Monday, March 24, 2025

March Spring Rains

Spring rains persist. Regular downpours and cloudy days. I am missing the sun and dessert but actually rather content to be home
The Merry Maids came today. They did a fabulous job despite Madigan supervising them with barks and growers. I took him to Macdonald’s for a burger. It allowed them into my garage office. I’d spent this weekend cleaning it up and surprisingly it just needed sorting rather than a storage locker run. I did get rid of another bag for the Diabetes foundation. Returning I was delighted by the order and cleanliness of the place.

I’ve been looking at Thor Class A motorhomes.  Ernest and Nicolina showed me there’s and I’m so impressed. It’s not as big at Peter and Larry’s Tiffany.  It about 32 feet I think, Thor Hurricane with one slide. That’s had me looking at motorhomess.  I’m seeing lots of second hand range I could afford and am sure I ‘need’ one this year.  This fifth wheel is really terrific but big and I don’t want to learn the driving skills to haul it. I’ve used tow trucks but the costs have increased.  Besides after a couple of months down south with my camper I’ve decided I’d like to be mobile. If I can’t haul this because back up into things with trailers I can get a bus and haul my mini.  I will have to find a way to put the Vespa on board though an electric bicycle will do fine.
I have an ophthalmology apt so will know if I’m likely to be driving for the next decade or so to justify getting another vehicle. I’m reminded how sad Dad was when his eyes tight went. I’m already going dreaf and am getting by in situations where I couldn’t before with the expensive hearing aids. I’m hoping this cyborg tendency will continue with the eyes and maybe better glasses will solve the problem Though it may be cataracts and more anxiety. I ‘m such a wooz when it comes to myself.  I muddle through with no choice but all I do is pray. Prayer is all I can do.
Madigan is being pretty good.  Growls at me with wagging tail.  Ripped up my new linen sheet when Laura came but really was a gentleman in church.  He was wearing his new rain coat but doesn’t like me putting it on.  
I can’t get over how much I’m liking my home again.  I’ve completely cleaned out the mouse dropping problem. It wasn’t as bad this year as when I’ve returned previous years. I got rid of any invitations and put out mouse replellants and traps though I caught none.

There’s an election in April. I’ve given money to the Federal Conservative Party, Pierre Poilevre and our local Burnaby PC candidate.  

I contacted the CMDA and asked to pay my annual dues. When they contacted me I was away so now I’ve money in the bank and time to address this. The only outstanding membership I think now is the Canadian Society of Addiction Medicine. My ISAM membership is on automatic pay. All the other memberships I believe are paid. I just seem to have been deluged since returning March 1.

It’s hard to believe how much I’ve done in 3 weeks.  A whole lot of patient calls, getting my home back, taking my camper in, and all the forms for Anil to do taxes and a weekend with Laura and Madigan getting groomed.  It’s been exhausting but now that it’s letting up I’m really pleased. This is the second Merry Maid visit and it’s just a joy to have the clean place and great smell of incense. I’ve also organized my clothing though I have more to take away.  I’ve been paid too so it’s been good to have the steady flow of work and money to maintain this all.

Also I’m really thankful for the upcoming election.  I’ve been so disheartened by Trudeau and then Carney was worse, elite communist globalist taxaholics.  I don’t like the Sharia innvsaion and the anti Christian anti Jewish attacks.  I’m concerned about aging. 

I really enjoyed Bruce Coburn.  This week, Friday, after the ophthalmologist , we have tickets to the VSO and Chopin. 

Thank you God for all your blessings. Thank you for the rain that so helps the plants and trees and flowers. Thanks you for cleaning ladies. Thanks you for Kevin who will fix the camper with the insurance folk.  Thank for Kelvin who keeps this unit function and will replace the toilet in the camper before I take it to Nappeanee after the first week of May. It’s only a month and some away.  Amazing. I’ve a tight schedule with the IDAA  Spokane conference in July and international AA convention here in July.

