging.
I really enjoyed Bruce Coburn. This week, Friday, after the ophthalmologist , we have tickets to the VSO and Chopin.
Thank you God for all your blessings. Thank you for the rain that so helps the plants and trees and flowers. Thanks you for cleaning ladies. Thanks you for Kevin who will fix the camper with the insurance folk. Thank for Kelvin who keeps this unit function and will replace the toilet in the camper before I take it to Nappeanee after the first week of May. It’s only a month and some away. Amazing. I’ve a tight schedule with the IDAA Spokane conference in July and international AA convention here in July.
I enjoyed going to St. Barnabus Church with Madigan who was a perfect gentleman
I loved getting steaks and pork chops and sausages for Laura and me for her visit . When she’s here next time I’ll have to order chinese or me and Ed’s’ pizza.
I bought a bread maker and had to make three loaves before I got it right. The yeast was the issue. All three tasted great but the third one rose and looked like a good loaf.
I’ve made a couple of pounds of roast Ethiopian beans in the roaster. I had a lot of green beans so great to get them roasted. I’ve really enjoyed the taste.
I’ve written a couple of chapters on my Addiction book. Must continue.
I’ve walked Madigan three or four times a day. Away I was able to make 10,000 steps but back I’ve been doing 4000 steps. On the weekend we had a River walked. Great blue heron sighting. One by the little river rapids and another standing on a blank overlooking the river. I ‘ve fasted a couple of days since return. I am overweight and must lose weight if only to ease the back pain.
I am reading King Authro series , Bernard Cornwell. Enemy of God. Last year I enjoyed his Stonehenge book. I completed the Oxford course , Archeology Prehistory, Ritual and Religion. I actually got 10 CAT points thanks to Adell and Aim. I was overwhelmed with court work in the course despite my trying to clear the scheduled . I plan to do another course next year on mysticism and spirituality. I’ve no time this year but I love the learning. I’ve got the course load for the CME with IDAA and I want to do the Pacific psychopharmacology course that’s held in November. I’ve a CME Doctors of BC speciality meeting and with my mentoring I’m definitely sufficiently active despite my age. I’m doing elational work for George with the Wednesday group so not isolateing.
I really am blessed and thankful. God is good all the time. Thank you Jesus.