I enjoyed going to St. Barnabus Church with Madigan who was a perfect gentleman

I loved getting steaks and pork chops and sausages for Laura and me for her visit .  When she’s here next time I’ll have to order chinese or me and Ed’s’ pizza.  

I bought a bread maker and had to make three loaves before I got it right. The yeast was the issue.  All three tasted great but the third one rose and looked like a good loaf.

I’ve made a couple of pounds of roast Ethiopian beans in the roaster. I had a lot of green beans so great to get them roasted. I’ve really enjoyed the taste.  

I’ve written a couple of chapters on my Addiction book. Must continue.

I’ve walked Madigan three or four times a day. Away I was able to make 10,000 steps but back I’ve been doing 4000 steps. On the weekend we had a River walked.  Great blue heron sighting. One by the little river rapids and another standing on a blank overlooking the river. I ‘ve fasted a couple of days since return. I am overweight and must lose weight if only to ease the back pain.

I am reading King Authro series , Bernard Cornwell. Enemy of God. Last year I enjoyed his Stonehenge book. I completed the Oxford course , Archeology Prehistory, Ritual and Religion.  I actually got 10 CAT points thanks to Adell and Aim.  I was overwhelmed with court work in the course despite my trying to clear the scheduled . I plan to do another course next year on mysticism and spirituality.  I’ve no time this year but I love the learning. I’ve got the course load for the CME with IDAA and I want to do the Pacific psychopharmacology course that’s held in November. I’ve a CME Doctors of BC speciality meeting and with my mentoring I’m definitely sufficiently active despite my age. I’m doing elational work for George with the Wednesday group so not isolateing. 

I really am blessed and thankful. God is good all the time. Thank you Jesus. 


Sunday, March 16, 2025

Bruce Coburn at International Centre for the Performing Arts, Vancouver

It was a glorious night.  A spectacular performance. A quintessential Canadian experience.  A lifetime of achievement.  We were there.  In the Centre for the Performing Arts. Bruce Coburn .
It was a drizzly dark night and finding parking was a bit challenging. But waiting in line with the others excited as we were to be there was worth it. When the doors opened we filed in early. We had time to stand in the mirrored foyer and look about us at the others of our tribe.  Mostly older. Grey hair.  Successful  Conservative but definitely with a past.  No doubt parents and grand parents about us.  We smiled and were polite. Canadians. The excitement building till they let us in to our seats.
The stage backdrop was sun and moon.  In the centre were guitars and a place for the master to sit.  He came out to standing ovation.  I was even a bit teary eyed. This great man, Gandalf like, a bit stooped with age and arthritis walking spiritedly onto the stage. taking his seat to open with a bit of blues.  How simple and yet profound.  Something like the blues has the world by the balls.  He never shied from the profane in the power of his message.  A fellow near us wore a t shirt.  I wish I had a rocket launcher.  Bruce Coburn’s  brother served in the Canadian military. Bruce visited him in Afghanistan, the place where too many Canadian hero’s died. .A bit of a different take on Lennon’s ‘give peace a chance.’ I was a hippy once.   
And this was the man who’d written of his Christian conversion experience, the gentle agnostic, instilled with the passion. A mystic and philosopher.
I heard his music first in the 70’s touched by the sound of his guitar. I’d been drawn to John Mayer years later in the same way. The virtuosity.  Bruce Coburn is the master of guitar, like Ravi Shankar and the sitar.  
We think of Lightfoot as our national poet coming out of the country folk tradition. Bruce Coburn came out of Ottawa with that laurentian urban suburban canadian sound.. I loved his Al Purdy song the poet I read in high school in Winnipeg where  Guess Who gained fame. Joni Mitchell  out of Saskatchewan with her unique guitar sounds as distinctive as Ry Cooder music to the southern US.A uniqueness of sound .  I don’t even remember what Coburn song it was that guitar I heard that resonated with my own Canadian conscious and spoke of the genius of strings that I associate with symphony.
Tonight I thought often that his guitar had that multiple personality disorder thing going.  I have no idea how he does it but the sounds were singing out of that instrument like a choir. Truly a master musician who coupled words and music  with his gift for  guitar. I imagined his guitars are very happy. Joyful even.
His own distinctive voice and lyrics were mesmerizing. I was just thankful to be there. Thankful to be back in the Centre for the performing arts where I’d heard ‘Driving my Indian Car’ and  ‘I scare myself awake ‘songs by native folk singer so many years ago. 
 Laura was happy this night. I’d look over at her face and see her smiling.  We’re growing old together and enjoy the wisdom in the words of this man who was so observant in his songs commenting on people and places, singing memories of eras past.
Some kind of ecstasy has a hold on me.   Wondering where the lions are. Wondering where the lions are.  That was the song so many years ago that lifted me out of some moment of despair.  There after when it came on the radio .and it did so often. my soul like a child within, danced.  I felt the joy again. That one song worth the night drive in the dark and rain.  I’d known he’d sing it. That or Lovers in a Desperate Time.  Those were always my favourites.  And it was worth it.  Some kind of ecstasy has a hold on me.
Well we sang along. Wondering where the lions are. Wondering lions are. We all stood and applauded long and hard for an encore.  He came out and played again. A trooper. Serving the packed hall.  We applauded long after he’d gone.
Holding Laura close we moved with the crowd to the dark and drizzling night.  I found the car and drove home to our waiting dog.  I’ve been listening to Bruce Coburn 50 years or more and finally got to see him in person. It was worth the wait . Just to hear him play guitar.  His style and the sounds it made were quite impossible but truly spiritual. We’d been in the presence of grace and majesty. An unmistakable moment with the divine.  Faces glowed in the foyer. I felt closer to Laura and closer to God coming home.  It was going to be okay. 
Thank you Bruce Coburn for your talent skill genius  hard work and discipline.  Thank you for your calling.  Thank you for an unforgettable evening.

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Home, Burnaby, BC

The whirlwind continues but the end is in sight.  I arrived back from the US last Friday. I stayed in my camper until Saturday morning when my Fusion returned. I’m very thankful.  Paul of CW Towing did a great job of delivery.  My sailboat had been 40 feet and my Fusion is  40 feet but twice width and slicing space. My camper is only 20 feet and half the living space.  
I’m now considering a 30 foot Motorhome but obviously can’t afford it.  I tend to trade though . And while this was bought new I’d consider a second hand less than 5 year old and 20,000 km unit.  
I like two bathrooms on this unit but it’s really more a consideration from my hunting days.  I was also planning on leaving to be with my brother when he became ill.  I’ve been in limbo since and covid struck. Besides I’m aging and friends are dying.  I also keep working and enjoying virtual work especially.  I’ve owned three houses all lost with divorces and rent other houses and apartments.  I’m ambivalent about Vancouver but my work is here. I’ve almost gone to Calgary because Alberta has so much to offer.  But I stay.  The clinics I work with and our College now is all just fine.  I’m content.  
I know I’m supposed to be writing books and have several in the works but that’s a lonely pursuit. I’m enjoying participating in the present world. I love my meetings on line and in person.  It’s all a challenge to consider.
Once the home was back I had to get Kelvin from Travco over to fix the furnace and sewage.  Everything needs work and maintenance. I loved hearing the guy say even God needed Adam to tend the garden. I’m god’s hands and so are others. I only have a problem when I lack gratitude and begin to question the process.  
I’m downsizing.  I’ve taken three green garbage bags today to the Diabetes Bin.  I’ve a storage locker with intent to halve the size if I can find someone to supervise me. I get all naostalgi and nothing progresses when I’m there alone.  
I took the Camper and truck out to John’s. He figured the damage would benefit from an insurance assessment and Kevin of Adventure could do it. The trouble is time. I wanted to drive the camper and truck down to Napanee to see my brothers home on HayBay. My sister in law has put it up for sale so she can return to Ottawa where she had two grand children and a third on the way. She’s been a brick driving all that distance to visit and help.  I like that I can pick up my s boat and outboard and bring those back. That’s the candy. I could just fly down and visit but I like the idea of having my own place and the Vespa and the means to bring the boat back. I imagine hunting with the boat and fishing.  
This summer is an IDAA international conference for a week in Spokane and the International AA conference in Vancouver in the summer.  It’s quite the series of events and I’m looking forward to that.  
I bought tickets to Bruce Cobuirn while I was away loving his music and loving especially his song Wondering where the lions are .  It’s next weekend but it also gave me a time to aim for return.  Having the tickets I resisted staying south longer.  2 months was sufficient.  
I’ve an eye exam. I catastrophes so the thought of driving RV’s and motorcycles about depends upon an eye exam.  All my friends have cataracts but here I am with diminished hearing, diminished eye sight, dismissed physical functioning and dismissed sexual performance.  Since I fell in Edinburgh on Arthur’s Seat I have had limiting back pain. I will make a chiropractor appointment this week as week.  I temporize.  
The Merry Maids are coming tomorrow.
I had the same problems last year with mice in storage. I had a mouse problem in the fall.  I want a cat.  It was an occasional pest with Madigan barking at it in the mice. I learned that if I left a loaf of bread out there’d be dibble mark.  I put out eight traps , the sticky kind, and a lot of mice deterrent when I put it in storage. I also made sure there was no food.   I cleaned everything.  That’s the superficial cleaning as the girls will do the deep dive.  
I took 8 bags of laundry to the Tikipoo Launderers. This was the stuff from the camper and the blankets from here.  The mice had got into one bag of clothing but just left a pee smell.  I took off all the pillow cases. I also used the time to cull clothing and sheets .  Three garbage bags to the Diabtes Canada. All clean.  I was pleased the mouse didn’t get into cupboards like they had that first year.  
With Covid I was in survival mode and had a whole lot of cans and bags of food and extras in case of society breakdown. As the first year completed and life continued as normal I’ve been eating up the cans and food stuffs .  At least I don’t have all the toilet paper Laura still has :)  
I still want to go to Berlin, Vienna and Venice.  I think that can be a journey.  In winter I still want to go south. I’m afraid of Covid and pneumonia .  I’d really like to return to Ireland and sometimes think of Thailand.  I mostly think of touring the US in a motorhome..
Having a dog makes all the difference. He wouldn’t like a high rise apartment like I had in the past.  I’d really like a yard and even chickens and a burro.  The desires and dereams. Buddh said desire is the root of suffering.
I’m actually very content and grateful. I’ve had a really busy return. I like the expeditions and appreciate what I have here now. I was growing sedentary before leaving and now I’m restored .I love the sun.  Right now I’m roasting Ethiopian green coffee beans.  I’m looking forward to the best of coffee. I’d like to return to Africa too.  I did the Oxford course and am thinking of doing another on the mystics.  
Spirituality is all.  God is great all of the time.  
It’s lent and I’m fasting today.  I have steaks I could barbecue in the fridge but if all goes well I’ll fast till tomorrow morning.  I’m tempted to break my fast though with the steak .  
I picke up a couple of plants that do well in low light. The snake plant is like the one Laura gave me before. It and the bonsai didn’t do well with me but Laura resurrected both while I was away. I discussed this at the garden store and figure I overwatered the snake plant.  The other plant likes low light but likes water too. So I’ve got a new start.  Laura wanted to return the plants but I think that would be unkind to the Bonzai that she really did resurrect. I think that plant will like being with her with her apartment and lots of light and lother plants.  The snake plant might return but it could stay with her too.  
Madigan has been anxious with all the change and bugging me. Very needy and cuddling and following me about even more than normal. I think he’s settling a bit and certainly likes being here. He loves walks in the neighbours hood.  His rain coats from Bosleys are working well.  
Thank you God for all the help returning. Thank you for my homes and friends and possessions.  Thank you for the efficiency and planning and the success so far of these endeavours .Help me to prepare for the next excursion.  

Friday, March 7, 2025

Burnaby return, missed another wet and cold winter!

What a whirlwind of activity since I returned to Canada last Friday night.  I’ve missed another Canadian Vancouver Winter with the coughs and flu and rain and snow. Instead I was in Arizona, Mexico and Southern California at the Fountain of Youth RV Spa enjoying the sun, desert air and mineral hot springs.  It was hard to return but I surely enjoyed the green of Oregon and the forests of Washington. I enjoyed seeing the ocean in Seatlle too. I dreamed of sailing last night and saw a Macgregor up for sale yesterday.  My eyes have been a staring driving 6-8 hours a day and night driving is even more challenging.  I find it hard to read the small letters of the signs at night going at 70 miles an hour.
It was great to see the friends and folk I know in Burnaby.  Just terrific to see Dave and Helena, Mac and Kim.  Having travelled for months among strangers it’s good to be where people know your name and faces are familiar. 
I continued to work virtually with a deluge of phone calls and text requests. It always reminds me of my medical colleagues who stopped leaving their practices because the amount of work before and on return obviated any vacation benefit. I’ve beers able to keep the flow going working the whole time I’ve been way. The joy has been the three day weekends when I’ve been able to ride my Vespa about touring and exploring. The lawn chair also got its fair use.
Seeing Laura again on the weekend was a thrill.  We had a terrific day at her place. She served me a ham sandwich and coffee.  I tell people I miss the grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup Mom made for me when I came home from lunch.  Dozens have commented that their mom’s did the same and we’d gone blurry eyed with nostalgia.  Laura’s ham sandwich was that little bit of love. Madigan was ecstatic to see her demonstrating kangaroo genes with his jumping up and down.  He humped his bed which I think Laura’s sister’s dog Molly must also use because he becomes like a frat guy with stolen panties around the dog bed.  At least he was entertained and distracted so Laura and I could visit. We text most days and send photos but there’s nothing like a real hug.  
I enjoyed seeing Kevin too and passing on the tolled leathers scabbards that I’d bought him and Anna in Mexico.  I’d brought them in the back seat of the truck and declared them at customs.  
Most of what I was doing with any spare time was collecting the files from banks and credit card servers for Anil my accountant.  
I’d also had to get a photo with an application and credit card info for the renewal of my gun license. 
It doesn’t rain but it pours.  The Canadian Post office in Lougheed mall had kept mail for me as had Laura so that despite trying to keep up with the deluge of demands and information I had more paperwork and obligations.  The phone never stopped ringing with constant messages but each night I’d shut down after walking Madigan three times in the day. I’d watch Landman on my iPad and have dinner.
Madigan had needed grooming because his poop was getting caught in his bum hair so that was a huge event. He then had diarrhea for two days after being at the Vets for sedation and getting his hair cut and nails trimmed. Dr. Biernacki on North Road does a wonderful job. Best vet and staff ever.  I only had the Vespa and the day I took him in and picked him up it was raining off and on. I was fortunate to have his Cowichan sweater but we immediately went to Bosley’s to get a lined rain coat. I’m sure I have one or two in storage but not here and now when I need it.
A trip to Full Basket Butchers in New Westminster had me stocked with sausages and steak to barbecue as well as sandwich meat.  
I was so thankful to make it to my men’s meeting and see George who has bought himself a new beautiful Buick with ambient lighting and the best map display. I could have used that in LA.  He’s definitely a car fan and we all love his red thunderbird. Now this car makes him look like a CEO  for sure.
It’s been a whirlwind.P
I’m waiting for Paul to bring my RV in from John’s Storage in Chilliwack so I can transfer what I need from this camper to the bigger home. Kelvin of Travco is coming this afternoon to fit a bit we’d noticed i needed when we put the big rig away.  I’m hoping for help transferring stuff like my refrigerator goods and clothing.  It’s really not much but it seems like it. I’m going to be back in the camper May June to go to Ontario and pick up my boat and outboard and see my brothers home now up for sale, one last time. I sure do miss him and family. I take everything and everyone for granted then they’re gone and I am left with the Swiss Cheese heart.  Mom and Dad, Aunt Sally, the grandparents, my brother, my friends. Carl, Hank, Archie, George, Vivian, Phillip . so many more. The death collect.  I’m over the hump and the past is pushing out of the boxes like the storage locker I must cull. 
It’s a good life.
I was glad to get to St. Barnabus.  I’ve been blessed so much. I’m really grateful for all the people and love in my life and the opportunities to serve.  I’m growing still as a person and might yet get out of adolescences. I’m surprised at what I know.  It’s shocking given all the study.  It’s there and I’m still reading. Loved listening to audio books the way home . I liked watching the Reacher series and reading the history of the Canadian forces invading Scicily.  I’m right now reading Louise Penny the truly remarkable Canadian novelist.  
Thank you Jesus. Thank you God. Thank you God of Gods. 

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Burnaby Cariboo RV Park, Burnaby , BC

It was great to return home to Canada
I had a little glych at the Border Crossing. I took the Nexus lane even though the regular lane as just as long. The American’s border agent told my my Nexus had gone through as the computer had told me I was approved. I just didn’t have the card because of the Canadian postal strike before I left.  I had to stop and park my car and go to the counter.  
There young people were being caught by the drug sniffing dog.  Madigan was left in the truck for now. I didn’t like it but I had to pee.  I’m an older man and I’d been hustling to get across the border and home before darkness. My eyes have to strain to read signs at high speed on freeways.  I have had problems at border crossing in my youth. Not as an adult.  Still I tried to hold it till I asked to use the washroom and had to remember a code to get in the washroom which I promptly forget and had to ask again. No visit from the dog. I peed. Relief. 
Then they asked permission to search my truck and camper.  I was fine with everything and pleasant on the outside.
Inside I had the normal array of crazy paranoid and psychotic thoughts.  Maybe while I was away the Communist Chinese have taken over Canada. Maybe they’re going to plan t drugs on me.  Maybe they’ve read my social media tweets suggesting Canadians Liberal leaders sodomize beavers and moose.  They were all perfectly professional and very young.  I’d held Madigan while they my stuff and I could help but think of the FBI and Melania’s panty drawers.  It’s all invasive and intrusive but I confess while I didn’t approve of the FBI searching the First Lady’s panty drawer I was fine.  It was just dark now and driving the rest of the way into the city was a strain. I thanked them and said how much I appreciated the border guard since it forced people to come through the front door.  
All my crazy thinking was for nought.  I was back in western Canada.  Space aliens may have taken over the bodes in Ottawa but not in Burnaby.  
It was so nice to see a friendly face and set up like I had for a couple of months .I’m quite adept with this camper and soon even had StarLink up.  I loved my site. The park is so clean and green and well laid out. I was glad the market was still open. There’s an excellent selection for RV’s . I was able to get microwaveable dinners and so enjoyed the shepherd pie.  Cola and ice cream.  Madigan loves to share ice cream. A spoonful is what he gets though he’d like the whole tub.

I’d driven up from Eugene and had been travelling from Salton Sea in Southern California.  I was really nice to be home in Canada. These two months in the southern sunshine have been exquisite. My friend George described his time in Palm Springs and how he enjoyed returning to the green of BC.  I certainly feel that in Burnaby after the brown of the dessert

It’s warm. A little chill at night.  I walked Madigan about the park again and he certainly seemed to enjoy pissing and sniffing in all his old favourite spots. I was able to have coffee and attend an online meetings still feeling thankful having completed this latest expedition.  Laura said she thought it was great I’d missed another winter. She’s been telling me about the rain and snow and flus.  Yes I’m blessed as a mobile nomad sort of person.  

Today I unloaded the Vespa. Madigan rode with me to Bosley’s where we bought his Tiki France and Greece wet food. He’s spoiled.  I took him with me when I went to the PO picking up mail and sending registered male .  

Dave and Helena were back at the place.  Helena’s son is in college and the younger one in high school. Dave;s daughters are well.  Nothing much has changed but they’ve survived the winter. The sun was out, blue sky and warm.  I left Madigan in the camper and made a run to drop off my laundry to pick up tomorrow. Madigan has been book with the vet to be groomed.  Then a trip to Full Basket my favourite butcher. I wanted to celebrate with their steaks.  Madigan agrees I also bought chickens and sausages . They’re such a difference in the quality of meat from this butcher.  Spoiling myself

I love that there are all these shops and services close to the Burnaby Cariboo RV park.  Pretty well in the city.  Such friendly people.  I am so glad to be back.  It’s a moving world of its own.  Peter and Larry who I’d spent a couple of weeks with in LA pass through here later in the year.  I did 2 months in the south whereas most of snowbirds do 3 or 4 months. 

I have a trip planned out east in a couple of months to visit my great nephews.  I like mobility. It’s a lot of work though and I never appreciated that years back when I looked at campers and trailers . I do like the lifestyle.  

Watching Reacher last night on tv I enjoyed his statement, “for thousands of years there have been people who like to stay around the campfire and others who liked to wanders. I’m sure I’m related to the wanderers. ‘. I agree and I’ve a life time of coming and going and now I really enjoy the being here but I loved being at Foutain of Youth RV park last month.  

Thank you God for keeping us safe on these travels and for providing these wonderful safe havings and stopping places .

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Eugene Oregon, Deerwood RV Park

I’ve been here a couple of days. Yesterday I worked virtual with computer and doxy me iPad virtual and iPhone. It was all okay. I’m glad to be able to serve and know the patients well. There were three new assessments and that was good too knowing that I was part of the greater team contributing to the broken health care system with the unacceptable delays and all the doctors stretched.  
I walk Madigan.  It’s fairly idyllic here.  Chilly and rainy at night but just windy in the morning. In the afternoon there was rain.
A transformer blew in the wind. I was thankful for my Honda 3200 generator. I’d only used it for air conditioning once before but now it truly was a life saver. I need electricity for the Starlink wifi. The local wifi was out with the power.  
I was able to see the new patients and do the assessments and fax new medication requests to the pharmacy.  All thanks to the generator.  It took them 4 hours or so to repair the transformers and get the power back. I spoke with the lady at the front desk and she was kind enough to tell me I’d know the power was back on when the lights went on in the office.
I ordered Pizza from Roaring Rapids Pizza.  They delivered. It was delicisious.  Meat pizza.  The garlic bread sticks were fine but not what I get from Me&Ed’s at home. It speaks to my nostalgia.  I really like Me&Eds’ garlic bread. The pizza from Roaring Rapids was excellent and watching tv on my laptop I ate half of a large one. I was watching the exciting British SAS series.  I’d lost the channel changer so the tv was down. I rather enjoyed the lap top and understand why folk don’t own tv’s.  My tv screen is just a little bigger and really has its value when Laura is here and I we watch tv together. I set it up on the galley counter and put it away in the bedroom in its spot on the wall.  I’ve the microwave and electric espresso maker out on the wall. I put them away under the table travelling with the mesh rope to hold them in. I really do like the space.  It works almost as well as my yacht used to.  
Life is good.
I pray and meditate. I think of God and time. I’m not as present as I would be. I’m a little in the future looking forward to heading north again on Friday.  I’m looking forward to being back in Canada. 

It was great news hearing we’ve another addition to the family coming.  I shared that with Laura and she immediately said how happy that would make Adell.  She would know.

Thank you Jesus for this day. Thank you for this travelling home and all the functional aspects of it that allow me to work and travel.  Thank you for Madigan. Thank you Jesus.